Chapter 58

Chapter 59

Sock nodded in agreement with what Mark said, but did not interrupt what Mark said.Still quietly listening to Mark's next speech.

"In fact, things like myths, or myths created by humans, are just serving people. Maybe they are entertainment for people after dinner, or they may achieve some necessary goals, but these artificial myths are still It's just a man-made myth, and you can't treat it as real history. Therefore, it is of little reference value, and it can only be said that these man-made myths have influenced some kingdoms in Northern Europe." Mark said slowly
Suoke finally couldn't help it anymore, and asked out of curiosity in his heart: "You have been emphasizing man-made myths, why can't these myths be true?"

"Really?" Mark sneered: "Take Norse mythology as an example! Some books say that Loki is Odin's sworn brother, and some books say that Loki is Odin's son. So the myth is just man-made. Compiled, just like I said that Odin is blind in one eye, wearing a golden eye patch, holding a golden spear, and an old man with white hair, do you believe this is Odin?"

Mark spoke to Sock in a half-joking tone, and Mark didn't expect Sock to believe what he said.

"I believe it!" Sock looked at Mark with a firm expression and said.

"Hahaha! You can believe the nonsense. I also said that Heimdall is an authentic black man!" Mark still had some doubts about the humorous lady in front of him.

So continue to speak in a joking tone.

But when Mark said that Heimdall was black, the other party's expression obviously changed.Even for a split second, Mark caught it.

The other party obviously knows that Heimdall is a black man... Then the other party is very likely to be the god in Asgard.

But Mark never thought of the Asgardian god named Sock.

Sok laughed awkwardly.

"Actually, mythology is just a matter of laughing, there is no need to take it too seriously. After all, it is a high god! Even if there is one, what does it have to do with us? A mortal like me is just being treated by those high gods." It’s just God’s control.” Mark opened his palm and moved his fingers, trying to hold the violent and familiar power in his hands.

But the prohibition buried in Mark's body suppressed this force again.

"Sorry, we seem to be digressing." Mark also gradually began to change the topic to other aspects.Be prepared to insinuate yourself for some news.

"No, I think what you said is very good." Sock said with an indifferent look: "I want to ask, in Norse mythology, which god do you like the most?"

"Which one? You're going to stump me. If I have to say which one I like more, I will choose the creator of Ragnarok. Vulcan Loki." Mark slowly said After drinking coffee, he thought for a while before speaking.

"I have seen worshipers of Odin, Thor, and Heimdall. But the first time I saw a worshiper of Loki." Sock said slightly surprised .

"That's just a taller one among the dwarves. After all, he was born as a god, and he created Ragnarok. This feat alone is enough to make me like it. If the creator of Ragnarok is someone else , I might not like him that much." Mark shrugged.

"I see. But why are you so disgusted with the Nordic gods?" Sock still didn't understand.

Mark paused for a moment, thinking about the fact that he was sealed on the top of the snow.

"That's because...forget it, it's useless to tell you." Mark was sure that the other party was an Asgardian god.

If not, Mark washes his hair upside down.

"I don't really want to talk about this topic, let's change the topic!"


In the end, the chat didn't last too long, and Sock was more curious about Mark's evaluation of the Nordic gods.

Mark inadvertently mentioned some gods of other pantheons later.

But I have no interest in those gods at all.

It can also be seen from this point.

In an apartment in Monaco, Mark can finally take a hot shower.During this period of time, Mark almost felt like he was going to be moldy.

After all, his identity is really a bit tricky now, so Mark tried not to go to all crowded places.

Of course, it would not be a big problem for Mark to go to a place like a bar where there are a lot of fish and dragons.

Turning off the faucet, the water in the shower gradually became smaller, Mark looked at the water dripping from his body, and recalled his behavior yesterday.

In a daze, she followed Suoke back to her apartment.

Mark wondered if he was being hinted by some magic or action.The vigilant self would never do this at this sensitive time.

But the fact is that he really did it.

Outside the bathroom, Sock knocked on the door and said, "Mark, I put the change of clothes outside. I will throw away your old clothes."

"Thank you!" Mark said while looking outside.

"Hey, thank you for what you said, aren't we friends? Helping each other is what we should do! Well, don't talk so much, come out and eat right away. And your phone rang just now." Sock Put your clothes outside the bathroom and say.

Mark walked out of the bathroom and looked at the clean clothes. These clothes were just bought, and they were obviously prepared a long time ago.And even knowing his own size, Mark began to worry a little.

This is worrying about how familiar I am with myself!Especially Mark is not strong enough to face it now.

Mark picked up the phone by the sink and dialed it back.

The only person who knew about this call was Tony Stark.

Tony's lazy voice sounded again.

"Mark, if possible, I still hope you go to Copenhagen. If there, my private jet can pick you up."

Mark didn’t say much: “A few days.”

"After three days, the plane will wait for you there for three days. So you have six days to wait."

"It's not a big problem." Mark said while putting on his clothes.

"Mark, are you leaving?" Sok asked who was standing outside the bathroom.

"You still have a female voice over there, it seems that you are having a good life!" Tony said with a teaser.

To be continued
(End of this chapter)

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