Chapter 576

Chapter 575
Seymour, a slightly famous force in the universe.

It is not without any foundation that they call themselves an empire, a huge star field, and a prosperous capital planet.

However, the empire fell at this moment.

As early as when fighting the Sovereigns, they had already lost all the planets except the capital planet.

The residents living on those planets have already returned to this capital planet.

It may sound unbelievable, but it is true in fact. Seymour's fertility is not as high as imagined, and most of the colonial areas have more land and less land.

There are not many fish that slip through the net, and most of them are merchants who go to other star fields for trade.

Civilization ends here.


"My lord, shall we do it now?" the Chitauri operator asked the elder.

"Wait a little longer, the big guy will definitely show up. If he doesn't show up, we will take away all the crystals on this planet."

Elder Chitauri already knew Mark's purpose for this planet.They can use high-energy crystals as a trap to attract Mark to appear, and then enter their trap.

Sure enough, within a few hours, two spaceships jumped into this star field.

"Lock those two spaceships and identify them."

"My lord, we have identified the target. They have been identified."

"All ships launch a jump attack." Elder Chitauri issued an order to attack.

The tails of all the ships glowed with a dark red light, pushing the ships forward slowly. In the next second, these ships disappeared into the star field and entered the connection point.

Most ships cannot activate their weapon systems while jumping.The vast majority of weapon systems are energy applications, and during the jumping process, it is likely to cause energy disturbances, resulting in self-detonation.

No one dared to take such a huge risk.

Of course, some ships can indeed do this after installing special devices, which are like battlecruisers made by humans.

The weapon system is always in a charged state, and the turret can fire immediately after jumping.

Of course, you can also choose to restart the weapon system after the jump.

Most of the battles in the universe now are to restart the weapon system after jumping. The comparison between the two sides is whose weapon system can restart faster.

Moreover, during the battle, the opponent is very likely to use a paralyzing attack, causing the opponent's ship to fall into a short-term misfire state.

Restarting the weapon system is crucial at this time.

But these chitauri don't seem to realize what they're about to face.

The spherical ships emitting a long green light drifted past. In the vast universe, they were not so bright, and even the things they left behind were unnoticed.

The dark green light group in the core area gives people a mysterious feeling.

After the Chitauri fleet jumped, the energy emitted from the small things left by the previous stars wrapped them up.

This is a trap!
Even the Chitauri, who are not very smart enough, are aware of the seriousness of the problem!
Stasis enchantment.

For Protoss whose archeology is to improve technology, this technology can be regarded as backward technology.On the original arbiter, there was a generator with a stagnant position, and with the fall of Aiur, many technological and historical materials were also destroyed during this period.

This includes the stasis stance generator used by the Arbiter.

However, the scientists of Protoss did not give up because of this, they developed another alternative device.

It's just that compared to the generator equipped on the ship that can be launched at any time, this kind of gadget is a bit inferior.

The only advantage of these things is that there is no need to risk expensive warships like the Arbiter ahead.It's like a land mine, waiting for the lucky guy to strike.

The builders of the Nerazim called them Prophet Ships.

Because the conditions for those who want to control this ship are very high.These people must try their best to understand and control the essence of time, and use their unique knowledge to help them efficiently control ships on the battlefield to reverse the situation on the battlefield.

Although Arbiter's technology is undoubtedly backward, its uniqueness also makes many protoss commanders love it.

For example, in terms of action, it can be regarded as the fastest support ship, faster than the slow and cumbersome Arbiter, I don't know how many times.

But if you think about it carefully, the reason why the Arbiter is so slow is mainly because the amount of technology it carries is too much.

The arbitrator is completely equivalent to the combination of the mothership core and the prophet, and even the technological level is still above.Slow flight is really not necessarily a fatal flaw.

Mark had discussed with Artanis in private about the choice between the arbiter and the prophet.

Artanis said frankly to Mark: "Compared to the Prophet, he prefers the bulky and powerful arbitrators before. As long as they are on the battlefield, the situation has been reversed."

It's a pity that the number of pilots of these prophets is extremely rare, and each of them is like a baby.

At the same time, as the most advanced protoss technology before the union, the cost is also extremely expensive.

It is hard to imagine that a ship emitting green light actually represents the highest technology of the protoss, and at the same time can touch time and space, such a mysterious theory.

Today, however, these prophets prove their worth with their practical actions.

Mark naturally didn't know where the Chitauri would jump, so he placed a lot of stasis barriers around them.

Of course, not only these marks but also called several arbitrators to come here.

The stasis blockade constructed by arbitrators and prophets leaves these chitauri without any loopholes to exploit.

A Chitauri who is frozen in the barrier can't do anything.

Floating in the universe is like a frozen ice sculpture.The fleet that had always been huge was now less than half of what was capable of fighting.

But it's not over yet.

The presence of the arbitrators came one after another, and the blue stagnant energy swept across most of the battlefield.

The remaining half of the battleships fell into the imprisonment of the Arbiter.

With less than 1/4 of the fleet left, what needs to be faced is not only the second expedition from Sowerin, but also Mark's golden fleet (detachment).

If Narud hadn't mentioned Mark before, Mark wouldn't even think of such a thing as a prophet.

In fact, the performance of the Prophet in the game made Mark not very optimistic, thinking of it as a harassing unit.The enchantment that can be placed can only be placed on the ground.

In many later battles, the opponent is likely to have stronger air power, and the ground will be gradually abandoned.The value of pinning also decreases rapidly.

And when he was reborn into the interstellar world, Mark rarely came into contact with the warship Prophet.The main aspect is naturally as mentioned before, bringing together the most advanced technology of Protoss.

No matter how good the relationship between Mark and the archbishop is, no matter how much he has paid, he cannot be regarded as a real Protoss in the final analysis.

Especially this kind of thing, which also masters time and space, it is completely reasonable for Mark not to be able to touch it.

It was only after Narud's kind reminder that Mark understood how terrifying the influence the prophet could exert.

However, Mark didn't know that, in fact, in private, Narud had already established a stasis chain in the orbit of the moon.

This is the most important part of ensuring the safety of the Mark Moon Base.

Sowerin's Second Expeditionary Fleet rushed forward first.

Although I don't know why Thanos' fleet appeared here, but the appearance of this death fleet shows that the situation is already heading for the worst.

It is almost impossible to escape from here calmly and safely. This death fleet will relentlessly bite any prey that tries to escape, and will not stop until it is killed.

This time Mark did not bring the group of Guardians of the Galaxy.

Mark's purpose is to let them understand how cruel the space war is.Just defeating Sovereign once does not mean that most of the forces in the universe are weak chickens.

Large warships have been immobilized.Several small ships around tried to contact, but the final results all ended in failure.

Seeing a golden fleet (Soverin) approaching rapidly, the captains of the remaining ships issued an order for a surprise attack.

Some ships equipped with small fighter jets dispatched all the fighter jets to form the first interception network.

The structure of these small fighters is very similar to that of Necromancer spaceships, but the firepower they are equipped with is not a concept at all.

There is indeed a huge difference between the direct line and the non-direct line.

The energy shield of Mark's flagship is turned on, and spiritual damage cannot harm it.But this does not mean that Mark, they are safe now.

The two destroyers did not know when they were staring at Mark and the others.

Although it is called a destroyer, it is not small at all. The turrets on both sides are constantly firing red lasers.

Every laser can accurately hit the flagship where Mark is.

Other ships also tended to approach Mark.The other party's purpose can be said to be extremely obvious, and Mark is not a fool. It can be seen that these guys are clearly targeting themselves.

"Start the ram and get close to combat."

Although this flagship is equipped with a lot of energy weapons, it faces enemies far more numerous than its own. Continuing to fight at long distances can only become a living target for the opponent.

Mark is not sure how long the Second Sovereign Expeditionary Fleet can last, so it is necessary to annihilate these ships in the shortest possible time.

Close combat is the best option, unless the opponent doesn't care about a ship attacking directly.Mark believes that with his excellent shield, he can block a lot of damage, but that is not necessarily the case for the opponent's ship.

(End of this chapter)

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