Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 573 Father and Son Talking Hearts

Chapter 573 Father and Son Talking Hearts
Chapter 572

unbeatable!That's the first impression Mark wants to make.

An invincible person has no desire to resist in his heart.Without the desire to resist, it will be much easier and more convenient to manipulate in the later stage.

Mark didn't want to come to so many intrigues and didn't have so much time.Mark has to deal with a more difficult enemy here, Egg.

Although Mark has a variety of cost means.Although he has made complete preparations, Mark does not believe that the living planets that have survived in the universe since the beginning of the universe will be wiped out so easily by himself.

If necessary, Mark is even prepared to use the Infinity Stones to directly eliminate Ego, which is the safest result.

Of course, the prerequisite is that if necessary, Mark cannot guarantee the result of using those infinite gems.

Thanos has the physique of a Titan, and after using the Infinity Stone, he also caused great damage to himself.

As for the injuries shown in the final battle, he used the power of the infinite gems to destroy the infinite gems, and he was lucky not to kill him directly.

Iron Man's last snap of his fingers wiped out all the creatures of the dark order led by Thanos. The price he paid for this was life, and the limit of human beings is like this.

This actually leads to the most classic conclusion, which has been confirmed by countless people over a long period of time.

The more proficient in the development of technology, the more you will discover the fact that human beings are fragile, unless they surpass human beings.

Reader: "Are you going to say 'I'm not a human anymore' in your next sentence?"

Author: "I have learned to rush to answer (cross-dimensional chat)."

In the infinite multiverse, countless superheroes rely more on external power, and some are not human at all, they just have the shell of human beings.

The simplest example is the little spider Peter Parker.

Can a human take a punch from the Winter Soldier's mechanical arm with his bare hands?
Of course not, Steve Rogers is the best representative of human beings.

In fact, Mark has already prepared for himself a long time ago, another body, just like Eamon.But Mark is a body created by his own genes.

From a certain concept, it is an extension of one's own body, and it is still one's own body.


Ayesha looked at the men in front of her, and she completely gave up struggling.Knowing the gap between them, only a little help is needed to completely shatter his last arrogance.

But the shattered person is thinking about putting together the fragmented and proud heart, but it is as difficult as reaching the sky.

This is like the fall of an angel. It is easy to fall, but it is more difficult to be pure.

She looked into Mark's eyes, as if they could penetrate everything, including her thoughts.

However, this is nothing more than her self-consciousness being hypnotized.

Mark could indeed see through his thoughts, but he couldn't see through everything.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

"There are countless brilliant civilizations in the universe, and countless races live in this universe, but some races occupy resources that they don't deserve. And I have no way to deal with all this myself. I need a substitute, if possible , I hope you can become my representative. Of course, I will not let you pay all this for nothing. I will do my best to give you whatever you want." Mark expressed his thoughts.

At this point, the foreshadowing is over, and only the paper center is enough.

"I ask you for it, will you really give it to me?" Ayesha began to realize at this second.

If it is really as Mark said, Ayesha is going to use her own advantages to leave a spark of hope for the future of her race.

"Yes, as long as you do what I say, I will give you what I can give you."

Ayesha kept this sentence in her heart. She didn't immediately make her request, but waited for Mark's request.She understands that there is no equal existence between the two.

"Then which race do you want me to destroy now?"

"Simol! They have a special blue crystal. I need those blue crystals to help me accomplish some things. It would be great if Sovereign could hold those blue crystals in his hands."

Mark is not worried about the exploration of high-energy crystals by these interstellar races and the application of this energy.

If it can be widely used, these taxes in this world have become hard currency.

And now there is no Mark who does not believe that only the Seymour Empire has high-energy crystals, and there must be other places that also have such high-energy crystals.

It's just that I didn't find it, and those people didn't understand how to use these crystals.

Ayesha couldn't help but be overjoyed when she heard this familiar name. This was the race they planned to conquer, and now Mark's arrival made her more determined to conquer.

Things that are easy to get help like never before.


The return of the high priest made everyone feel relieved, and a hanging stone could finally be let go.However, there are still many people who need to be punished because they are not optimistic about the High Priest.

Mark and his Guardians of the Earth Galaxy became the most distinguished guests of the entire Sovereign.

No one should be treated unreasonably, or they will have to pay the price.

At the beginning, everyone didn't take it seriously, thinking that the high priest must be crazy to give this privilege to these bastards who don't know where they came from.

But with a few short-sighted guys provoking the Guardians of the Earth's Galaxy, their perfect genes were finally pulled away and turned into a puddle of ooze monsters who don't know what to use to describe them.

Lessons from the past, the teacher behind the car.

More and more Sovereigns began to ask, this only comes from the Guardians of the Galaxy on Earth.Immediately afterwards, they began to investigate what kind of abilities this team possessed. As the investigation gradually deepened, they discovered that this team really came from an unusual background.

Facing the attack of the warlords of the Kerry Empire, they were able to defend the primitive land of the earth, which is enough to prove the strength of this team.

It's time for Sovereigns to start looking at the support team and understand why the High Priest should respect them.

Mark was far from as happy as the rest of the team, and it wasn't a happy time before the dust settled.


Yi Ge and Peter sat at the bar, reviewing the bits and pieces of the year.

Yi Ge told how beautiful his wife is, how he met his wife, and gave birth to a new life.

And Peter is talking about a great mother's love for her son.Even on the hospital bed, his love for his son was not less than one point.

Two people are missing a woman at the same time.

"Peter, I have always thought that my wife is the most beautiful existence. It is the happiest thing in my life that I was able to meet her. Her passing makes me feel very sad. If there is anything that can start again , I hope I can be by her side when she needs me the most. Can you understand my feeling?" Yi Ge said slowly, shaking the wine glass in his hand.

"I understand, I understand too much." Peter took a sip of his drink hard.

He tried his best to control his emotions, but he couldn't control them, especially in front of him, Egg.

"Is there something bothering you?" Egg asked, looking at Bi's abnormal expression.

In fact, I am more worried about whether my son has noticed something?
"No, it's just that I saw the shadow of my mother in your wife. They are equally beautiful and loving. Why can't people like this live in the world and always leave scum in the world?" Peter Those eyes fixed on Egg, especially when he said the word scum, he felt unprecedentedly relaxed.

Egg didn't take it seriously, he could feel the strong emotions emanating from his son, but he didn't think it was a vent to his current identity, but to his other identity, which was his father.

Yi Ge is actually quite scared now. If he followed his plan, he would be able to confess his identity now, but a series of accidents completely disrupted his plan. Now he has no way to clarify his identity, especially from his own It can be judged from the son's current attitude that he resents himself as a father very much.

If you let him know, the goodwill you have built up with great difficulty may collapse in an instant.

This is the result he didn't want to see.

"This is the unfairness of this world. So we should do our best to change the world instead of conforming to it. If you have the ability to change the world, do you want to change it?"

Peter was still drunk, but his head instantly sobered up.Looking at Yi Ge with eyes full of energy, he said, "What are you talking about? Change the world! Don't be kidding, how difficult it is to change the world."

"I said, if you have the ability to change the world, are you willing to change it?" Yi Ge continued his temptation.

"Of course I would, but unfortunately I don't have that ability, and it's just passing by." Peter knew that this was to give him the power of the gods.

He is trying his best to disguise himself, pretending to be a person who will do anything to gain power.

He didn't even need to pretend, because he just wanted to gain power, the power that belonged to the gods, and then kill his own father with his own hands.

Egg felt this real emotion, and said with a smile: "I met a mysterious expert before, and he taught me a special way to master the power, maybe you can try it."

(End of this chapter)

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