Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 551 Conflict and Evolution

Chapter 551 Conflict and Evolution

Chapter 550 Conflict and Evolution
Dr. Banner who has learned various formal fighting techniques and fighting skills.

After being in the transformed state, these skills were of great use.But even so, the two of them just planned to come and go.

This is not without reason. If it is just a fight of strength, Ronan is not Hulk's opponent at all.However, Ronan, who has been trained by the elites of the Kree Empire since he was a child, can be said to be one of the best fighting skills in the universe.

The functions of the human-like body are brought into full play to the extreme.

Naturally, it is impossible to compare with the cosmic empire in terms of the fighting techniques and fighting skills that humans have researched so far.

Of course, it is not to say that there are no specialties or merits on the earth.After all, there are all kinds of heroes on the earth, all of which have various black technologies and cheats prepared for them by screenwriters.

Otherwise, the small planet Earth has already been conquered.

Hulk's punches are all together, as if they are overwhelming.Ronan kept dodging, but if he couldn't dodge, he quickly propped up his shield and barely blocked the blow with his own shield.

When the shield shattered again, Ronan fired again on both sides, and shot towards Hulk as soon as he saw this line of sight.

Hulk stretched out his hand in front of him, blocking the thermal vision, and constantly hurting his body. The high temperature of the thermal vision made him miserable.

Judging from the distorted expression, the injury was really heart-wrenching.

But even so, Hulk was still moving forward slowly, his body burned by the hot sight.

Now this guy has no defense at all, as long as he gets close to the big guy, he can end the fight with a punch.

He has such confidence and strength!
Ronan watched the green monster gradually approaching, and the pressure in his heart was also multiplying. His thermal vision could not last for too long, and the loss of his body was also huge.

If he continues according to this situation, his eyes will not be able to use similar abilities for at least a few days.

Although the Cree people have excellent physical fitness and even have a long lifespan, this does not mean that their bodies have reached the point of abnormality.

Compared with those gods with perverted bodies, or this monster infected by gamma rays, it's really not worth mentioning.

When Dr. Banner walked to the last few steps, he could no longer bear the pain, so he handed over the initiative of his body to another personality hidden in his body.

The real Hulk broke free.Seeing the originally slow pace, he sped up in an instant, stepped forward and punched with two consecutive steps, and Ronan was knocked into the air before he could react.

Even the armor equipped on the chest has been shattered, and a large amount of blood gushes out from the chest wound.

Hulk gritted his teeth as he looked at the scars on his arm that had been burned by the heat of sight. He moved his muscles and bones angrily and made a crackling sound.

But at this moment, a huge red iron box fell beside Hulk.

Hulk naturally knew what the red iron box was, and the corners of his mouth raised to reveal his trademark white teeth.

Stretching out his hand, he inserted it into the iron box, only to hear Jarvis' voice in the iron box: "The identification is complete, and the equipment starts."

Hulk's Extra Gear!
It is naturally impossible for Tony Stark, who is rich and powerful, to just create a set of anti-Hulk armor.

The more special armor like this is definitely the better, especially in the face of the extremely destructive Hulk, and even prepared a large number of spare parts, and those spare parts can be assembled into a set of anti-Hulk armor.

At this time, in the iron box is the anti-Hulk armor that has just been modified on the satellite. This suit of armor cannot be worn on Tony's body now, but it can help Hulk.

Metal parts covered Hulk's body, forming a set of gold and red gauntlets.

If you simply think that this set of gauntlets is just to improve the protection ability, you are completely wrong. The thrusters equipped on the elbows and on both sides of the forearm can increase the power of Hulk's punch.

Vibrating gold spikes can even protrude from the front of the knuckles of the fingers.

At the beginning, Dr. Banner rejected this set of additional auxiliary equipment with righteous words, but under Tony's persuasion with reason and evidence, he finally accepted it.

As a black philosopher who broke out in the early years said: "How can we continue to evolve without experiencing conflict!"

Although Hulk doesn't know how to use this thing (mainly to increase combat power for Banner's personality), he is right to fight as usual.

The legs suddenly exerted force, leaving a cracked deep pit on the ground. Hulk jumped into the air and raised his right hand that had been equipped with equipment.

I saw that with the assistance of the artificial intelligence Jarvis, all the nozzles were opened and white energy sprayed out. It was originally a punch, but with this assistance, it became more fierce.

Ronan didn't react for a while, and took the punch abruptly.If you stand closer, you can even clearly hear the crack of the Cree's ribs.

Not to be outdone, Ronan grabbed the hammer on the ground.But just as he was about to swing, Hulk grabbed his wrist, so strong that he had to let go, and the hammer fell to the ground again.

Seeing Hulk, he raised his right hand again, ready to perform another rocket punch!Ronan raised his kick and kicked him right in the chest.

There was a burst of intensity afterwards, and Hulk also staggered back two steps.

Clutching his chest, feeling the pain from his chest, Hulk roared without any hesitation.

If it was an ordinary person, he would have been terrified by this roar, but the one standing in front of him was Ronan.

Hulk saw that Ronan, who had just stood up, was not on his feet, and planned to repeat the old trick!Rocket punched head-on, as if he wanted to beat Ronan's head to pieces.

Ronan was still superior, squatting to dodge, and the circle almost brushed the hood on his head,

Taking advantage of Hulk's punch and missed, it was such a small flaw, he seized this moment and launched a counterattack.

Ronan hugged Hulk's arm with both arms, and threw Hulk to the ground fiercely with his waist. This is not over yet!

With Ronan's outstretched hand, the chariot sitting on the ground seemed to have self-awareness, and it returned to his hand, and then hit Hulk's head with a hammer.

The blow temporarily stunned Hulk.

This is what no one expected, the battle between the two ended in such a dramatic way.

Just as Steve was about to charge, he was stopped by none other than his old lover Carter.

In fact, it's not that a kind of superhero didn't plan to support Hulk just now.

It's just that when two people are so close, there is no way to support them remotely, and close combat may even become a burden.

They are very clear about this.

In this theoretical melee combat ability, apart from a guy with a [-]-[-] talent, the strongest ones are Thor and the Hulk, and now there is at most one Drax.

However, in the situation just now, the aftermath of the shock caused by the two people's battle made it impossible to get close.

The only thing they can do is to create a good combat environment, as evidenced by the piled up Chitauri corpses around them.

Ronan, who was covered in bruises, looked at the other superheroes who seemed to be all right, wiped the blood on his face, and shouted: "Give the Infinity Stones to..."

Halfway behind Ronan's words, a small circle of shining sparks suddenly appeared, kicking it down.And that foot even stepped on Ronan's body. Just as Ronan was about to struggle, a purple energy imprisoned his body.

The connected circle of fire grew bigger and bigger, expanding to the height of one person, and only then did everyone see clearly who they were.

"I just heard that someone wants an infinity gem?" Mark looked around, as if he wanted to find the person who wanted the gem.

Ronan looked at the Infinity Stone in Mark's hand, his eyes widened. He knew how terrifying it was.

Once ordinary creatures hold that thing, they will only be destroyed by it in the end!

"You see, I really didn't pay attention. I didn't expect that there was another one under my feet. Did you just say that you want the infinite gem?"

Dignity and life, at this moment, need to make a choice.

Ronan gritted his teeth and said, "No!"

"Oh, it's not you! Then I want to ask why the famous accuser of the Cree Empire, Ronan, came to Earth. Is the Cree Empire preparing to go to war with Earth? If so, then I unilaterally accept gone."

All the people present are human beings, especially the cause and effect, they have already understood clearly. Everyone is very clear that the Cree in front of him is just acting privately and has nothing to do with the Cree Empire.

Coupled with the huge energy released by Mark now, and Ronan who was trampled under his feet did not dare to move, it is obvious that even if there is a war, the earth will have the power to fight.

Bare feet are not afraid of wearing shoes. Anyway, the earth is already in this unlucky state. Compared with the strength of science and technology, people are simply a dilapidated small fishing village.

In this case, dragging the empire into the water for a week is not a big deal.

Even in the future, when people talk about a certain fallen empire, they can think of the civilization of the earth.

Because it was the earth that pulled a certain empire into the abyss of destruction.


"Don't worry, I'm not an unreasonable person. Since you like gems so much, I will give them to you." Mark said and sent the power gem in his hand to Ronan.

Ronan felt an unparalleled power at the first moment, but immediately after that heart-piercing feeling, he began to resist.

"Take it away! Take it away..." But before his howling ended, he had already turned into ashes.

(End of this chapter)

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