Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 549 Ronan the Accuser

Chapter 549 Ronan the Accuser

Chapter 548 Ronan the Accuser

The box Peter Quill was in fell to the ground.

Peter Quill, who was still immersed in the ocean of music, had to wake up early.

"Oh, damn it, don't you guys pay attention? It's so ruthless!" Peter felt the pain in his head, but now he couldn't reach out to touch it, so he could only express painful hobbies and complaints.

The soldiers outside naturally couldn't hear Peter Quill's complaints, and they were now facing the attack of those Chitauri.

The laser emitted by the Chitauri accidentally hit the box on the ground.

The shock wave brought by the laser explosion caused the box to roll outwards a few times, and those who stayed in the box were faster than him, and almost spit it out.

Originally it was just a pain in the head, but now the whole body is hurting!
"Where are you going to send me? The incineration plant? Let me out, let me fight them to the death if I have the ability!" Peter was completely offended, even if he was a good guy, he wouldn't play tricks like this.

What's more, he is not a nice man himself.

However, when his hand just touched the box, he couldn't feel the resistance like before.

He pushed hard!The box actually opened!
"Great!" Peter sat up excitedly, turned his head and saw a large group of Chitauri aiming at him with guns.

"Oh! No!" Peter reacted immediately, grabbed the edge of the box, turned over and hid in the deep pit next to the box.

Fortunately, he escaped a round of laser salvo.

Boxes full of holes, he was glad that if he had reacted a little slower just now, he probably would have ended up that way.

Peter's own activator mask near his ears covered his face again, and now he was unarmed, unable to fight back at all, so he had to keep running away, looking for a weapon at hand to fight back.

He didn't know if it was a system called Goddess of Destiny, but after he rolled over a weapon box, he actually saw his two favorite weapons.

"Oh, God bless, I didn't expect my luck to be so good. It seems that I am going to buy a space lottery ticket today. Then I can make a good change to my old spaceship." Weapon's Peter said excitedly.

However, before he was happy for too long, another round of laser salvo hit the bodies of several American soldiers next to him. The bulletproof vests on those American soldiers could not stop the laser at all, and they fell to the front with a plop.

When we were not happy yet, Peter got up and shot quickly at the several Chitauri behind us.

"Die, you ugly monsters suffered before. This is for locking me in! This is for knocking me down! This is for blowing me up!" Peter said while killing Chitauri, it's like the damn Chitauri did all of that.

Facing Peter's fierce marksmanship, the Chitauri, who were originally not many in number, were wiped out.

Peter actually danced on the battlefield like this.But thinking about it carefully, he usually doesn't pay much attention, which is not a strange thing.

However, one Zeta Swiss soldier was not hit in the vital part. Looking at Peter who was dancing, he slowly raised the gun in his hand, and then killed this frightened guy.

But before he could pull the trigger, a round shield hit his head, cutting off his life.

Hearing the movement behind him, Peter turned his head suddenly, looked at the Chitauri who had just died, and couldn't help but give up a sigh of relief.

Look at the person who called me just now, who is it if it’s not Captain America?
Peter I lived in that era.Although he is far away from Captain America, as the hero of the whole nation, Captain America, his deeds have been circulating. Although Peter is not a fanatic fan, he also collected Captain America's cards when he was a child.

Seeing the appearance of Captain America, Peter walked up to Steve excitedly and said, "Captain, can you sign me an autograph? I'm your loyal fan!"

Of course, what he said now was all nonsense. The reason why he wanted to sign it was because he was going to get the autograph of Captain America, and it would be a good price to sell it.

I believe that even now, many people would like the autograph of Captain America, the superhero who saved the world.

According to gossip, in some special trading markets, the autograph of Captain America is much more precious than that of Iron Man.Especially after a certain superhero in a steel uniform heard the news, under the atmosphere, all the autographs of Captain America were purchased and then burned.

Of course, those ordinary people don't know what the superhero in the steel uniform did in the end?But if they want to collect Captain America's autograph, that's impossible.

"Sorry for the video. We are on the battlefield now. If I have time in the future, I will sign it for you." After Steve finished speaking, he began to reinforce other lines of defense.

After Steve left, Rocket, Gamora, Drax and Groot rushed to the scene.

The members of the Guardians of the Galaxy looked at the people who came out of the box, and the faces of Peter and the others were a little ugly.

Only the tree man Groot stepped forward and said in his standard tree man graduation language: "I am Groot!"

Although I couldn't understand what he was talking about, but I could tell from his expression that it should be something good!

The little raccoon next to him muttered, "Really, why don't you care about me?"

Rocket, who had apparently spent the longest time with Groot, was jealous.

Peter looked at the other guys who were getting closer, and hastily stretched out his hand to stop him, saying, "I know what you are going to say, don't lock me in, I'll go by myself."

However, the others didn't take any action, instead they put on a posture ready to fight.

Seeing his partner suddenly put on such a posture, Peter was a little puzzled: "I said that even if I don't want to enter the box, you don't need to treat me like this!"

Peter was about to argue about something, but Ronan's voice sounded at this moment: "Hand over the Infinity Stone, or die!"

"The good luck is over." Peter said with a headache.


Drax the Destroyer, the top laner fighter, took the lead. With a flick of his arms, the light blade shot out.

Thinking of the scene when his wife and daughter died, the flames of anger engulfed his reason again.This time he not only wants to avenge his wife and daughter, but also protects his partner.

He absolutely cannot let the person he loves die in front of him again!

"Luo..." The angry roar stopped abruptly before it ended.

Ronan swung the hammer in his hand, and the huge stone hit Drax who was still falling in the air.

Drax couldn't dodge in the air at all, he slammed into the stone abruptly, the impact of the stone knocked him into the distance, and buried him under the stone.

Bottom laner Rocket watched his teammate give him nothing but couldn't sit idly by. Taking advantage of Ronan's momentary opening, he fired a laser.

However, when the proud laser hit Ronan, it was found that Ronan had nothing.

"I'm Groot!" The tree man Groot standing aside was also quite surprised. He didn't expect his partner's attack to have no effect at all.

"Is this all your strength? Little beast?"

A single word completely enraged the rocket, and the angry rocket kept pulling the trigger, unleashing its firepower.Ronan used the hammer in his hand to form a shield, watching the angry little beast unceasingly unleashing fire on him, Ronan had a playful smile on his face.

When the last bullet was fired from the middle of the barrel, the rocket stopped and panted.With such a small body, using such a powerful firearm consumes a lot of his body.

He stared fixedly at the accuser in the dust in the distance, first to see if that guy had turned into scum or ashes.

However, when the smoke cleared, Ronan was seen intact.

However, what happened just now didn't have any effect. Ronan, who was in a defensive state, was blocked by dust.

Assassins Gamora and Peter took the opportunity to outflank Ronan's rear, preparing to launch a sneak attack from behind.

Gru especially launched a charge on this side.

How should Ronan make a choice in the face of enemies?

Ronan had already noticed the sneak attack of the two in the backcourt, and he would not stand still and swing the hammer backwards.With a bang, the two were sent flying.

Two people were knocked out, and they weren't upset about it.Whether it is front or back, as long as the opponent does not defend one side, they will win.

But what I didn't expect was that Groot punched out angrily, but he would easily catch it.

"Only with this little power... It really is a waste that deserves to be exterminated!" Ronan grabbed Groot's fist with the armrest, and the wooden string in his hand fell to the ground. He lifted his foot and kicked Groot's upper body. past.

Before Groot had time to root his feet, he was already blown away by this strange force.

Ronan turned around and walked slowly towards Peter.

At this moment, a shield flew from a distance. Ronan thought it was just an ordinary shield, and wanted to use his hammer to knock it into the air.

But he didn't expect that when his hammer hit the shield, the force of the shock made it take a step back.

"What?" Ronan looked at the shield that fell on the ground and said in surprise.

"Avengers!" The captain stood up from the ruins.

At the same time, more than a dozen steel battle armors also flew to the scene from a distance, and a green figure descended from the sky, smashing a deep hole on the battlefield.

Carter, who changed his state, also put down his mask.

"Assemble!" Tony said!

(End of this chapter)

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