Chapter 547 1000%

Chapter 546 1000%

A laser beam was shot at the roof position, and the moment it was about to approach the fort, the laser unexpectedly deviated and shot towards the edge of the fort, blasting a huge gap in the ground.

The pilot on the turret escaped the fatal blow by luck, and he pulled the trigger to destroy the Necromancer spaceship that dared to attack them.

The two little guys lay on the ground and kept fiddling with the tablet.

"Uncle! Can you save your ammunition? You don't have much ammunition. If you continue to consume it like this, you will have to give up your position in two minutes." One of the little guys turned around and faced the gun on the fort. shouted the Marines.

"Boy, adults are very clear about what they do. Just do your own thing well."

Because his marines didn't dare to intervene at this time, and the one sitting on the fort was their captain.

Whoever dares to show his prestige in front of his captain should prepare to accept the captain's training after returning home!Of course, the prerequisite is that they can go back alive.

"Tch! Don't underestimate us, we are also capable of fighting." The little guy who was refuted stood up stubbornly, and quickly rushed to the box he brought over.

The black metal box quickly deformed, and finally turned into a small black fort, leaving an object like a remote control on the ground.

The remote fits right into the tablet in the little guy's hands, docking perfectly.

Another little guy who followed said to him: "Do you want to use this thing now? It's still in the experimental stage, it's very dangerous!"

"If you don't use it when it's time to use it, then it doesn't make any sense! Janros, now is the best time for him to appear on the stage. This is to save the world."

The little one, called Jenros, also changed his mind after being infected by the language of his companions.

"In that case, let's go!"

The four steel legs stretched out by the black cannon moved quickly on the ground, and soon reached the edge of the roof.When he was about to chase downstairs, the four steel feet plunged into the reinforced concrete of the building. The internal system had automatically locked on to the necromancer flying in the sky, and the pilot of the necromancer also detected It was detected, he was being locked in the air, and he made an emergency evasion action.

But even though he had already made an evasive action, the steel nails fired by the black turret accurately hit the position of the cab.

The steel nails did not stop after piercing through the necromancer spaceship, and continued to fly towards the distance, and the necromancer spaceship that had been pierced had lost any movement.

The first attack had already hit the target accurately, and the two little guys lay on the ground and let out excited cries.

Several veterans of the Marine Corps around could not help but blush when they saw what the two little guys had done.They just wasted so much time and expended so much energy, the densely packed bullets on the ground is the best proof, that's how they barely activated the three ships.

But these little guys have already destroyed one of them just after taking a shot. Does this confirm the old saying "Technology is power"?

It is estimated that one day in the future, these veterans of myself will be swept into the garbage dump of history. Thinking that they are not lonely here, on the contrary, they are a little fortunate to be able to leave this damn battlefield. Facing such a dangerous environment, it couldn't be better.

Only by experiencing it can you understand the pain in that environment.

No one wants to risk their own lives, make fun of their own lives.Those who understand war understand how precious peace is.

Only those born in that peaceful age and in a peaceful environment would clamor for war and force all day long.

Then you will never understand the fear of being pointed at by a black hole.I can't understand it, just the panic when I squatted down involuntarily when I heard the gunshots.

PS: What hint does not exist?I express it directly!Free America, shoot every day.Live-action battle royale is happening all the time.

The clear sound sounded again, and another steel nail was fired, and this time, another spaceship exploded in the air.

"Boy, tell me the truth, you two are sure that this thing was really made by the two of you."

In recent years, the situation has changed, and all kinds of strange things have come into people's sight. Let's take the latest one as an example!
Every time a new generation of Tony Stark's Iron Armor comes out, it must be displayed in front of everyone.This is still a demonstration of technology, and it is no surprise that alien invaders are no longer surprising.

Even if someone told him tomorrow that Resident Evil was going to appear in front of them, they wouldn't be surprised at all.

Jan Los said proudly: "Of course, we built this with our own hands. It has nothing to do with others. The internal system is written by ourselves."

"Good boy, are you interested in joining the army in the future?" After the captain finished speaking, he regretted that these two little guys have a bright future, and they will definitely be billionaires when they set up their own company in the future.

Joining the army is undoubtedly equivalent to letting these two little guys jump into the fire pit.

Another little guy was manipulating the machine, without any indication, Janros said happily: "Really? Can I join the army in the future?"

As soon as Zhan Luosi said this, the companions around him were also a little surprised, grabbed his shoulder and asked, "Are you crazy?"

"I'm not crazy. I've always wanted to be a soldier. It's just that my parents think I have a very high IQ, and I will definitely become a social elite in the future. But my dream has never ended. If I can become a soldier If I defend my family and defend my country, I will feel very proud." Children's ideals are sometimes so simple and crude.

Little boys more or less want to be soldiers, expand territories or defend their homes.This is in the face of the pressure of life and various reasons, and finally can only choose to give up.

"Little guy, your companion is right. There is nothing to be proud of being a miserable soldier like us. If you really want to defend this country, then try to invent something stronger, like Tony The same as Stark. Although that guy is quite enviable and jealous, he can sleep with the cover girl every month... Hey, look what I'm talking about, tell you guys this." The short-lived peace made this The captain of the Marine Corps had a lot to say.

It's just a way for him to vent his stress.


"Accuser, we have found the gang of thieves, and we are attacking them now." A pilot in the necromancer spaceship reported the scene to Ronan the Accuser.

When Ronan heard the words, he roared angrily: "You bastards, who told you to attack privately, tell me your location now, and I will do it myself!"

The pilot was also taken aback by the sudden roar, and sent his current location to the main ship. Looking at the coordinates sent, Ronan ordered the Dark Star below him to approach quickly.

"Nick! I ordered the three mechas sent by Russia to intercept that spaceship with all their strength. If that spaceship leaves now, then we will fall short." Tony shouted into the communicator after overcoming the pursuit of two spaceships.

Nick is also having a very headache now, but he still issued this order quickly.

The three mechs had been the core strength of the three important strongholds in New York before, resisting the attacks of those spaceships.One of them has lost an arm and the other is incapacitated.

Following the new order, the pilots of the three mechas turned around and aimed at the Dark Asterisk that was preparing to escape, and dense missiles and lasers were launched towards the Dark Asterisk.

The dense missiles even obscured the brilliance of the sun for a moment.

When the missiles and lasers hit the Dark Asterisk, the dazzling light from the explosion made it hard to open your eyes.

"Did you make it?"

This is the inner voice of everyone. When the smoke gradually dissipates and the fire disappears, what everyone sees is only the dark asterisk with thin flesh and little emotion.

This huge black battleship can still continue to fly, as if nothing just happened to affect it.

Tony saw that the interception of the three mechs was ineffective, so he could only order all the small robots located in the Dark Star to concentrate on the power system.

Following a series of chain explosions, the two jets stored outside the Dark Asterisk were destroyed by small robots.

Having lost the propulsion of the two jets, the Dark Asterisk's forward speed dropped a lot, and it was even falling towards the ground.

Tony originally did not intend to let this huge battleship descend on New York City.According to preliminary estimates, if the battleship exploded, the entire New York City would be wiped off the map.

This is scarier than a nuclear bomb!With this body type and this source of power, New York will only leave a huge pit in the end, and there will be no traces of human life on it!

But in this situation, a choice must be made. Out of the attack range of the battleship, at least half of the firepower on the earth will be lost.

But Tony was not happy yet, because he commanded those small robots to launch an explosive attack. During this pregnancy, a spaceship hit him. This spaceship is different from ordinary spaceships. The ship carries a grapple.

The instant it hit him, the grappling hook had joined his armor, as if it had been welded on.

Immediately afterwards, other spaceships also quickly approached in this direction, as if they wanted to take him to death together.

The ship's grapples gripped his armor tightly.No matter how much he struggled, the hooks didn't budge.

Jarvis sirens kept echoing in his ears!

And the height is also dropping rapidly.

(End of this chapter)

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