Chapter 542 Unite
Chapter 541 Unite

No one knows how many days it will take for those space invaders to reach the earth.

But even so, they never slack off.

The first country to enter a state of war was naturally the land under Mark's feet.

After receiving the news, Americans also began to panic.This time it is no longer a war within the earth, but directly promoted to the cosmic level. Their strong ships and guns may not even be able to break through the enemy's armor.

Of course, the latest war weapons they have produced may be able to play a role.

And in the universe not knowing how many light-years away, Carol Danvers received a call for help from the earth.She put down everything at hand and rushed towards the earth quickly, hoping to reach the earth in the shortest time.

Nick looked at the communicator that was constantly shining, and looked forward to the day when Carol returned.


It is different from the sudden wars in the past.

This time, the alarm was almost sounded in advance, giving humans enough time to prepare instead of being caught off guard like before.

But in this way, can human beings really be able to fight against alien invaders?
Although the combination of dark elves is one of the best in the universe, but it hasn't been long in the past. Humans can understand the technology of dark elves, so there is a ghost!
It is not shaped by a technology tree itself, and the final result of forced fusion is either deformed, or even the original effect cannot be exerted.

The same goes for those powered combat suits that Mark has on hand.

Mark can only rely on the moon or the Spear of Adun to be produced in the arsenal.There is simply no way to make these power combat uniforms in the factories on the earth.

S.H.I.E.L.D. Superhero Maintenance Room.

Kids from Superhero Academy, choose your gear here.

Not only are the steel armor made by Tony Stark stored here (although they are all spare), but also a lot of equipment for strengthening superheroes is prepared.

These equipments are all from S.H.I.E.L.D., analyzed according to the combat habits of superheroes, and made with the technology that can be applied at hand.

The reason why S.H.I.E.L.D. did this could not be more obvious. S.H.I.E.L.D. wants to be the strongest backing for superheroes.

Make superheroes dependent on S.H.I.E.L.D.!At that time, there will be no need for S.H.I.E.L.D. to incorporate, and superheroes will also stand on S.H.I.E.L.D.'s side.

It has to be said that this kind of loss-making business can only be thought of by Nick.If you encounter those superheroes with white eyes and wolves, you might lose everything.

Mark does not intend to fight this time, only to let the older generation of superheroes appear.

It is time for the new generation who are thriving in the academy to face the test of blood and fire.

Although they are still a group of adults or children who have not yet grown up, since they are on the road of superheroes, it doesn't matter whether you are an adult or not.

All beings are equal in the face of death.

Only then will people understand what equality really means.

Of course, Mark didn't force them to accept this test. If they want to, they can join, and if they don't want to, they can quit.

It's just that for those who don't want to join, Mark is also considering when to let them drop out.

This choice is also their future choice on the road of superheroes.

Perhaps because of the influence of inertial thinking, these children thought that participating in this operation would face the alien invaders head-on.

But in fact, the work Mark prepared for them was nothing more than protecting the citizens of New York from a small group of enemies.

In the past, these matters were basically handed over to Natasha, Barton and the captain.No way, the three of them are a group of relatively poor physique among the Avengers.

Isle of Great Britain, College of Europe.

Mark couldn't control it anymore, but Carter still pulled a ticket and started the Boy Scouts to come to New York.

Xingjue has already reported everything to the high-level officials of various countries on this side of the earth.

In the beginning, the President of the United States was naturally reluctant to leave things in New York City.

However, in the face of pressure from the leaders of other countries, they could only choose to compromise in the end.Of course this is a battle for the survival of the planet.

If it fails, the earth will also be destroyed and become the first destroyed planet in the galaxy.

So in this battle, did the countries hide their secrets?

Although Maozi was that war machine last time, he relied on his outstanding industrial capabilities and the experience left over from the production of the first prototype.

The three war machines have been sent to the ocean freighter and are heading for New York.

The European side is naturally united, and the space fighters that have just been formed are the ones that provide the most.

The main supplier is the United Kingdom. Most of the space fighters in Europe are taught and manufactured by the United Kingdom.Even the system used is the British one.

The space team formed by the European Union will become the most powerful force for human beings to intercept Ronan outside the atmosphere.Of course, if other countries need it, the EU does not recommend making these materials public.

The European Union thinks very freely, and at this time all the information is made public. The biggest loss is definitely not the European Union. In comparison, the small countries of the European Union are the group of people who benefit the most.

At the same time, it can also occupy the righteousness of saving the world. Under such circumstances, no one dares to say that what the EU is doing is wrong.

In Asia, Japan was severely damaged in the last Tokyo incident, and the air force was basically exhausted, and there was no way to provide enough resources.

But I have to admit that the Japanese navy is indeed much stronger than the red deer of the Japanese army, which is also the result of so many years of influence.

Ships from various countries, including Japan, have concentrated in the waters near New York.

However, he has always been silent, calling himself a rabbit in a non-developed country all day long.

At this time, a strange light was emitted.

Although Rabbit has always claimed that it is making individual equipment, in fact, no matter whether it is a fighter plane, a tank or an aircraft carrier, Rabbit has not left a single one.

I don’t know if it’s because of the fear of poverty in the past few decades, and some missiles are even equipped with new energy sources, and the power of these missile explosions has increased by more than a few levels.

This time the rabbit's firepower was fully fired, letting countries all over the world know that this rabbit is not as docile as imagined.


The company's arsenal.

The supplies that were originally piled up here have all been moved away, and now there is nothing but an empty room.

Mark came here with a group of Guardians of the Galaxy, which made one of the Guardians of the Galaxy a little confused.

Rocket looked at the empty room in puzzlement, and asked Mark, "What did you bring us here for? Let's see how big your warehouse is."

Mark really doesn't care about Rocket's poisonous tongue, really!
"Of course, and I also want to see how many laps a little raccoon can run inside?"

Facing Mark's counterattack, Rocket shut his mouth instantly.As early as when they were in S.H.I.E.L.D., the two had a small conflict.It was a small contradiction, because it took less than ten seconds from the beginning to the end of the contradiction.

Before Groot finished speaking, he was already controlled by Mark's energy.As for Little Raccoon Rocket, he was grabbed by Mark with one hand and kept rubbing his head.

I don't know how much static electricity was generated, anyway, the little raccoon lost his temper in the end.

Mark walked to the very center of the arsenal, and a black square platform slowly rose in the center.

Mark put his hand on it, and after the identification was over, the entire arsenal changed drastically.The surrounding walls began to reverse, revealing all the hidden equipment inside.

There are more than a dozen black square platforms like before.No, these black square platforms stopped when they reached the height of a person, and then slowly opened.

Some of these black squares are combat uniforms, some are armor, and some are huge weapons.

Mark walked to a black square platform, took off the two wristbands inside, and threw it towards Drax the Destroyer behind him.

Drax naturally caught the two wrist guards, looked at the two wrist guards in his hand, and asked in confusion: "What's the use of this thing?"

Mark then showed the wristband and gave a demonstration.

With the shooting of the light blade, the little raccoon next to him was about to jump up and snatch the two wristbands, but Drax, who had quick eyes and quick hands, turned around and blocked the little raccoon.

"Hey, buddy, didn't you say that these things are not for sale?" Rocket clearly remembered that Mark had said that these things were not for sale.

"I'm talking about what I have. These two are not for sale, and I'm not buying them. This is a gift!" Mark said.

This remark made Rocket very angry, but Rocket is also smart, and soon his anger dissipated. He licked his face and said to Mark: "Then you will give me two too!"

"Sorry, I don't want to send you off." Mark's refusal made the little raccoon feel embarrassed.

When the Rockets were about to talk about the scene, Gamora, who was standing next to him, stopped the Rockets and said, "Okay, Rocket, now is not the time to care about these things, you brought us here, you didn't just let us take a look at these things something!"

"Of course not, it's up to you to choose. I don't think you have much equipment to use in S.H.I.E.L.D., so I'll see if there's anything you can use here. The wristband, everything else has to be returned. But if a certain interstellar pirate or bounty hunter refuses to return what he intends to take..."

Halfway through what Mark said before, Quill and Rocket rushed to the pair of equipment and began to choose continuously.At this time, they had already reported a lot of equipment in their arms.

Mark's pause stopped the movement of the two of them, and they turned to look at Mark.

(End of this chapter)

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