Chapter 528
Chapter 527 Ice and Snow

In the corner of the house, there are natives covered in wounds.

Although Mark is not a cruel person, the situation in front of him is either you die or I live.

Mark didn't know where there was room for shelter around. He might not die, but the one who died might be Hela, a stranger, someone he had known for a while.

Under the choice of both sides, Mark is still willing to save Hela.

What Mark is saving now is not the mighty Goddess of Death who can cause destruction wherever she goes.

What he is now is just a woman who has lost her divine power.

Even if he didn't know someone, he would definitely help them if he could, not to mention his lack of ability.

I have seen that Mark can't stand if he has the ability not to do it.

This may be the best way to say that out of sight is out of sight. Mark doesn't feel anything about things that happen in places he didn't see, but he can't just sit idly by and ignore things that happen in front of his eyes.

At least Mark believes that Gu Yi did not just send the two of them to the current timeline.

If you just want to eliminate the threat of yourself or Hella.

That only needs to send one person away, and Mark doesn't think he can threaten Ancient One on Earth.

Anyway, no matter what he was thinking, those things would definitely happen to Mark in the future, and what he had to do now was to quickly bring Hela back to a sober consciousness.

Now Hela's consciousness is on the verge of collapse, and the temperature provided by the continuously burning firewood in the room barely makes people feel a little warmth.

This dilapidated house is so dilapidated that there are air leaks everywhere.

Mark put the wolf meat on the firewood and roasted it for a while, and the aroma of the wolf meat came out.

This is real wild game, and without any combat power betting, it is almost impossible to fight wild wolves, and it is also a lone wolf with extremely strong combat power.

A seasoned hunter can only defeat this lone wolf with a hunting bow and shotgun.

Even though the native looks very strong, he can't complete it without the help of experience.

Greedy eyes flashed in the native's eyes. He wanted to taste the wolf meat. He didn't know what kind of meat it was, but he only knew that the meat he usually ate was the leftovers from those prey. cold sunburn.

The wolves would not eat up all the meat, nor would they take the meat away. The corpses left by chance happened to catch up and became the rations of the native again.

Mark carried a lot of wolf meat, so he tore off a piece and threw it towards the native.

Although things happened too suddenly before.

Violence was used against him to get into the house, but Mark wasn't purely a villain.

Grilled wolf meat, even without any seasoning, is a rare delicacy for the aborigines who seldom eat meat. No matter how hot it is, no matter how dirty their hands are, they keep gnawing on it That piece of wolf meat.

After a while, a piece of wolf meat was swallowed. Seeing that his hand was covered with oil, he kept licking it, trying to lick all the oil stains on it into his stomach.

Mark put aside his and Hela's share, and sent the melted snow water to Hela's mouth, and he looked at the not-so-tasty wolf meat slowly.

It's really hard to swallow after getting used to delicacies from mountains and seas.

Logically speaking, the bodies of the gods of Asgard.

Even without divine power, an ordinary body is far stronger than a human being.

After Thor was hit by a car, there was no major problem. He was still alive and kicking the next day, as if nothing had happened.

However, after careful calculation, in fact, Thor at that time was only exiled.The main reason is that he doesn't know how to use his own power, and he has to rely on the hammer as a medium to activate the power to stimulate the power in his body.

To put it simply, the hammer is the key to power, and Thor himself would not be able to use it at that time.So Odin may not even have his strength at the time, and the seal completely let him go to Earth.

And Hela is very special, special because she and Asgard are connected.

As long as Asgard does not destroy her body, she will not die, but because of this particularity, there is an upper limit to what can be strengthened.

Energy being stolen isn't the only cause of weakness, either.

Before heading to Asgard, be blown by the soul-winds of the Dead Sea.

I just returned to Asgard and took a two-day break, but then I suffered damage from the Frost Giant's artifact.

Then, before he had a day off, Hela from the past timeline returned again, and his powerful mental power directly dragged his body into the Golden Palace.

Coupled with the damage from the rainbow bridge teleportation and ice and snow, even if this is a body with the blood of a god, it will suffer this level of blow without any power.

It is not incomprehensible to fall into such a weak state.

The only headache for Mark now is how to help Hela!

Find a way to solve it, the current state is the only way to solve the problem.

Mark can naturally give up Hela, leave it here and ignore it, or throw it outside in the ice and snow, and then figure out a way by himself, but let's not talk about the reason why Master Gu Yi sent the two people here.

Just knowing that his daughter died on the earth, Odin now dares to launch an army to fight Mark to the death.

Even if that is not the current daughter, Odin dares to do this.

Mark will see that this guy is a dead girl.Every time I talk about these things, the key whole person's state is a little bit wrong, and I even touch myself.

Coupled with the look of grief when sealing his daughter, alas, needless to say.

Secondly, as I said before, there must be a reason why Master Gu Yi sent the two people here.

The reason is still unknown, but it will definitely appear!

When Mark had a headache, the natives suddenly walked in front of Mark, and didn't care about Mark's beating him before. They kept pointing outside and saying things that Mark couldn't understand.

Mark frowned and walked to the door, put up 12 points of energy, and looked at the situation outside through the gap in the door panel.

The natives hurriedly prepared to put out the fire with the unmelted snow water. How could Mark let him do this.

If the fire is extinguished, the last bit of heat will disappear.

At that time, Hela might not be able to make it through!
Mark stopped the native's actions. The native knew that he would definitely not be able to beat Mark. Feeling the utter despair of the snowstorm that was growing outside, the native fell to the ground with a thud, and he didn't struggle anymore.

After finding the corner, he wrapped the fur of an unknown animal on the ground tightly around his body.

Mark didn't understand why the natives did this, but it must have something to do with the gradually increasing wind and snow outside.

Mark took off the last shirt on his body, covered Hela, and warned the native at the same time,

Pointing at the flame with his finger, and then made a gesture of hitting someone, the native looked at Mark with fearful eyes, and huddled tightly in the corner.

Mark shook his head and walked out of the dilapidated house.

Standing outside is a giant exposed to the wind and snow.

It's just that the size of these giants is not very large, and this size is only compared with those giant giants who have invaded the earth.

But even so, Mark is like a little guy in front of them, the kind that can be easily grabbed with one hand.

These giants were naked from the upper part of their body, only using a piece of animal skin to surround their waists, and what they held in their hands were simple wooden sticks, or popsicles made entirely of hard ice.

The blue skin has already proved their identity.

"I said, where did this risk come from? It turned out to be you..." Mark's sealed memory was gradually awakened.

At the beginning, the earth was attacked by the frost giants. Odin came to the earth, repelled those frost giants, and left a myth at the same time.

But now the earth can only be saved by the earth people themselves!

Although the blood is not pure, but at least the soul is still the earth.

The Frost Giants looked at this little guy, who was actually provoking them, and unceremoniously picked up the weapons in their hands, and rushed towards Mark.

They were not hindered in any way by the wind and snow, and the snow under their feet had no effect on them. Even as they kicked out the snow in the air, it turned into ice thorns and flew towards Mark. go.

Normally, Mark should dodge sideways in this situation, but once Mark dodges these ice thorns, it will pierce the dilapidated house, and the last injured are likely to be the natives and Hella in the house.

In desperation, Mark could only choose to transform into a battle. The energy left in his body was still enough to support it, so transforming was not a problem.

The flying ice thorns were all shot down by Mark.

Mark has also competed with these frost giants, and Mark, who is bigger than them, has never been afraid.

Mark really didn't pay attention to these little guys.

It's just that Mark underestimated the combat effectiveness of the Frost Giants during this period.

This is the case with some races. In the older period, they became more prosperous and more brilliant, and their strength became stronger. Frost giants are of this type.

Many frost giants in this period have already compressed their body size, that is to say, those huge frost giants you have seen are no stronger than these petite frost giants.

It may even be much weaker than these smaller frost giants.

After compressing the body shape, the energy in the body has also been compressed, and the fighting power that erupts is also stronger.

(End of this chapter)

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