Chapter 523
Chapter 522

Although Mark doesn't know what changing history is, Mark is willing to change history and actively changes history.

Changing history is not a bad thing for Mark.

What can't be broken can't be built. The current situation is a problem for Mark to follow the steps.

Everything is as Mark encountered, then things are likely to be as Mark saw.

So Mark is trying his best to change the orders of some people, and at the same time change the occurrence and results of certain things.

"What does the future look like where you are?" Odin really wanted to know how the future would be like his own daughter, and why he turned against him.

"Well, do you really want to know? Are you afraid that the future will change after you know?" Although Mark didn't believe in that set of theories, he still asked a little bit about this matter.

Odin shook his head and said: "Even if I know, I will not change it, or even if I change it, the future will be after the change. Because I am a member of this timeline, I have no ability To change these, but you can!"

"Even if you restart the time?" Mark asked a very scary question.

It's very common to restart time and restart the world in comics, but that's not necessarily the case in the movie universe.

The heights involved in the two are completely different, which cannot be generalized.

"Restart the timeline. If you really want to restart, I am afraid that only the Creator can do this! It is also an omniscient and omnipotent existence, and it will not be affected by our power at all. So you should give up this kind of thing as soon as possible. That's impossible!" Odin blocked everything with one sentence, as if he wanted to completely cut off Mark's thoughts.

How did Odin know, why is he so sure that there must be some ulterior secret in it, and it is even very possible that Odin himself knows the existence of the so-called omniscient and omnipotent.

"It seems that this place is not suitable for telling these secrets, and Hela is not far away, we should find a more suitable place, what do you think?"

Mark took a deep breath and prepared to tell Odin the future, to be precise, the future of the two timelines.

Odin nodded and agreed with Mark.


Golden Palace.

Mark and Hella came alone after they parted. Hela was very worried about Mark, but now she had nothing to do.

She also has no qualifications to order Mark to do something for him. Unlike the power she still had before the implementation, she now realizes that she is nothing after losing her power.

Mark walked into the hall, and all the guards were expelled by an order from Odin.These guards only help Odin get rid of those thieves who don't need Odin's hands.

Odin's safety is not a problem at all, and there are not many in the Nine Realms who can resist Odin.

When the last guard walked out, the door was also closed, and the loud bang reverberated in the hall for a while before stopping.

"Can we talk now?" Odin asked.

Mark nodded, and then said: "It all starts after the end of the war in the Nine Realms. The title of Hella, the goddess of death, is known to everyone in the world of the World Tree, except Midgard under autonomous management is what we call the Earth. However, Hela is not only satisfied with fighting those rebellious worlds, she wants to bring all the time under her command.

She thinks that she is an excellent and qualified successor, and she wants to make the country she controls bigger and stronger.The strong desire for war made God King Odin fearful.Because at that time, the mythical Odin no longer planned to continue to wage wars. Blind wars could not bring peace, nor could they consolidate their own rule. Apart from complaints and fear, they could not gain anything.

Odin knew very well that what his daughter made was a wrong choice, but only Odin knew whether it was really a mistake. "

When Mark said this, he fell in love with Odin, and Odin never left Mark's eyes, as if he was not shaken by what Marx said.

Mark looked at Odin without any fluctuations, and continued to speak.

"After understanding the situation in each world, Odin intends to deter him through his benevolent prestige and the remaining prestige left by the army, instead of conquering him by force. What he wants is a prosperous and peaceful country.

However, Odin, who was parted from my daughter, did not stop doubting her daughter because of this.He knew exactly what kind of person his daughter was.So he sent the Valkyrie Legion to attack Hela, but all the Valkyrie were killed by Hela.Odin lost his strongest army, but Hela also fell into weakness because of this battle. Odin finally deprived Hela of victory and imprisoned her on the earth.

It seemed like things stopped here, but they didn't.Many years later, Odin had two children, one was his own child and the queen Frigga named Thor Odinson.A hammer god who has the power of Thor but doesn't know how to use it.Because he only likes his hammer Mjolnir.The other is the child he snatched from the frost giant Laufey, named Loki. "

Mark deliberately did not specify the gender of Loki here, because Mark is not sure, what kind of gender is Loki in this universe?

"Odin never told his adopted son's true identity. He is also the son of a god king, why would he be treated differently? He is obviously better than his elder brother. He knows how to use magic, how to use authority, and how to use his brain to solve problems. .Even when Thor fights, he can plan behind the scenes. So good, why does the mythical Odin only pay attention to Thor. He refuses to accept, so he wants to use other methods to snatch the throne. Until one day, the life of God King Odin It is about to come to an end, and even his divine power was deprived by Loki. Huanla regained his freedom, and he crushed Thor's beloved hammer with his bare hands. Thor and Loki were exiled to Saka by him Hella took the Rainbow Bridge to Asgard, and he wiped out all Asgard's troops. Then he showed Odin's past history to everyone, and resurrected his mount with eternal fire, and the past belonged to her the legion.

Hela searched with all her strength for the giant sword that could open the Rainbow Bridge.Because of the Rainbow Bridge he was able to conquer other worlds.However, what Lal didn't expect was that the eternal fire revived his legion and brought her destruction.Thor successfully returned to Asgard, and his power of Thor has been fully awakened.Although there is still no way to deal with Hela, he has another solution, which is to complete Ragnarok!He learned that Hela's power comes from Asgard, and as long as Ragnarok is triggered, Asgard will be completely destroyed, and Hela will lose all his power.

Surtur's head and the Eternal Flame were refused, and Ragnarok officially began.The burning flaming greatsword pierced Asgard and Hela at the same time, and the Twilight Sword finally detonated Asgard.Everything seems to come to an end here. "

Mark hides a lot in it, such as the last Valkyrie and the final ending.

Because Mark didn't know if Hela, the God of Death, was still alive at that time, and with Loki as a criminal record, Mark didn't believe that the Goddess of Death, who had been astonished and fought for nine times, could die like this.

Perhaps one day those unscrupulous writers will resurrect Hela and become the big boss in a certain movie.

Mark doesn't think that's out of the question.

The story that Mark told ended here, but none of the two present regarded him as a story, because maybe in a certain timeline, this is what really happened.

Odin put his scepter aside, he had never felt so weak, he slumped on his throne, looking up at the golden palace.

"Will it be like that in the end?" Odin sat up and asked unwillingly,

"No, hasn't His Majesty the God King ever thought about my existence? Don't you find it curious that I don't appear in the story but know about it?"

Odin finally remembered what was wrong. Mark was a character who did not appear in the story from the beginning to the end.

Since he claimed to be his son-in-law, why didn't he appear in the story.Even in the end, the destruction of Asgard did not appear.

He didn't believe it, he didn't believe that he would meet an unkind person in the future, and meet an ungrateful son-in-law.

As if he had grasped the last straw, he rushed down from the throne, grabbed Mark and said, "Where are you? How is the story different?"

"Your Majesty Odin, you are possessed." Mark said to Odin calmly, feeling the sharp pain in his shoulder.

After being told by Mark, Odin immediately calmed down, let go of Mark slowly, and said to Mark, "It's because I'm a little bit obsessed!"

Looking at the God King Odin who was in a daze in front of him.

Mark is very clear about the impact of what he said on him.

This is a father, and the one standing in front of him is a father. He is not a god king, nor is he the overlord who conquered the Nine Realms.

"Everything has a turning point! And that turning point is me, I'm not boasting. Because the fate of many people has changed because of my appearance, including your queen and goddess Frigga!" So the future Destiny is not impossible to change, it just depends on how to change it.

(End of this chapter)

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