Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 521 An auspicious number

Chapter 521 An Lucky Number
Chapter 520 An Lucky Number
The Frost Giant's envoy was in trouble all of a sudden.

It's not that they are unwilling to make such a sacrifice, even if it's a wrong choice for Lao Fei to stand in front of the two armies and admit that it was a wrong choice to start the war, it's okay to take the initiative to give in.

All Laufey wants to fight for is time, and he believes that the final winner will be his so-called face, which is not worth mentioning in front of the real victory.

But the key problem is that Laufey has no children yet.Odin miscalculated his deadly enemy.

"I'm sorry, Odin, the god-king. My master has no heirs. Please forgive me for not being able to agree to your request." The frost giant's envoy rejected Odin's request, but his attitude was still very respectful.

But in the eyes of Odin, who is full of confidence, this kind of rejection is a kind of provocation to him. How could he believe that the ruler of a country has not had an heir for so many years.

You must know that his daughter can lead soldiers to fight now.

It's just that I don't want to send my child to Asgard as a hostage.

Odin was very angry, and the end of Gungnir in his hand slammed the floor of the Golden Palace fiercely. The knocking sound was deafening, and everyone couldn't help being shocked.

"That's enough! You don't want peace talks at all. You don't have any sincerity. You are leaving Asgard now." In fact, Odin also wants to end this war as soon as possible. The main reason is that the delay of this war is too long. long.

Asgard is now fighting on two fronts, the army led by Odin is attacking other worlds, and Hela is attacking the world belonging to the Frost Giants.

There was no problem when the two-line battle started, but as time went on, the disadvantages of the two-line battle also began to appear.

More and more supplies are needed, which makes Asgard a little difficult to support now.

That's why Odin wants to resolve this war quickly.

The messengers of the frost giants left Asgard in a hurry, but before they left, they left some gifts in Asgard as gifts to Odin after negotiations.

Laufey had already considered the failure of the negotiation from the very beginning, but the failure of the negotiation did not mean that there was no hope. He had already thought about it and used other methods to relieve the pressure brought by the front.

If Asgard, that is, Odin's lair, has been attacked, then Hela will return to her father and homeland?
For the first time, Lau Fei paid a lot of money.

After all, this is the winter treasure box, even if it is the body of a god, there is no way to face it.

Once he is opened and completely liberated in Asgard, the entire Asgard will be turned into a world of ice and snow. If you want to close it, you must let the god king Odin go in person.

But that way, you'll put Odin in Odin's Sleep early.

In the Nine Realms, basically everyone knows where Odin's weaknesses lie.It's just that this is a weakness that is not a weakness.

To put him into a dormant state in advance, he must consume his divine power, but no one knows how abundant Odin's divine power is at his peak state in his prime of life.

Even after going through a big battle, Odin can face several other world rulers with ease.

It seems that the only one who can defeat Odin is himself.


After Mark returned to the house, he immediately took out the card he got, and said braggingly, "What do you think this is?"

Hela, who sat alone by the window and stared into the distance, turned her head to look at the card in Mark's hand. She knew this card very well, and was surprised that Mark would go there.

"You actually went to the arena. It seems that you are very lucky today, and you probably didn't meet Heimdall there." Hela said.

"Isn't he usually responsible for guarding the Rainbow Bridge?" Mark said as he put the card on the table.

"In the past, Heimdall didn't have to be stationed at the Rainbow Bridge every day. The big guy is a famous fighter, and basically no one can take away the arena bonus from him." Hela also recalled Said during that time.

When saying these words, Hela didn't put herself in this period of time at all, and she didn't have any sense of belonging to this period of time or this world in her heart.

When staring into the distance, he was just recalling the past, but the familiar scene in front of him was a little emotional, but he knew that what was fake was fake after all, and this was not the time he was in.

I feel like a superfluous person in this world.

"I thought that a person as stable as him should have better interests before?" Mark also didn't see that Heimdall, who was honest and honest on the surface, would be such a person.

However, I was really glad that I didn't meet Heimdall today. Mark was not afraid, nor did he think that he was inferior to Heimdall.

It's just that I don't want to get a bonus, and it's so strenuous.

"There are still many things you don't know!" Hela finished speaking and continued to turn out of the window, looking at the beautiful scenery in the distance.

Mark looked at that look, a little speechless, picked up the water glass and said to the water: "When I came here, I met a few frost giants on the street, are you people in Asgard so hospitable to the frost giants? "

Haila turned her head abruptly and asked, "What did you encounter just now?"

"I said I met a frost giant just now, what's wrong?" Mark was a little puzzled, why Hela was so excited about the giant?
Isn't it just a few frost giants?

Hela jumped, but he seemed to have forgotten that he was still in the body of an ordinary person. How could Mark manage the water glass now, so he also jumped out and controlled Hela through his soul.

"Forget what's going on now!" Mark said with some complaints.

Hela also felt deep pain when she looked at her powerless self.

The two fell to the ground slowly, and Mark asked, "What happened? So anxious."

"Those frost giants placed a winter treasure box in the city of Asgard, and they plan to open it in Asgard. Odin will definitely go to close it at that time, but he will also fall into sleep due to the excessive consumption of divine power. Ah There must be a king in Sgard, otherwise this god domain hanging in the universe will be attacked. I, on this timeline, will definitely return. The plan of a thousand years will be destroyed, and I will also Killed by her." At the end of Hela's words, there was a trace of fear in her eyes.

As the so-called eyes are the window to the soul, Mark looked at Hela who was in a state of fear and said, "If that's the case, let's go! Do you know where it is?"

"I only remember that it should be in Dongshi!"


Mark and Hela rode on the steed of God's Domain and headed towards Dongshi.

That is one of the largest bazaars in Asgard. Leaving aside how much economic loss there would be if an outbreak broke out there, just because it is the closest to the Golden Palace, this geographical condition will definitely make Asgard fall into a catastrophe in an instant. Paralyzed.

The envoys of the frost giants must have made all preparations in advance before they came here.

The two rode their horses and galloped wildly, and finally arrived at Dongshi, but the cold air that came to them made them realize that it was too late.

Mark knew how to hug Hela, and used his body to block the oncoming cold.

This piercing feeling made Marco scream, and Mark felt as if his back was not his own.However, it has not affected Mark's actions for the time being.

After the first shock was over, most of the surrounding houses had been frozen.The pedestrians on the surrounding roads have turned into ice sculptures. The reason why Mark's side is fine is because Mark opened his shield later.

In this case, the shield has no effect at all. Mark relies entirely on the energy in his body to forcibly maintain the surrounding temperature.

However, this is not a long-term solution after all.

"You go and close that thing first, I'm fine."

Although Hela said that she was fine, her body kept shaking.

"Go! If you don't go, it will spread farther, and then you will really be unable to escape!" Hela pushed Mark away.

Mark stopped being pretentious, turned around and walked towards the place where the cold air radiated.

It's not that Mark doesn't want to go faster, but that Mark can't completely block the impact of the cold.

One step, two steps Mark felt that the energy in his body dissipated rapidly every time he took a step, and the energy to maintain the temperature was running out.If this continues, Mark can only choose to transform.

Opened the treasure box and gradually lay in the corner. Mark stretched out his hand and tried to close the box, but the moment he stretched out his hand, frost appeared on his fingertips.

Then there was the whole palm. Mark knew that if this went on, he would become an ice sculpture.

Although the temperature on his body could no longer stop the invasion of the cold, but with his strong body, he finally stopped the invasion of the cold.

Mark resisted the biting cold and stretched out his hand.

With a snap, the treasure box was finally closed.

But even though this thing was turned off, the surrounding temperature was still quite low, and there was no sign of melting at all.

In the Golden Palace, Odin felt the chill.

Asgard's climate has always been in a state of spring all year round.

After all, this is God's Domain, not any other place.

Moreover, the area of ​​Asgard is not too large compared to the planet, and it is quite easy to control it.

Therefore, there is no climate warming at all, and there is only one possibility for this state, that is, it has encountered external influences.

Just sent away the Frost Giant, here was invaded by the cold, this had to make Odin think more.

Odin called his eight-legged war horse to his side, impatiently looking for the source of the cold. He didn't notice who the frozen people around him were all along the way, but only saw Mark beside the treasure box.

 I love you

(End of this chapter)

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