Chapter 508
Chapter 507 Practiced

The two little guys have finally developed their sense of distance and strength now.

Compared with Wanda, Piccolo is still a little weak when it comes to large-scale battles.

However, there is no way to do this. There is a specialization in the art industry, and Piccolo is relatively more suitable for assistance and support.If it has high-tech equipment or something else, it can strengthen its attack aspect.

Then it will become the core of a team.

Mark does have a lot of dangerous weapons in his hands.

But Mark doesn't believe in Piccolo. It's not incomprehensible for a child to heat up his head and do some dangerous things.

At this age and this kind of background, Mark can't really say that he is free.

If something really happens at that time, it must be Mark's responsibility.

Even if others don't know, Mark's own conscience can't bear it.

What horse has no conscience?
What a joke, Mr. Ma's conscience is well there, it's just black.

In recent days, Wanda has been exhausted and out of breath after practicing anyway, so she chooses to rest.With the help of a lot of supplements, he was able to appear on the battlefield alive and well the next day.

Piccolo's only problem is that the consumption of shoes is too great.

Scrapping four or five pairs of shoes a day is just like playing.Mark is even considering changing his shoes.


Nick's door in the morning was exactly as Mark expected.

This possibility was already thought of when his phone was blacklisted.

The two children continued to complete the training of the day, and Mark walked up to Nick and said, "What's the matter?"

"Where did you meet those two children?" Nick never took his eyes off the two children.

"Don't hit them with two ideas."

Mark will not let these two children have any intersection with S.H.I.E.L.D.The ghost knows what kind of thoughts will be instilled in them by the Hydra hidden in SHIELD after entering SHIELD?

Don't even think about it unless Mark is dead.

The calf facing Mark was also completely within Nick's expectations.

Judging from Mark's previous behaviors, you can see what kind of person Mark is.

Behavior analysis is actually very simple, and you can judge it with a little understanding.For a top agent, this is not difficult, let alone what a top agent needs to learn, not only these.

"I came to you not because of these two children, but because of other more important matters, which have nothing to do with you. I think it is necessary to tell you about it." Nick took it out of his pocket Captain Marvel's mobile phone was placed on the stone of the ruins and said to Mark.

Mark knew that it was not Nick threatening him, but the importance of the matter, and even alarmed Captain Marvel to come back for support.

"What happened?" Mark asked.

In fact, before this Tokyo incident, the World Security Council and the governments of various countries had already planned to manage people with superpowers.

"Hasn't it already been implemented?" Mark remembered a similar action before.

It's just not too successful.

"You also know that many capable people are out of control. It was just a trial at that time, and the government didn't have much power. At that time, the World Security Council only had an over-specified S.H.I.E.L.D. With the existence of power, just relying on ordinary troops, there is no way to pose a fatal threat to those superpowers."

Nick didn't hide it at this time, let alone say anything about the face of S.H.I.E.L.D.Everyone is a thousand-year-old fox, so there is no need to play Liaozhai.

"I'm listening, you continue to talk." Mark's serious listening attitude has changed significantly from being so indifferent at the beginning.

"Whether it's the purchase of power armor or the acquisition of alien technology during this period, they have actually almost digested it. They feel that they now have the ability to control superheroes like you. S.H.I.E.L.D. is the first experimental case. Natasha An agreement has been signed with Barton. However, those agreements have been held by me and have not been handed in yet." Speaking of which, Nick took a fancy to Mark and wanted to see something from his face.

"My opinion is to let them dream as early as possible! When those superpowers place knives on their necks, they will know what is called the irreversible trend."

Whether it is the Star World or the Marvel World, this is the case. For these independent and powerful individuals, they all have a strong desire to control.

It's just that the former is capable, but the latter... I think a lot and think well, but in practice, hehe.

Nick couldn't help but smile wryly. In this position for so many years, he has been exposed to too many superpower incidents.He deeply understands the fragility of human beings.He understands the technological power of your current world better. Confronting those super power organizations that have been introduced to take root in this world for many years is simply a dead end.

"Didn't you say you never wanted to be a hero?" Nick quickly ended the topic without continuing this embarrassing topic.

He also didn't feel that the topic of transfer was a bit rigid, and it was a waste of time for the two of them to conceal it.

"Yeah! But someone always needs to stand up, doesn't it? It's not a bad feeling to fight for those who are still willing to believe that heroes really exist. Actually, I have a headache now, and I'm starting to regret it. World safety What does the council say?" Mark asked.

Mark doesn't care about the World Security Council, but cares about the next series of propaganda of the World Security Council.

In the end, it is to promote the monster transformed by Mark as a vicious beast, but a protector who is willing to fight for the earth.

Good and evil!It is completely in the hands of the World Security Council. Of course, Mark also has the ability to end the organization of the World Security Council now.

But this organization disappears, and other organizations will appear.

That's the real reason why Mark doesn't do that.

When a piece of cake is vacant, there will always be ants climbing up. The ants think that they are the masters of the cake, and they covet those who can overturn the cake all day long.

"I don't know, I guess I shouldn't promote you as some evil monster. After all, after this battle is over, you haven't appeared again. However, you will still promote your threat and stimulate people to donate. In this way Only those guys from the Ministry of Defense can spend money to update their equipment.

Don't you know that those guys are going crazy now, thinking of all kinds of ways to make money every day, and they almost use all the ways to make money in that book. "Nick said mockingly.

"You mean, he has already used part of the method above?" Mark naturally knew the name of the book.

I just didn't expect that group of people to be so eager.

"How many people did you investigate?" Mark asked.

"Not many, just a few thousand," Nick said.

"When are you going to close the net? I don't think you will let go of such an opportunity to make money for nothing!"

Mark clearly understands how important money is to S.H.I.E.L.D.

The same is true for Nick, who has been the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. for so many years, and has never said that he is rich on hand.

Basically, the money that has just been imported will be dragged out after changing hands. Now SHIELD still owes a large amount of foreign debt.

Why are you asking?
The moths of Hydra are really not eating dry food.

"I think so too, but if I really do this, then I will just push the General Department to the opposite side of me, and the life of S.H.I.E.L.D. may be even more difficult. Now many people in the military department are quite fond of S.H.I.E.L.D. I have opinions, so I can't do it this time."

Mark even wondered if the black stewed egg in front of him had been transferred.

Otherwise, how could he say such a thing.

Sensing Mark's strange expression, Nick also understood what it meant.

It's just that he didn't say a word.

"Okay, the chat is over." Mark took out a test tube from his pocket, which contained Mark's blood.

"Tell those guys, if you are not afraid of death, just take something to study, and remember not to study the things left by that monster again. The destructive power caused by the military's research on such things last time should not be there. Forget it!"

Remembering the first New York invasion, Nick felt his heart pounding.

Just like what Mark said, they haven't forgotten it, let alone dare to forget it.

"Why are you taking this thing out?"

"They can't research anything. You just need to tell them that it's the blood of that monster. Even if they can research it, it won't hurt anything." The reason why Mark said this was because he was concerned about himself With confidence, the blood separated from his body can be cloned or made into special medicine.

That is also within the scope of Mark's control. The part of the gene that originated from his own body will quickly invade after entering the body of others.

If those who have used these medicines are going to do something to themselves, they only need to mobilize the genes in their bodies, and they can be easily killed.

It was the same as when the hybrids slaughtered the swarm, because they had obtained the most basic genes of the swarm, and they also had genes belonging to the swarm in their bodies.

Nick looked at the uncoagulated blood in the test tube, and finally put it away.

Since the rightful owner doesn't care anymore, there's no need for him to worry about it.

(End of this chapter)

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