Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 489 Marauders and Cockroaches (5000-word chapter)

Chapter 489 Marauders and Cockroaches (5000-word chapter)
Chapter 488 Marauders and Cockroaches (5000-word chapter)
The burning flames did not cause any harm to these cockroaches, but instead made them even more angry.

Acidic saliva spewed out of their mouths, and the policemen hiding behind the car couldn't understand the horror of this acid at all.terror

After seeing the green liquid sticking to the car door and quickly corroding the entire car door, the policemen began to cringe a little.

When facing gangsters, they still have police cars and body armor as protection.At least there is still a glimmer of hope for survival, but facing these monsters and these strong acids, they can't even see the hope of survival.

But Peter Parker, who was sitting in the middle of the school bus, saw the fleeing crowd around him, and couldn't help sticking out his head, wanting to see what was going on outside.

"Peter, what are you looking at?" Piccolo asked Peter who stuck his head out.

Although it is not the same school now, but because I take the same school bus every day.Wanda and Piccolo have met the little spider Peter Parker.

The screams of the crowd were too loud, and even the gunshots accumulated in the distance even covered most of it.

Other children are already crouching in the school bus with their little heads in their arms. You must know that the defense capability of American school buses is second only to armored vehicles.

For the safety of these children, even in such emergencies, in most cases, the driver will ask the children to stay in the car and not go out.

At least it's much safer inside the car than outside.

"It seems that some terrorist attack happened, and I don't know!" Peter's face was filled with lingering sorrow.Now he really wants to be everyone's good neighbor, Spider-Man, to see what's going on.

When Wanda heard about the terrorist attack, she didn't shrink back. Instead, she walked towards the rear of the car with her two older brothers. Through the large glass at the rear of the car, they were finally able to clearly see what was happening behind.

The black and purple monsters were constantly attacking the police officers with rifles in their hands.Too bad the police don't seem to be able to deal with these monsters.

Wanda and Piccolo looked at each other, nodded, made a decision, and disappeared into the car in the next second. No one knew where the two of them went.

Peter really wanted to see clearly with his extraordinary physical fitness, and saw the afterimages left by the two people, but it was just an afterimage!

Unexpectedly, the brother and sister who accompany me to school every day are also superpowers.

Peter opened his collar and looked at the Spider-Man suit he was wearing inside.

This is what Mr. Tony Stark made for himself, just for the suit that Mr. Tony Stark made for himself, he can't shrink back.

The world needs heroes like him!
The little spider grabbed the railing and flipped out while the companions around were not paying attention.At this time, the driver's attention was still on these children, he was staring at the slowly moving car in front of him.

Now he can't wait to step on the accelerator, slam into it all at once, and force a way out, but he is not driving an armored car, but a school bus.

After turning out the window, Peter crouched down and hid between the two cars.As a child, he was not too tall, and few people could see him among the cars.

Peter quickly took off his clothes and stuffed them into the backpack, took out the headgear from the backpack, put it on his head, and tapped the button on his chest lightly.

This suit quickly searched and wrapped himself tightly.

He checked the spider silk launcher on his wrist, and after confirming that there was no problem, he sprayed out the spider silk.

The good neighbor of New Yorkers, Spider-Man is here.

The little spider continuously shot out silk threads, swinging rapidly in the air. When he was about to reach the area where the monster was, he found a lamp post, and the spider thread on his right hand was wrapped around the top of the lamp post.After turning around the lamp post, he landed firmly on the lamp post.

Wanda carefully looked at these bugs from a distance, and at the same time tried to control the chaos magic in her body.Piccolo mainly brought up his mask and gloves, looking for something on the ground that could serve as a shelter.

His mission is to protect his sister from those damned monsters attacking her during the judicial process.

After getting used to it for a while, Wanda was finally able to barely control this force, and the red energy in her hand shot forward, catching the nearest cockroach.

When the cockroach feels that its body is out of control, it keeps struggling.He found that his body was gradually rising, and his short limbs were waving in the air, which was funny and funny.

People who know the danger of this thing can't laugh at all.

Wanda was concentrating, her brows furrowed.Pulling vigorously with both hands, as if tearing the cockroach with his own hands.Wanda's movements stopped halfway through, and he felt a force resisting her.

Wanda watched the cockroach struggling constantly, and she realized that it was her own investment, and the chaos magic was not enough.

Wanda's hands turned crimson from light red at the beginning. The cockroach struggled more and more slowly, and a gap appeared in its waist, and a large amount of green liquid flowed out along the gap.

The cockroach let out a miserable scream.But there was nothing they could do. The cockroaches around hadn't even found the culprit, let alone helped their companions.

Wanda unleashed all the chaos magic that she could master now, and with a click, the cockroach split open in the air.

The little spider standing in the distance almost saw the whole process of Wanda releasing the magic.

Although he didn't know what kind of method was used, he felt that it was so cool.In the goggles, Jarvis had already scanned these monsters.

After fetching all the data in the database, he introduced to Peter: "These monsters are called cockroaches. Their shells are very hard. Small arms can't do any harm to them. At the same time, they are not afraid of flames. Their claws are very It is sharp and can easily tear through alloy steel plates, so it is recommended not to fight in close quarters. Their acid has a limited range and can be consumed by long-range advantages."

Looking at the introduction, Peter couldn't help scratching his head and said, "Then what should I do? All I have are spider silk or fighting skills, so how should I deal with them?"

Jarvis provided several possible solutions. Looking at the solutions in front of him, Peter himself never thought that he could do this.

Of course, there are several other plans that come with this set of campaigns.

For example, motorized spider silk that can be powered.

Peter chose the safest way, entangled them with spider silk, to prevent these monsters from continuing to hurt other people, as long as they were trapped in place and waited until other superheroes arrived on the scene, then all the crises could be solved easily.

Peter couldn't help but start to praise himself, what a little genius.

Just as Peter was about to launch the spider silk, a howitzer came with a whistling sound and hit the cockroach accurately.

This howitzer made Peter's heart almost burst out of fear as he was about to step forward.

Turn your head and look at the direction where the grenade is coming from. A group of people in heavy armor are slowly moving towards you.

A few more grenades were fired at the same time. Although the grenades were just ordinary grenades, they were enough to hurt the cockroaches.

When Wanda and Piccolo saw these grenades launched and entered, they understood that this was the real reinforcements arriving on the scene, and you don't need the help of their two little guys here.

He then rushed towards the school and returned to the school bus. There must be no other way. It is estimated that the people on the school bus had already discovered that they had disappeared.

At that time, I lied directly at the school gate, saying that I got out of the car early because I was afraid, and the teachers and drivers in the car probably wouldn't say much.

It's just that the two of them didn't know about it. The teacher called the guardian Mark directly because he was too worried when the two of them disappeared.

After Mark got the news that the two children were missing, he rushed out immediately without thinking.In any case, they have been together for a while, and Mark really doesn't want any accidents for these two children.

It would have been fine if the two children hadn't gone to do justice.

If so, it is really too dangerous.

The two of them didn't have any protection, and it was nothing to translate to those cockroaches.

When Mark rushed to the scene, he found that there were no children near the scene, except for the one swinging in the sky.

"Don't play on the swings, kids, go back to school!" Mark shouted to Peter, who was swinging with spider webs.

Peter stayed in the sky for a long time, trying to find a chance to enter the battlefield.But the frequency of the grenade firing was too high, and the continuous explosions made him unable to find a chance to enter the battlefield.

After Peter saw Mark's presence, his hanging heart was relieved. With Mark here, it would definitely be safe and sound.

Peter swayed to Mark's side, and said respectfully to Mark: "Then I will leave it to you, sir."

Mark didn't speak, but waved his hand to show that he had heard it.

After the little spider left, Mark shouted to the police in the distance: "You guys don't stay here anymore, evacuate the civilians nearby, the people in these two buildings told them not to come down, make sure no civilians enter To the battlefield. Do you hear me?"

These police officers had already seen the logo on Mark's uniform, and they didn't dare to say nonsense, and began to carry out the tasks that Mark gave them.

Faced with this special situation, they have nothing to do.It should only be handled by someone with such a logo on their uniform.

They are all superpowers, and the equipment they use is much better than myself, so there is no need to work hard with that meager salary.

Mark didn't want to waste time here, he was ready to make a quick decision, and then he had to check where the cockroaches came from.

Mark jumped into the cockroach in a flash, powerful energy burst out from Mark's body, and these casualties were knocked into the air before they could react.

The sturdy body of the cockroach slammed into the walls of the surrounding buildings fiercely. This energy not only knocked the cockroaches into the air, but also destroyed the internal organs of the cockroaches.

The internal organs were severely damaged, and there was no way to repair it in a short time. The cockroach didn't even have the strength to stand up.

And those team members wearing raider combat uniforms came up and stuffed the grenades into the mouths of these cockroaches, and everyone added a grenade.

With a bang, the grenade exploded inside the cockroaches, blowing them apart.

In less than 4 minutes before and after, the battle was over.

Because the grenade exploded inside these cockroaches, it didn't affect the surgeon Mark to start inspecting its shell. The cockroaches can be judged by surgery to determine which group they belong to.

According to Mark's judgment, these are definitely not wild cockroaches.

In the wild, their spikes and limbs and fangs would be longer.Moreover, there are obvious traces of insect swarm transformation on their bodies, and the traces of transformation are still very new, indicating that they have only been transformed recently.

"Block this area, and no one can pass through." Mark ordered to the team members around him.

The team members quickly pulled up the yellow blockade line and stood on the edge of the blockade line to take charge of vigilance.

Mark looked at the deep pit dug by the cockroaches, and jumped down without hesitation. If he wanted to find the main nest of these guys, he had to go deep into the tiger's den.

Generally speaking, Mark would not jump off rashly like this, but this is Mark's territory, and this is New York City. These cockroaches have successfully threatened Mark's safety.

Even if Mark risked his life, he absolutely couldn't let these guys continue to act recklessly under this land.

Following the passage dug by the cockroaches, Mark finally found their base camp.What disappointed Mark was that there was only one cockroach nest here, and a group of ordinary cockroaches were dormant around the cockroach nest.

Is this just a cockroach nest that I didn't find because of my own negligence?
Mark scolded himself for being too suspicious. Maybe it was just his omission. After destroying the cockroaches and nests that were still in a dormant state, Mark left here along the passage.


After the battle ended, Mark received an invitation from the military.

Inviting Mark to a symposium held by the military, Mark knew that these guys in the military were ulterior motives and invited Mark. It was a fake, and it was true to want to get these combat uniforms from Mark.

But before that, Mark had already agreed to the dinner of His Excellency the President, so Mark politely declined the invitations of these military forces, and bluntly said that he was going to attend the dinner of His Excellency the President.

It was only then that the military personnel realized that their invitation was still too late, and they were actually taken one step ahead by the president.

The last time the banquet was held was not in the White House, but a five-star Michelin restaurant was chosen outside.

In fact, Mark is not too cold about these Michelin restaurants. After all, the name is too big, expensive, and sometimes it is unpalatable.

Unpalatable is a relative term, at least Mark is not used to it.

However, there are not any cold dishes today, most of them are hot dishes, so Mark still likes them very much.

Mark began to slowly cut the steak in front of him, completely ignoring the president sitting opposite him.

The president didn't feel rude because of Mark's action in advance. After Mark finished a bite, he smiled and asked, "How does it taste?"

"It's not bad!" Mark really didn't have much research on steak, anyway, it's not bad when he eats it.

The president gave a helpless wry smile. You know, this is the top Wagyu beef imported from Japan.But it was specially prepared for Mark.

Unexpectedly, what I got in the end was just the three words not bad.

"Mr. Mark believes that you should also know the specific reason why I invited you here. I don't know if you are willing to sell the combat uniforms that appeared on the streets of New York City before." The president said.

"Oh, that's what you're talking about. Those power services are of course intended to be sold, and they originally planned to announce the sale in the near future. I didn't expect Your Excellency to be interested! How much does Your Excellency President want? If there are a lot of them, I can definitely I'll give you a 8% discount. What do you think? If you think the 8% discount is not enough, we can also provide free post-maintenance, what do you think?" Mark offered such a big discount, so how could the President not be tempted.

However, it is precisely because of such a large preferential benefit that the president began to worry about whether this is a shoddy thing, otherwise why would it be so cheap?

Mark saw the concern on the president's face, and said with a smile: "If your Excellency is worried about the quality of these combat services, there is no need. I think many people will rush to get them."

Your Excellency the President also heard the meaning of Mark's words, and quickly waved his hand and said, "Of course not, I've been thinking, won't you lose money on this business?"

Mark put down the knife and fork and pulled off the scarf on his collar and said: "Compared with business, I hope to be friends with the President, and the water will last forever. There will be more business in the future, and there will be opportunities to make money at any time." .But things like friends and friendship are hard to come by. Am I right?"

Seeing Mark's sincere attitude, His Excellency the President really believed it, even if he didn't say anything, he picked up the red wine glass next to him and said to Mark: "Then let's toast to our friendship."

Mark was also unambiguous, picked up the red wine glass and raised it up and said, "Cheers to our everlasting friendship!"

In the second half of the dinner, the two chatted happily, as if they were old friends who hadn't seen each other for many years.Your Excellency the President poured out all the pain that has been suppressed by Congress for so many years.

Mark is like a trash can, listening without speaking.

Naturally, it was impossible for Mark to offend the military because of the president, and Mark still left a back door for them on the military side.It's true that Mark can't sell it here, but Stark Industries can!

As for who sent these messages, Mark didn't admit it anyway!

(End of this chapter)

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