Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 487 The Stimulated Military Headquarters

Chapter 487 The Stimulated Military Headquarters
Chapter 486 The Stimulated Military Headquarters
Although it is said to be a Hydra person, it is nothing more than a storage warehouse.

The Hydra people didn't put so many resources on them, so even if they were attacked by the US Marine Corps, they didn't know it at all.

If these Marines are attacking other important facilities, it is estimated that the group of Hydra can even prepare a trap so that these Marines will never return.

The marines easily broke through the outer defense line, and they didn't make much trouble outside. Anyway, the weapons in the hands of these terrorists could not penetrate their armor.

Even terrorists armed with heavy machine guns fired wildly at them.The Marines already knew how to use the explosion-proof shields on their shoulders, and turned sideways to block the shields in front of them.

The bullets jingled on the explosion-proof shield, and none of the bullets could penetrate the explosion-proof shield.Facing heavy machine gun fire and stormy attacks, the marines behind the explosion-proof shields patiently set up their guns and fired.

Even the bullets from the machine gun can't affect the opponent, and the opponent can still fight back against these terrorists, as if they have seen a ghost.

There were two machine gunners, seeing that their attacks had no effect.After firing a whole large magazine, he immediately gave up the machine gun and prepared to flee for his life.

But how could those marines let this guy go so easily.I just want to run after the fight, how can there be such a cheap thing!

The marines precisely killed the two machine gunners who were about to escape, and they fell to the ground with a scream.

However, the battle did not end here. The Hydra agent located in the deepest part of the base saw that the base was about to fall, and he was going to destroy the entire group and blow up the base together.

In any case, the secrets of this base must not be exposed.

I have to say that his plan is very good.It's a pity that he didn't notice that the agents of the CIA had already come behind him.The agent pulled out the dagger worn at his waist, and stabbed the Hydra's heart fiercely. He had no time to make any struggle, and finally died.

Before he died, he still wanted to reach out and press the bag button, but it was all in vain.

"Director, the target has been dealt with by me." The agent of the CIA... To be precise, it was the agent of SHIELD who had entered the CIA and reported the situation on the scene.

"After the end, upload all the materials of those marines to me."

"Yes, Chief!"

Nick, an old and cunning fox, thinks about how to increase his hole cards every day.Naturally, they coveted this set of powered combat uniforms.

In fact, he also had a preliminary estimate for this set of powered combat suits.According to Nick's estimate, it wasn't too far off.

What he didn't expect was that the weapons equipped with this power combat suit were actually so powerful.

Only children make choices, adults naturally want them all!
Not only did Nick want those power suits, but he also wanted those guns, but now every suit and gun was registered with the Marine Corps and the President.

Then it is definitely impossible to obtain it through abnormal means, so it can only be obtained through normal means.

After the Marine Corps operation this time, Nick took out a sum of money and bought a set directly from the president.

I believe that in the face of those green and green President Franklin, he will definitely make the right choice.


In the base, all the terrorists have been eliminated, and the marines are checking the gas bombs and missiles.

The Marine Corps was also shocked by the number of these gas bombs and missiles.If all these missiles and gas bombs are launched, all the cities with names in the Middle East will become hell.

They are also thankful that these missiles and gas bombs have been brought under control and did not cause such a catastrophe.

Now it is only necessary to continue to control the base, prevent those terrorists from counterattacking, and wait for the arrival of experts to destroy all these gas bombs and missiles.

The officers of the Marine Corps made a preliminary estimate by themselves.

It took less than 10 minutes from beginning to end to start the charge and then take the entire base to end the battle.

Taking down a military base in 10 minutes was something that was unimaginable before.

The buildings on the surface of this military base seem small, but the interior is still quite large.When cleaning the battlefield, I counted the number of terrorists, and it actually reached nearly a thousand!
This is because the corpses are considered healthy, and those corpses are already in pieces, so they are not included in the calculation.

And this is not the most important thing, time is indeed very important for war, but more important is the casualty rate.

If such elite consumption cannot afford consumption at all, it must be measured by the casualty rate.

Not a single Marine was injured, not even a minor injury!

Only one or two bullet holes were left in the weak parts of the armor, and even this combat uniform had no effect.

But this is not something to be surprised at, this set of combat uniforms can be used in various harsh environments.It's not just because of these that it causes failures in power combat.

That will not be installed on a large scale by humans, and it will be applied on various battlefields.

Ten minutes later, experts finally arrived at the scene by helicopter, ready to start destroying these evil weapons.

Other units of the Marine Corps took over the base to ensure its security.Naturally, these marines wearing power combat uniforms returned home with honor.

The news just came back to the United States, and the entire Department of Defense exploded.

In the beginning, if the army and navy had to show some shame, now the army and navy are completely shameless.The Army, Navy and Marine Corps are more or less related.

But this time even the air force got involved.

The guys in the Air Force said confidently that every pilot in our Air Force is a precious asset of the country.

For their health and to prevent possible accidents on the battlefield, our air force also hopes to prepare a set of such combat uniforms for every pilot before entering a fighter jet.

At first glance, what these turtle grandchildren said was quite reasonable, but for a while, I couldn't think of a reason to refute it.

The training period for these fighter pilots is really too long, not to mention the funds invested, the time alone is difficult to estimate.

Your Excellency the President sat aside and watched the farce happening in front of him, as if it had nothing to do with him.

"Navy! You yourself said that this team has nothing to do with you." The army officer said arrogantly.

"Fart! Marine Corps! Marine Corps! The Marine Corps is under the management of our navy, and has a fart relationship with your army. Let me tell you, the Marine Corps is our own son." Navy officer It's already shameless, just tear your face, anyway, you army officers also have this kind of virtue, why do our navy officers want this face?
"Why didn't your navy pay a penny when you asked for military pay? It was our army that helped."

Speaking of this matter, the army was also full of criticism at the time. This was simply taking money from one's own family to raise children for other people's families.The point is that this child is still very badass. If he has money, he doesn't mind raising another child, so he can treat it as a fun.

But the army's own situation is not too good.

Moreover, the weapons of the Marine Corps are eliminated by the Army every year.Isn't this relationship stronger than those penny-pinching navies?

"Everyone, stop arguing. Listen to my advice. They are all from the United States of America army. Don't make them so clear!" The Air Force personnel came over to act as peacemakers.

Don't distinguish clearly, don't distinguish clearly, so that your Air Force can sit by and enjoy the benefits?

At this moment, the navy and army reached a united front.Regardless of whether it ends up in the navy or in the army, anyway, it must not belong to these bastards.

"Go away!" Double impact of navy and army!

"It has something to do with your Air Force!" the Army people shouted.

If it weren't for the guys from the Air Force who did all kinds of things back then, how could the airborne troops be assigned to the Special Operations Command?

The contradiction between the navy and the air force has existed for a long time, and it is completely a historical issue.

Now he spared no effort to attack and said: "You airmen don't think about how to fly all day long, thinking about things about land warfare has nothing to do with you! Roll as far as you can."

The Air Force doesn't like to hear it, but the Army still has the qualifications to say you and the Navy, why should they say me?
"I didn't even watch you practice all day!" Air Force sarcastically said.


"Okay, everyone, be quiet." His Excellency the President said suddenly.

The whole room fell silent in an instant, as if they were waiting for His Excellency the president's voice.

Mr. President has never been so confident. Looking at the guys in front of him who suppressed him all day long, he said with a smile: "Actually, this matter is not impossible to talk about. As for me, I am actually easier to talk. The army and the navy said That's right, the Marine Corps belongs to the Navy, but... the Army takes good care of the Marine Corps.

So out of these considerations, the navy and army will definitely not treat you badly.But these things are all the equipment obtained by soldiers of our navy and army, who worked hard and risked a lot to pass through the portal.You are about to take it away with your mouth open, isn't it a bit inappropriate? "

When people from the navy and army heard what Mr. President said, they already guessed what Mr. President meant.

Even knowing that this is an obvious robbery, the navy and army are still willing to spend money to buy it.

 It's just a picture, don't get too deep into it!

(End of this chapter)

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