Chapter 47

Chapter 48
The terrazine stimulation was still quite obvious. Two agents couldn't contain the hallucinations in their hearts, and they began to show signs of going berserk.

His eyes scanned all the people around him, seeing them as the target of attack.

Mark signaled to several operators holding stun guns in the distance that they could do it.As the bullets from the stun gun were fired, the bullets pierced into the bodies of those agents, and the high-voltage current penetrated into their bodies along the wires, and quickly contained them.

It didn't take long before he fell to the ground, unconscious.At this time, several medical soldiers rushed out and took them aside for emergency treatment.

Natasha was the first to wake up. At this time, Natasha, who was on the floor, supported her head and tried to adapt to the severe pain just now.

If pain is an inevitable consequence of taking this particular agent, they are likely to be used many times in the future.

Therefore, at this stage, adapting to this pain is far more important than relieving it.

Mark will indeed continue to give them terrazine in the future, so as to stimulate the potential in their bodies, and maybe one or two real ghost agents can be cultivated in this world.

In the earliest days, the Tyrann Empire was only looking for those who were born with psychic powers for training and transformation.Very few say that they can be awakened through acquired cultivation.

Even if it is really awakened, it may not be suitable for training as a ghost agent.

It is reported that there used to be a field doctor in the old federation with level 5 psionic talent, but because of his age limit, he could not join the ghost agent.

Most of the best ghost agents are trained almost from a young age.


"Congratulations, you are the first to get rid of the domination of your own illusions and successfully stand in front of me." Mark said, pointing to the two agents who fell on the ground not far away.

Those two are the best examples of those who are left.The others looked at the two poor bastards who had been stunned, and felt a little guilty.

If he hadn't made it through just now, it's probably the end.

Clinton and Natasha also had lingering fears, after all, they had seen the most terrifying part of their hearts.

"Of course, don't take chances. This is just the first time, the second time, and the third time. If you don't make it through the next few times, you will be eliminated just like them. So I advise you not to take chances, there is nothing to take chances here.

Unqualified is unqualified, I will even make qualified people unqualified, you can try it.There is no fairness here, only victory and results!

Don't want to know where you guys are from?What skin color?what belief?What political party?I don't care who you obey, who do you take orders from?My request for you is to follow my command and follow my orders between my training sessions. "

On the tower of the space carrier, Nick watched the training situation on the deck through the glass hanging window.Adjutant Hill standing beside him asked: "Is it really appropriate to do this? Entrusting such an important training task to an outsider. And we don't know his details yet."

"I believe that Mark will be a qualified instructor, and at the same time he will train a group of loyal agents for SHIELD." Nick said confidently: "And I also want to know how Mark's high combat level is. Where did you learn it from? Which country did it come from, and which genre may be able to be understood through this time.”

Seeing that his boss was so relieved, Hill didn't continue to say anything.I just hope that my boss's guess is correct this time, and he didn't miss it.In the end, as long as there is no problem and let him wipe his ass, that's fine.


Mark also looked at the tower from time to time.

In fact, after receiving the job, Mark really realized how unusual the job was.

On the surface, it is to train a group of excellent agents, but the actual situation is to assign a group of agents to deal with the internal Hydra problem.

Towards evening, Mark received information from Nick.All are people with close ties to Senator Stern.

After careful investigation, some of them were from Hydra.Therefore, if Senator Stern's line was not found, it would be difficult to find out that they were actually Hydra agents. There was no sign at all, and there was no possibility of suspicion.

But at the same time, Nick's secret investigation also made some people in S.H.I.E.L.D. aware of some problems.

The information of these persons under investigation was quickly obtained by a former director, but Nick has not moved, so he did not act immediately.

Pierce acted that way on purpose.If he acted as soon as he received the information, it would easily arouse the vigilance of Nick, the black fox, and maybe even himself would be exposed by then.

So he is waiting for Nick's movements, and then he can hide under Nick Fury's big movements, making it seamless.

It is precisely because of Pierce's seeking stability that this operation was successful.

Mark can be sure that among the students he trained, there are definitely Hydra agents.After all, now that the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. has been infiltrated by Hydra, it is not surprising that there are one or two Hydra agents under his hands.

But even so, Mark did not conceal the purpose of this operation, and at the same time gave them enough time for them to report.

Mark just wanted to know which of his subordinates were traitors.

Sure enough, there are still one or two guys who can't sit still and report the news.The death plans that Mark gave them are all ready.

During the conflict, because the enemy's firepower was too fierce, unfortunately he died on duty.

Except for the issue of pensions for Nick, there are basically no problems.

It can be said that Nick spent a lot of money for this operation. Two Kun-type fighter jets carried a large amount of ammunition and weapons and started to act.

After Pierce received the news, he immediately made a contingency plan.But Pierce stopped immediately, realizing that something was wrong.

Pierce, the old fox, was really suspicious. It was because Mark led the team himself that he stopped his actions.If it were another person in S.H.I.E.L.D. to carry out this operation, he would not have doubts.

But the problem is that Mark is a non-staff member.

Pierce decided not to move anything this time, so that nothing changed.I have to say that cleverness is misunderstood by cleverness, just like Pierce.

Sometimes you think too much and calculate too much, but the final result is not as good as you think.

(End of this chapter)

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