Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 457 Inspiration

Chapter 457 Inspiration
Chapter 456 Inspiration

In the past, this matter will be said to God, and Mark will not come forward.

After all, this has nothing to do with me. It is completely the U.S. government's own fault and meddling, which is purely for self-displeasure.

At that time, if one of them fails to do well, he may become a blame man, and a lot of troubles will be entangled in himself.

But this time, there was really no way.Whether it is Hydra or the "Human Community" plan formulated by Mark.

These are hurdles that cannot be bypassed.If you want to keep this plan going, Mark needs to make sure that there will be no problems in the plan.

To use the huge war mech Thunder Emperor in front of him.Although it is said that Maozi is not well supervised, it has now logged on the east coast, and the gradual expansion of this incident is likely to cause the public to oppose the development of these technologies.

Those idiots who have enough food and drink to solve problems through artificial intelligence even if they have something to do, don't care about the human community.

It is estimated that when they see those alien invaders coming, they will scold those powerless governments at the first time, and then lick the feet of those aliens.

In fact, whether it is New York or Washington, or anywhere else, the folk customs are actually the same.

If I had to describe it, it would be as simple as Gotham City with outstanding people.

Otherwise, there would not be a lot of acquisitions. After superpowers, they would either be chivalrous and righteous, or be all kinds of evil superheroes and super villains.

Of course, some are forced to open their businesses, and Mark understands them quite well.

But whether it is a superhero or a super villain, it still has a big impact on this society controlled by ordinary people.

For those in power, it is like a child with only a nuclear bomb launch button in his hand, threatening their lives at any time.

It cannot be said that it is wrong for those superheroes to fight for justice, nor can it be said that what those in power are doing is wrong. Those in power also want a stable and harmonious control environment.And those superheroes want such an environment too.

It's just that the positions are different, and the problems faced are also different.That's all.

At this time, Mark was sitting on the roof of a high-rise building with a solid stool under his buttocks, and iced watermelon juice and fruits were placed beside him.

It was as if the gunpowder smoke and explosions around him had nothing to do with him.

Beside Mark, a dozen big men in black suits were responsible for observing the surrounding situation.

Don't get me wrong, they're not here to protect Mark.It's just dealing with some simple things that can be handled, such as a few Hydras that have just climbed onto the balcony.

But those unlucky ghosts were lying on the side with their limbs twisted. As for the moans, they had long since disappeared, because their necks were also twisted.

As if nothing happened, he continued to drink watermelon juice, eat fruit, and looked at Thor, who was fighting the huge mech in front of him.

Although Thor's appearance is indeed an accident, it does not affect the dramatic improvement of this good show.

Of course, Mark came here not only for Mark, but also to see if Lei Di could leave some other things on his body.

Mark never meant to underestimate any technology and any talent in this world.

Even in this world, the most cutting-edge technology is not as good as Protoss, but this does not mean that the technology in this world has no merits.

Even some ancient applications are still playing their due role.

The development history of human beings is only a few thousand years, but the development history of Protoss is more than that. Compared with the two, they are not at the same quality level.
Mark can't rely on the protoss to sit and eat all day long.

Even the Protoss, who was busy archaeologically excavating the previous technology all day later, was thinking about entering and innovating.

In particular, the new Purifier made by Phase Technician Karax also shines on various battlefields.

Of course, Karax also gained a lot of inspiration from human professional technician Rory Siwan and created some new technologies.

Mark's idea is almost the same, and I want to see if I can get some inspiration from these places.

I didn't have much hope at first, but what I didn't expect was that I found something that caught Mark's eyes.

In fact, Lei Di is simply shoddy compared to the protoss.

Even compared with human technology, it is really rudimentary.

We must know that a building as large as the human command center can also fly into the air through transformation.Although it lost its ability to fly after turning into a planetary fortress, it was only because the planetary fortress was too heavy after its transformation, and the original power could no longer float it into the air.

Theoretically speaking, as long as more jets and new energy sources are installed, the planets can fly into the sky.

In fact, from Mark's point of view, Lei Di in front of him is completely an enlarged version of Wolf Warrior.

Don't get me wrong, it's not the wolf warrior who can wipe out an entire African mercenary by himself.Although both are very strong, it is enough to be so strong that the glass slag can only delete this unit in order to ensure the balance of the game.

Although the height of that thing is about the same level as a Viking fighter, it is less than half of Thor (the final weapon of StarCraft 2 Terran land warfare).

The most important thing is that this thing is transformed by human beings through SCV, yes, yes, it is the one you think, commonly known as the farmer's SCV, but the attack power of this thing is ridiculously high, and winning the lottery will be like playing of.

Whether it's the late stage of human beings or facing other races, there is often only one tactic, and that is to build this stuff into the dead.

All in all, it's done right.

Even in the face of the immortal father recognized by all players, he is not inferior in the slightest (human fanatics think it themselves, but in fact, hehe, this proves that your father is still your father!).

However, there is still a gap between the two. The speed of the railgun accelerated by the DPF railgun can reach 3 kilometers per second.Although the level of human science and technology can also reach this initial speed, but the size is not flattering.

Mark thinks this thing actually has a promising future.

When you have time, go back and check to see if there is any information about human wolf warriors in the database.If there are any, they will be reformed and sold to various military powers in the world at that time, and they can make a lot of money by then.

Even in the face of alien invasion, there is room for a war.

For Mark, this is definitely a profitable business.

Of course, the good tradition Mark that has always been left behind will not be lost, and Mark will not let the weapons he created turn his head against him.

(End of this chapter)

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