Chapter 447
Chapter 446 It's Just a Deal
In fact, Mark's selling his own weapons now is similar to those who sold black discs back then.

It is completely a formal channel, and it is estimated that this is a three-no product.If it weren't for Mark's golden sign, it would still be a little deterrent in the military. It is estimated that the high-level officials on the other side would directly cut off the power supply.

It's a pity that time waits for no one. During the time they hesitated, more than a dozen tanks were destroyed, and several helicopters fell from the sky, destroying a large number of buildings.

"It hasn't been a long time since you felt proud? Facing the invasion of aliens, the weapons you made are completely useless. Now it's all about superheroes and S.H.I.E.L.D. It is estimated that it has already fallen. Now even the weapons made by the Russians, you have no way to resist, are you still thinking so much? Since you are not willing, then I will sell these things to Nick Fury! "

In fact, these high-level military officials knew very well that it was not a secret that the robots that Mark had created were among them.

Whether it's those legionnaires, or those new long-range attack mechanical warriors newly installed in the UK.Their combat effectiveness is very good, and one person can match the combat effectiveness of a squad.

The reason why the army did not adopt it was entirely because they were afraid of holding the entire lifeblood in Mark's hands.

It's different from the technology that Tony Stark can manufacture.

Those of Tony Stark are still in the category that humans can manufacture, but these robots of Mark are completely beyond the scope of human manufacturing.

The experts supported by the military are not useless. So far, no one has been able to crack the so-called high-end crystal. How to synthesize it?Not to mention the large-scale application to those mechanical soldiers, and those experts have only a half-knowledge of its operating principles.

It's hard to imagine that a fist-sized crystal can last for such a long time, and it can be recycled.

However, as the crisis is approaching, they seem to have no choice.

"Wait! We agree to your deal, but you must let the military put those mechanical warriors into the battlefield."

This is the military's final bottom line.

If they disagree, they would rather not make this deal.

Mark is very clear that this is to save a little face for the military.

If Mark's transport plane appeared on the battlefield majestically, even if it was purchased by the military, it would only be the military that would be ashamed.

All final honor and credit will go to Mark.

Sometimes those fools are really easy to fool, but fools are not without intelligence!

Cutting leeks must also be level, otherwise, after cutting once, don't even think about cutting it a second time.

"No problem at all."


From the beginning to the end, the two parties have never discussed the issue of price. Faced with this situation, price is no longer a problem at all.

Mark has the entire Gears of War production line and proof of sale over there.If the military returns at that time, the military's reputation will plummet with all arms dealers.

No one wants to be a business partner with such a person.

Everyone opens the door to do business, and that is to make money.

More than a dozen Immortals are undergoing transformation in the armed transport aircraft. The camouflage paint is sprayed on the outer shell of the Immortals, turning them into war weapons made by the military.

If it wasn't for the tight time now, they even planned to spray-paint the American flag on the shells of these immortals.

The powerful earthquake resistance of the Immortal, even if it is dropped directly from a height of more than ten meters, it will still not have any impact on it.Immortals who can easily resist the attack of piercing siege artillery, if they don't even have this earthquake resistance, they might as well be scrapped as soon as possible.

Seeing the powerful bodies of these immortals, the high-ranking generals of the military had a wolf-like glint in their eyes.

In fact, the people and the National Guard in New York have already known this weapon of war.In the two wars of alien invasion, they showed powerful abilities.

However, these news did not spread, and the blockade of some speeches was relatively strict, so not many people in Washington recognized this weapon of war.

Therefore, the military soldiers who were fighting were quite surprised to see these strange war weapons entering the battlefield.

Especially seeing the thick muzzle, it seems to be a new type of energy weapon.I just hope that these war weapons are not as fragile as the previous tanks, and they can't even break the opponent's armor.

When the phase fragmentation cannon tore Lei Di's shell, the military soldiers around him cheered. They could clearly feel the scorching heat emanating from the barrel. This is what future weapons should look like.

The previous energy tanks were simply weak!
There is no harm without comparison, and the same is true for the top military officials. Compared with these weapons of war, their tanks are like play toys.

The Hydra that was manipulating Lei Di looked at the damaged parts, and was also terrified.

Before they arrived on the east coast, this war mech was also subjected to rigorous testing.Even with armor-piercing depleted uranium bombs, it is not an easy task to penetrate Lei Di's armor. It takes at least five hits to one part at the same time to cause damage.

Note that this is only for causing damage!Rather than a complete flaw, it is almost impossible to completely destroy the entire armor.

However, now Immortal's phase fragmentation cannon broke this impossibility.

A wave of deficits.

Compared with Lei Di, these Immortals are quite small in size, even a little worth mentioning.

It has not yet reached the height of the feet, but the attack fired from the "small" gun barrel has beaten this colossus back steadily.

The driver of the Hydra can only continue to resist the damage through constant dodge and the arm with the destroyed armor.

In this case, you can only choose to abandon the car to protect the handsome.

The Immortals kept chasing Lei Di who was fleeing like a hungry greed.

The helicopter responsible for reporting in the distance watched the dramatic scene in front of him, and the reporter responsible for real-time commentary also became a little speechless.He didn't know where to start.

Lei Di's pilot knew very well that he could no longer rely on his armor to head-to-head with his opponent. He had to keep a distance and win by virtue of his range advantage.

The thinking can be said to be very clear, but so far, it is still impossible for the technology on the earth to break the fortitude shield of the immortal.

(End of this chapter)

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