Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 441 Come and Hurt Each Other

Chapter 441 Come and Hurt Each Other

Chapter 440 Come and hurt each other
The whole meeting was live broadcasted to the Queen of England in real time. When the Queen heard Mark say this, there was no expression or fluctuation on her face, as if she had already guessed the matter.

The butler standing next to him watched the queen carefully, ready to deal with any situation that might happen at any time.

"It's really interesting, but it's a pity that we won't see the end again." Her Majesty the Queen glanced at the clear sky outside the window and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.


"I know exactly what I'm talking about!" Mark stood on the spot and turned around, his eyes scanning everyone.

Nick didn't expect Mark to be so ruthless, and this kind of move that hurts the enemy a thousand and hurts himself eight hundred can be used.This is simply preparing to drag S.H.I.E.L.D. into the water and beat it to death.

"What? Can SHIELD use your technology now? After all, this is for the benefit of mankind all over the world. God knows how lucky human beings are to win this time, and whether they can win in the future or not Two words. Human beings claim to be the masters of the earth, but what is the situation when they face alien civilizations these few times? And they lost their armor and armor and suffered heavy losses. Two big cities were destroyed, countless people were displaced and lost their lives. Relatives. If you fall behind, you will be beaten, and if you are weak, it is a sin.

When the Spaniards landed on the American continent, they faced the barbaric Aztecs.With the cannons and guns in their hands, they killed the natives of the American continent.There was even smallpox, which the vast majority of Europeans were immune to at the time, to kill those Aztecs.

History tells us a cruel reality time and time again.In this world, whether it is a human society or a country that is weak, it will be swallowed up, and if it is backward, it will be beaten.If you don't want to be negative, you have to work hard honestly. The most regrettable thing is that there is not much time for human beings.Yesterday it was a Chitauri, today it's a dark elf, so what will it be tomorrow?
Who can tell when these 'Spanish' from other planets will bring you disasters on Earth again?This is not some movie fiction, this is reality, Mr. Nick Fury.Ditch your unrealistic hero party plans. "Mark took out the human righteousness that the World Security Council and S.H.I.E.L.D.

If they don't agree, then it's humanity's righteousness.

I don't know how they feel when I use my favorite moves in the past.

When the scene was silent, Mark's mobile phone rang suddenly. Looking at the familiar number and notes on the mobile phone, Mark connected the phone without any shyness.

"Hi! It's me."

Mark turned on the hands-free as if on purpose, and broadcast it to the audience through the loudspeaker.

It was Tony Stark's voice.

"Of course I know it's you, what's the matter with calling me now?" Mark didn't know why Tony would call himself at this time.

"You really like to make big news! Now that you have started to announce it, I can't lag behind! I have published the blueprint of Mark II on Stark's official website, and everyone can check it. Seriously Yes, if it is not impossible, I really want to announce the [-]rd and [-]th. If I really do that, the shareholders will probably fight me desperately. Where is your company is completely controlled by you , It really makes me a little envious!"

Every family has their own hard-to-read scriptures, and the same is true for Tony's company.If this was the company Tony built himself, there would be absolutely no such thing, but it is a pity that the company was handed over to him from his father.

Mark didn’t speak, but glanced at everyone present.Mark paid special attention to Nick's expression. Nick still had a paralyzed face.

"Okay, let's not talk about it, I will continue to develop my armor, goodbye." After finishing speaking, Tony didn't get a reply from Mark, so he hung up the phone.

Mark didn't say a word when the call ended.

Few people present would ask why Tony, who was far away across the ocean, would know the news announced by Mark's army soldier robot so quickly.

As the top, smartest, richest, and most resourceful group of people in the world, it will not surprise anyone that Tony Stark does anything.

On the contrary, it will feel very normal!

Even if someone said that Tony Stark had already started to prepare a harem, and then lived a shameless life with three wives and four concubines, no one would say anything about him, people would only say that he was a hero.

That's the difference between people.

Nick clenched his fist tightly. He knew that whether it was the information released by Mark or the information released by Tony, those things were of no use to ordinary people.

Even for some countries it is useless.

Because there are simply no resources and materials to build something like that.

Until now, S.H.I.E.L.D. has not researched an energy source that can replace Tony's Ark reactor.

Not to mention the special materials and special shields on Mark's legionnaire robots.The most important thing is the energy of the legionnaires, and they don't know what drives them.

The material of the energy core is even ignorant, and SHIELD has basically not made any progress in research so far. The only thing they know is that they can be supplemented with electricity through electricity.

Compared to Tony Stark's Ark Reactor, which still has a lot of data and known elements, Mark's Legionnaires are nothing short of a mystery.

For those who don't understand this aspect, it seems that Mark is playing self-destruct.When he was about to die, he would die with S.H.I.E.L.D., but everyone familiar with him knew that Mark was a white wolf with empty hands.

Nick Fury could only make a compromise in the end, he let go of his fist and said: "SHIELD will sort out all the data in two days, and then make it public to all countries in the world."

After putting down such a sentence, Nick Fury left the British Parliament.


A few days later, New York City.

Although Mark has returned to New York City, he has not left the office.It is not so easy to throw away the shopkeeper. Some important decisions still need to be reviewed by Mark himself.

The earliest documents were even a month ago, and Mark did not process them. If this continues, it will definitely affect the operation of the company.

Mark hid in the company as if nothing had happened, but the outside world had already been turned upside down.

Whether it is the data provided by the Mark Company or the data provided by Tony Stark, these data have caused a sensation in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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