Chapter 435

Chapter 434 Survive

The British aristocracy, in particular, was once ridiculed for centuries.

It's like the country next door that can only win wars with women and foreigners.

Was laughed at all the time.

However, at the very beginning, it was the ancestors of these nobles who won it bit by bit.

When those intruders stepped into their garden, they did not hesitate to take up arms to fight back.

In an English manor, the owner of the manor has fired the last bullet in the shotgun.And the soldiers who came to support them had already emptied their bullets.

They have retreated to the middle of the hall, which is the gate of the hall, blocked by various furniture.

These expensive furniture, which were originally made, are now piled up there like tatters, and there are waves of impacts outside.

The bullets of those dark elves have already been emptied, and now they can only use this most primitive method to hit the gate.

The manor owner walked step by step to the armor inherited by his family. He didn't put on the heavy armor because he knew that the armor couldn't protect him.

He picked up the two-handed sword that he had carefully polished, and the weapons and glory left by his ancestors were all in his hands.

"Everyone! I don't know how many of you were born in ordinary families, and how many of you were born in noble families, but we all have only one identity now, and we are citizens of the empire on which the sun never sets. Although we may pay our lives for it today, But future generations will remember our efforts." As soon as the manor finished speaking, the gate was slammed open.

The manor owner rushed towards the dark elves with a two-handed sword.

He didn't know if these two-handed swords could break through the defenses of the dark elf armor, but he did something that many people dared not do.

Unsurprisingly, the two-handed sword did not cut through the armor of the dark elves. How could the antiques left over from centuries ago be against the armor of the alien race?
The dark elves looked at the overbearing manor owner.They raised their weapons and tried to kill the troublemaker who dared to swing them at them.

Just as his weapon was raised above his head, the sound of horseshoes sounded in the distance.

Then came the gunshots.

The brain of the defenseless dark elf was pierced by bullets, and he fell powerlessly to the ground. A crisis was thus resolved.

The visitor was wearing ancient heavy plate armor and holding a UTS-15 in his hand.This weapon, known as a home defense backup gun, can fire all fifteen rounds in a very short time.

Even if it cannot cause a fatal attack on the dark elves, relying on the powerful impact of kinetic energy, it can obviously hinder the actions of those dark elves.

Even the horses under their crotches were covered with ancient vests, which shone with special brilliance under the sunlight.

On one side of the steed is an ancient long sword, which symbolizes the family's past glory, while on the other side is a sufficient ammunition belt, which symbolizes the changes of the times.

The manor owner quickly recognized the person who came, it was the servant who had been kicked out by him and belonged to the family.Although that was a long time ago and times have changed, but when he left the family, he still expressed his loyalty to the family.

They really serve this family, and their ancestors have contributed to this family for generations. Perhaps they also regard themselves as part of this family from the bottom of their hearts.

The manor owner just hoped that they could live freely and not be bound by the family, but he didn't know how these people felt about the family?

This is not to whitewash slavery, or ancient bad habits.

It only cares about a person's feelings and spirit.

"We fight for you, Mr. Knight!" The attendant said loudly without dismounting, as he couldn't wear this equipment alone.Not to mention dismounting alone.

"You bastards! I didn't tell you to live your own life, why did you come back?" Tears rolled down the face of the manor owner.

Especially looking at that armor!
This era will change, maybe the weapons used will change, maybe even humans will no longer be able to enter the battlefield.

But the chivalrous spirit that belongs to human beings and belongs to discrimination will not disappear.

Even if that only exists in fantasy and books, there are still people who will work hard for it.


[When the end comes, not everyone is thinking about how to escape, but more people are trying to find a chance!In this case, the heroes appeared!Their identities are different, some are nobles, some are commoners, but they all have one identity: human beings! 】

This is a passage left in a book of later generations to record this war.


"The East Street ship has been breached! We are heading towards a ship!"

"We have also destroyed the New Scotland Yard ship, and now we are heading there."

"Our side is about to enter the interior of the ship. There are still 10 minutes at most. This is the Delta team."

"We have encountered unprecedented resistance and hope to get support. This is the stone team. We are located in... ah!"

Good and bad, news is being sent out, and everyone is using their own strength to survive.

Also working hard for this city.

And the master of this city, the queen in the castle.

She is also looking at this city that is burning with gunpowder smoke. She has given this country and this city all her life, and now she will not leave.At this age, death is really not as scary as imagined.

"Your Majesty, why don't you please leave!" the butler looked at Her Majesty and said excitedly.

This is not the first time he has persuaded the Queen to leave London.If it weren't for the fact that the current situation in London is too special, it is absolutely impossible to have such a suggestion.

It's a pity that no one can solve the queen's stubbornness.

"I won't go. The French didn't take it, the Germans didn't take it, and no one will take it in the future! If London falls, then I will die with London." The queen never left the balcony , she has witnessed the city to the present, even if it perishes, she has to witness it with her own eyes.

Nick actually wanted to give up London directly, but because the space carrier couldn't take off at all now, he had to give up this option.

The number of people carried in the space carrier is really too much, and there are not so many vehicles to evacuate all the people from the explosion range.

As for relying on the defense capability of the space carrier, which can defend against nuclear explosion attacks, let's sleep on it!
So far, apart from the nuclear explosion defense offensive built by humans underground, there is no other man-made facility that can resist the attack of nuclear bombs.

Moreover, a nuclear explosion attack at such a close range is like a dream.

(End of this chapter)

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