Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 429 General! ?

Chapter 429 General! ?
Chapter 428 General! ?

After the British side got the exact news, it immediately carried out a general mobilization.A large number of ordinary citizens were evacuated from London, and some were unwilling to leave, and they were not forced to evacuate.

Whether to stay or not is their own choice, and no one can force them.

The army has already assembled long ago, and the space carrier in the sky has also removed its optical camouflage.

Everything is being prepared for the upcoming war.

The turbofan on the side of the space carrier in the sky was cut off, and everyone didn't realize what happened, and the space carrier began to tilt.

The Kun-type fighter plane hovering in the sky finally found the culprit.

Dark elf warships in a stealth state, these warships are like a dagger, and can cut through most buildings and warships just by virtue of their sharp and tough shells.

Helicarriers are destroyed by such warships.

There is no way for human radar to scan for the existence of these guys, so they can only use the most primitive means, a large amount of red paint pervades the air.

The red paint sticks to the surface of these blade battleships, so that humans can finally see the existence of these battleships head-on.

Sometimes the most primitive means are the most effective means.

With the continuous advancement of science and technology, human beings are confused by their own technology, thus forgetting the most effective means.

Using paint to find people is also an experience that S.H.I.E.L.D. has paid a bloody price for.

With the entry of the blade warship, the prelude to the war was officially opened.

Outside Mark's apartment, a blade battleship cut through the asphalt road, and a large amount of gravel splashed and smashed windows on both sides of the street.

A group of heavily armed dark elves rushed down from the Blade Battleship, aiming their energy guns at the door of Mark's apartment. With a flash of red light from the muzzle, the door of Mark's house was violently opened.

The gate had just broken, and a dozen or so blue light balls shot out from inside.

The dark elves outside were not at all prepared to be hit by the light ball head-on. The wound that was hit seemed to be swallowed, and there were obvious burn marks on the wound surface.

One unlucky dark elf was hit in a fatal spot and fell to the ground in an instant. The remaining dark elves rushed into the apartment without any hesitation.

Although large-scale photon turrets for tanks and ships cannot be built in small apartments.

But small photon turrets that can deal with some individual soldiers are still ok in the apartment.

These small photon turrets are expensive to build, but now Mark has the ability to afford them.

Let the dark elves rush into the room and look at these photon cannons the size of washbasins.The angry dark elves focused their fire and destroyed these photon cannons.

Mark listened to the movement from downstairs and played with the bottle containing ether particles in his hand.

The ether particles don't seem to be thrilled by this.

If Malekith, the king of the dark elves, appeared in the past, he would be even more excited.In any case, it can be regarded as a decent host appeared.

It's a pity that with Mark's promise, Ether Particles has looked down on this loser.

They are also losers, and Hela, the goddess of death, is a better host.A good bird chooses a tree to live in, and this sentence can also be applied to the ether particle.

Since there are good ones, who would like to use those obsolete ones.

After exhausting their efforts, the dark elf soldiers finally came to the last room.

When they opened the gate and there was no attack, Mark sat with his back to them.

Malekith pushed away those videos, walked to the front, looked at Mark and said, "Humans hand over ether particles."

Mark got up and opened the window, and the sunlight poured into the room. Mark turned around and looked at Malekith and said, "Look at how beautiful the world is, why would someone want to destroy it?"

Malekith was not in the mood to talk nonsense with Mark here, he stretched out his hand as if stepping forward to grab Mark.

But an invisible force shielded him out.

Mark opened the container containing ether particles.The ether particles took the initiative to protect Mark from being threatened, and now Mark is the target of his protection.

Looking at the ether particles that once belonged to the dark elves, they are now protecting a person on earth.Malekith could hardly believe what he was seeing.

He roared frantically: "This is impossible!"

But the truth is that irony.

Mark just stretched out his finger, and the ether particles revolved around Mark's fingertips, no matter what Mark drove.

"Do you still think there is any chance of winning in this battle?"

Unable to accept the cruel reality in front of him, Malekith and the dark elves at noon behind him took out the fragments.

They pierced these fragments into their own bodies. These fragments that were separated from the body have lost their self-awareness.They intend to use the power of these fragments to contend with Mark.

Mark looked at their crazy behavior and sneered.How foolish, how foolish, to think he had a chance of winning?
When the energy of the fragments is injected into their bodies, their bodies also become huge.The small room was no longer enough to accommodate them, so Mark stepped back and jumped out of the window.

And the warriors cursed by the fragments also jumped out with Mark.

On the broken street, Marco looked at the dark elves who had turned into cursed warriors, his face remained unchanged from the beginning to the end.

The ether particles are flying towards them at an extremely fast speed, and the part of their bodies that originally belonged to the ether particles is being rapidly pulled away.

The damage to their bodies caused by the previous use of fragments will not be repaired by the current withdrawal, and that kind of damage is almost irreversible.

This means that the fragments they used had no effect other than injuring themselves.

Seeing the power that belongs to him, gradually being pulled away from his body.Let the elves keep shouting, trying to grasp the power that was taken away.

The dark elves knelt down on the ground weakly, and Mark walked slowly in front of them step by step.

Mark really wanted to use a mocking face to laugh at the stupidity and ignorance of these guys, but Mark felt that it was a waste of his expression, and finally gave up this idea.

The light blade on the wrist shot out, and the light blade pierced the heart of the nearest dark elf, and finally he did not forget to cut off the head of that dark elf.

Mark is also worried about what kind of tricks these guys are playing to cheat corpses, so it's better to be more cautious.

In this way, step by step, the lives of these elite soldiers of the dark elves were harvested,
Malekith watched as he gradually approached Mark. He didn't expect that he, the majestic king of the dark elves, would end up like this in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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