Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 418 Compensation

Chapter 418 Compensation
Chapter 417 Compensation

The appearance of the abnormal index broke the original Jane's appointment.

In modern society, distance will eventually wipe out the little goodwill left.Everyone does not want to be the loser of this war.

The same is true for Jane, otherwise she would not have agreed to a date that she herself did not expect.

"Daisy, you'd better explain why you called me out." Jane who got into the car looked at Daisy's smiling face and said.

"Guess what I found?" Daisy handed it to Jane.

Jane looked at the index on the instrument, and this index was very familiar.Many things in it were made by her, including the familiar index.

"The door to the kingdom of gods has been opened. Let's see which god descends into this world this time." Daisy said and started the car.

Mark knows where the ether particles are this time, but Mark is not going to get them himself.

Mark is going to let these things take their course, so the place where Mark, Luo Ji, and Queen Frigg appeared is England.

And Mark really needs a little time to deal with the affairs of the British branch.Just take advantage of this opportunity to finish the matter.

An apartment on the banks of the Thames, which has been bought by Mark in full.The original owner had no choice but to sell this otherwise nice apartment because they had no money to repair it.

It looks like an old apartment on the outside, but the inside is really different.

It's just that as soon as Mark entered the apartment, he found no less than ten bugs.

"These guys..." Mark looked at the bug the size of a fingernail in his hand and crushed it vigorously.

Mark really didn't expect these guys in the UK to play this game.

After half an hour of busy work, Mark finally found all the bugs in the house.Each of the bugs found was about the size of a fingernail, but there were too many of them!

Basically, every room has at least one or two bugs, and some of the most critical words are specially used as fake bugs for dead ghosts.

Unbearable, Mark called the company, which was only a few minutes away from Mark's apartment.

Mark handed the bugs to these subordinates and said: "Check it out for me! Whose it belongs to, I want all the guys' information. If you can't find it, tell the investigating guy to pack up and go to the African branch."

African branch?The subordinates who heard the words did not feel a chill on the back of their necks.Who wants to go to that kind of shitty place.


The little troubles have been dealt with, and Mark also officially entertained the God Queen Frigg who came from afar.

Don't count on British food. Dark dishes are completely out of the question. Even the British themselves complain about their own country's food.

Fortunately, this is London, so it is still possible to find an authentic mage restaurant.

Although the vast majority of French meals are cold dishes, the taste is still acceptable.

Mark did not expect to find authentic Chinese food here in the UK, and it is estimated that it is not as authentic as his half-baked one.

That damned sweetness is the sacrilege of Chinese food.

Among the French restaurants that have been contracted out, the chefs are now under great pressure.The guests who came this time were different from the previous ones.

Even if the big boss blows up this place, the higher ups don't dare to say anything.Moreover, the agents around them who are responsible for monitoring them also make them feel more stressed.

Usually, I can chat briefly, but now I have no chance at all.Even a small move may be considered by the other party.

This kind of pressure caused them to make mistakes when making food.

Mark naturally didn't know what the following people were doing, and these people were not Mark's subordinates, these guys were agents controlled by the British government.

The reason for being so aggressive this time is because Mark found all the bugs they had in the apartment.

Mark did not make this matter public, but sent an e-mail privately.

Although it was just a private communication between the two parties, Mark bypassed layers of firewalls and sent the news directly to the British government. This is what really worried the British government.

Mark has the ability to send news directly, which means that Mark also uses his ability to send news out.

Once those shady things are exposed, even the UK may not be able to bear it.

A lot of things have been unsolved cases so far, and even if everyone guessed who it was, it was still nothing.

After all, there is still no evidence. For example, during the American Civil War, Britain declared neutrality, but in fact it still gave a lot of support to the South.

The United States actually knows about this matter, but it is a pity that there is no data showing that it was the United Kingdom that helped those guys in the south.

There are still many shitty things that the British government still keeps, and it is not afraid that it will burn itself one day.

"Sir, all your expenses today have been paid by that gentleman." The waiter came to Mark's side, bent down and said to Mark.

Mark frowned and looked at the man walking in the distance, smiling from beginning to end.

"Hello, Mr. Komnenos, I am George, the current steward of Her Majesty the Queen. On behalf of Her Majesty, I would like to extend my sincerest greetings to you." Facing Mark, George was neither humble nor overbearing.

Mark signaled to Frigg whether to leave temporarily, leaving Rocky and Frigg to continue eating.

George also knew that Mark didn't intend to let his family know something, so he didn't say much and left with Mark.

Walking to the floor-to-ceiling windows of the restaurant, Mark looked at the night scene outside and said to George: "Aren't you installing too many bugs in my house?"

"I'm really sorry, the people below always like to do some bad things self-righteously." George knew that Mark didn't intend to make a fuss about this matter, otherwise, you wouldn't be here to talk to him calmly. .

"So that's all your explanation is?" Mark turned to look at George and asked.

The moment George saw Mark's eyes again, he felt as if he was shot by death, he wiped the sweat off his head, and said slowly: "Of course not, we have prepared other things, but it's really not easy to say here .”

"It's all my people here, and your people, there's nothing bad to say. Say it, I'll listen right here!"

Faced with the so-called compensation that George said, none of Mark is optimistic.

Mark thinks it's more of a perfunctory thing. In Mark's view, the only thing that makes sense is the right to investigate.

It's just that the so-called investigation rights are only investigation cases that can be escaped in name, which is equivalent to an official contract.

But even if this kind of thing is not officially given, Mark doesn't care.

(End of this chapter)

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