Chapter 403

Chapter 402
Mark didn't even need to ask Luo Ji in his arms to guess who was coming with the thunder and lightning.

The two put on their pajamas and went downstairs together.When Mark opened the door, he saw Thor, who was soaking wet.Mark didn't understand that this guy couldn't stay in Asgard well, why did he come to Earth?

"What's going on? Why did you come to the earth suddenly? Looking for your little girlfriend, that night should not come to me!" Mark didn't want to drive Thor away, but simply didn't understand.

Thor put his Thor's Hammer at the entrance, and then shook off the rainwater on his body before entering the room.

Thor didn't look out at all, walked directly to the refrigerator, and took out the Coke stored in the refrigerator.

Mark's family basically doesn't drink Coke. These beers are mainly used to entertain guests, and the big consumer is naturally the bohemian alien prince in front of him.

"I said can you put down the Coke in your hand first, finish talking first, and then drink it?" Mark looked at Thor who had drunk three bottles of beer in a row, and became a little impatient.

Thor also realized that he had lost his composure, and stopped his hand to get the fourth can of Coke.

Mark now regrets why he introduced such things as Coke to Thor in the first place.Sure enough, does Thor have the potential to become a dead fat boy?
"It's like this, Luo Ji, do you still remember that my father once told us the story of the dark elves? It was an evil race that my grandfather once fought against." Thor took a sip of Coke at this point.

Luo Ji couldn't help but rolled her eyes when she heard the words, and said to Thor: "You didn't come here just to tell a story, did you?"

"Of course not, it's just that we seem to have detected dark elves recently. They seem to be back again. When I was preparing to quell the rebellion in Vanaheim, I suddenly met a special team. Technological weapons have caused us heavy losses. Fortunately, I fought bravely and successfully defeated those enemies.

When I brought those weapons back to Asgard, my father was also very shocked. Those weapons were actually used by the long-lost dark elves.We interrogated them severely. It was the rebel team. After interrogation, we learned that a group of mysterious people handed over these weapons to them, but they didn't know who those people were. "Thor couldn't wait to tell all the ins and outs of the matter in one breath, and now he can finally drink Coke with peace of mind.

"That is to say, the dark elves didn't really reappear, what appeared was only their weapons, and the people who could give the gang weapons to the rebels, you haven't found out until now, have you?" Mark's drowsiness has gone nothing.

The main reason is that he was disturbed by the troubles of the dark heart.

If it was a normal time, Mark could turn around and go back to sleep now, but the dark elves involved another cosmic infinity gem.

Ether particles!

Once things involve infinite gems, Mark can't take it lightly, and these things must be dealt with seriously.

"That's right, that's why my father wanted me to investigate, but you also know that, apart from being a bit stronger in fighting... my brain has never been very good." It is rare for Thor to admit that his IQ is limited.

Luo Ji couldn't help laughing, and Thor didn't feel embarrassed.My younger sister has punished me quite a few times, and I have seen myself make a fool of myself even more times.

"So you're looking for Princess Luo Ji, the smartest archmage in Asgard, right?" Luo Ji really has no pursuit of the throne now, and she said it to Thor in a completely joking way.

Thor nodded with a cheeky smile. I feel that my sister is better than before. Is this the charm of love?
Maybe he should also find a love that belongs to him, so that he should become even better.

"Laugh at you big-headed ghost! If I only have this information, even I can't investigate it. Forget it, Mark, have you been doing anything lately?" Luo Ji slapped Thor's iron-headed head with a slap. , turned to Mark and said.

"Even if there is something to do, for the sake of Missy, you have nothing to do!"


Two hours later, Mark and Luo Ji, two people in full armor, stood shoulder to shoulder with Thor in the empty yard.

Thor shouted to the sky: "Heimdall."

The light of the Rainbow Bridge had already enveloped the three of them, and a few minutes later, the three of them arrived in Asgard smoothly.

Once again, the familiar Asgard Loki was not as clear as expected, and Mark was not so shocked.The three of them rode the prepared horses and rushed towards Odin's golden palace.

When Odin saw the arrival of the three, he was very careful about his son being able to take the initiative to seek foreign aid and admit his own weaknesses, but this did not mean that he was willing to have his son rely on others in the future.

Now Odin is also starting to think about whether he should save a little wisdom for his son.

But these wisdoms do not belong solely to Odin.

If Thor wants to get it, he has to pay for it.

What I paid was an eye, so what should Thor pay?Even Odin, who is omniscient and omnipotent, cannot know this, because this kind of price has always been determined by each person.

"Welcome home, Loki. And welcome to Asgard, Mark."

Mark saluted respectfully.

"Thor is very happy to see you find these friends and relatives who can help you, but you still have to learn to rely on yourself in everything. Always relying on others is not your final way out, you What you want to rule in the future is the whole of Asgard, you have to know what you should do."

In order to prevent Thor from being complacent, Odin did not hesitate to pour a basin of cold water in advance.

These words are not meant for Mark and Luo Ji at all. They are also very smart, so they naturally understand this, and they don't care about Asgard's position anymore.

Like a good son, Thor lowered his head and said nothing.

Odin didn't like seeing his son like this, so he continued to reprimand him.She was going to explain what had happened recently to the three of them, but at this moment, the God Queen Frigga came to the hall.

Hearing that her daughter had returned to her home, Frigga was extremely excited, how could she not come and see for herself?
(End of this chapter)

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