Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 401 Capture

Chapter 401 Capture
Chapter 400 Capture

"The recent sudden accidental deaths were all caused by you." Nick connected all the weird things that happened recently, and a clue appeared in front of Nick.

Mark didn't mean to hide anything, let alone this trivial matter.

"That's right, I sent people to do those, just to reduce trouble."

"Then why are you still negotiating with S.H.I.E.L.D.? Since you can kill them silently, go ahead and do it!" Nick knew that he couldn't stop Mark, and he didn't want to waste any more time here. Time wrangled with Mark.

"That's because I think S.H.I.E.L.D. still needs to be rescued. If these Skrulls live on Earth with their true identities, just like those infected, then I won't care about them, but if they continue to plan to If they are lurking on the earth and are ready to launch a threat to the earth at any time. Then I must intervene. The S.H.I.E.L.D. They, even Carol, have nothing to say." Mark finally revealed his real purpose.

From the beginning to the end, Mark's goal is only Carol, the captain of surprise.

Mark just wants to let himself kill these Scruws and become justified, and at the same time let S.H.I.E.L.D. become his accomplice, and then he can share the pressure exerted by Captain Marvel.

It's not that Mark is incapable of confronting Captain Marvel head-on, but in that case, the two most powerful combat forces on Earth will definitely be damaged by then.

Nick is also an old fox, now he finally understood what Mark meant, and said, "The goal from the beginning to the end is Carol, right?"


If it weren't for Captain Marvel's protection of these alien vulnerable groups, Mark might not have spent so much effort.

"Then let's test it once! If these Skrulls really threaten the earth's control over the earth, then S.H.I.E.L.D. will do its best to assist you to clean up these Skrulls." Nick hesitated, and finally made a decision. this decision.

If the Skrulls are not what Mark says, Nick will lose the support of Carol, a strong backing.


Near the New York City Police Department, a group of ghost agents have been waiting here for a long time.

Not long ago they received an order that there appeared aliens threatening the Earth.It's just that after waiting for a long time, I still haven't seen the appearance of the so-called aliens.

They began to worry about whether there was some omission above, and there was a problem with the information channel, but it was quite scary.

Especially those who are responsible for actions, if others deliberately control the information channels and let them fall into the trap, it will be beyond redemption.

But with the arrival of Nicole, these ghost agents are also relieved.

The director has already arrived in person, this is definitely not a problem with the information channel.

"Director!" All the ghost agents saluted Nick.

"The content of the mission has been sent to your personal terminal, go and see for yourself. Because this time the operation is quite special, we only have one chance, we must capture the target. If it is exposed and conflicts with the police in New York City, try not to kill New York City The police." Nick was still worried that these ghost agents who had become crazy would not be able to hold back in the end, so he reminded aloud.

Although Ghost Agents usually behave aggressively and even a little crazy when performing some simple tasks, they still corrected their attitude when faced with such a formal task, and replied solemnly: "Yes, Director."

The sky was getting dark, and most of the police officers had already left work, leaving only a few police officers in the New York City Police Department.

The ghost agents can finally act now, and Nick personally testified this time to prevent any possible accidents from happening.

According to the information provided by Mark, the police chief of New York City has long been outsourced by the Scruis.

Where is the original chief of the New York City Police Department now?

All of this is still unknown, but apprehending the Skrull man is a top priority now.

Other things can still be caught and then asked carefully.

Because of some unsettling things that happened in New York City recently, he, the police chief, had no way to go home.And the vast majority of those who died were Skrulls disguised in New York City.

This made him, a Skrull man, start to worry a little, whether there was something wrong with the latent plan of his compatriots.

He opened the shutters and looked out at the busy street.The mood is quite complicated, and I miss my once beautiful hometown.

But at this moment, the sound of a car starting to brake suddenly resounded throughout the street.

And at this time, the ghost agent also broke into the office of the disguised Skrull through the window.

Two Ghost agents directly grabbed his arms and pinned him to the ground.Just as the Skrulls were about to resist, the stun gun had already touched his body.

A strong current passed through his body, completely paralyzing his body, and he felt that it was quite difficult to move a single finger.

The ghost agents quickly put the disguised Skrull man into a huge black bag. These black bags are actually body bags used in general morgues.

The ghost agent fastened the buckle to the buckle of the black bag, and slowly fell to the ground along the outside of the building.

The S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who had been waiting on the ground for a long time stuffed the bag into the trunk of the car.The car, disguised as an ordinary civilian sedan, left the NYPD parking lot.

The officers of the New York City Police Department have not noticed until now that their chief has been taken away.

After all, everything that happened was really weird. It took less than 10 minutes from the ghost agents breaking the window to the car leaving.

The most important thing is that it is already night, and there are not many people staying in the parking lot of the New York City Police Department.

The recent serial murder cases have caused panic among people, and everyone is reluctant to go out to prevent themselves from becoming the next innocent victim.

Nick also walked out of the coffee shop opposite the New York City Police Department, looking at the shining New York City Police Department sign in front of him.

In any case, he hadn't thought of a law enforcement agency like this.

It was actually infiltrated by the Skrulls, and has already reached the position of the director.And in the series of lists that follow, some people have even ascended to high-level positions in the military.

If these Skrulls really wanted to make trouble... he didn't dare to think about it any further.

He drank the cheap coffee in his hand for the last time, threw the cup into the trash can, and Nick also left this land of right and wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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