Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 398 Fighting Master Tony

Chapter 398 Fighting Master Tony
Chapter 397 Fighting Master Tony

The matter on Mark's side has been dealt with, and the battle of Tony on Earth has also ended.

This time, Tony was battered all over his body, and even gave up his battle armor in the end.

It all started a few hours ago.

The Fearless and the Immortal fought together with Tony, and easily defeated the mechanical soldiers that had just been made.

Tony didn't really care about those mass-produced mechanical soldiers. To him, the loss was nothing more than a batch of funds, and these defeated mechanical soldiers could actually be recycled by waste.

Relatively speaking, the loss is not as much as imagined. In fact, the most critical thing is the emergency preparedness system. The loss of those things is the biggest. At that time, it may even be completely dismantled and a defense system rebuilt.

However, Tony has always been stubborn, and to put it bluntly, he is a stubborn donkey.

Obviously he can fight resolutely with his face and teeth, but he insists on solving it himself. He vowed to those fearless and immortals that this is a matter related to his dignity, and he must make a decision himself.

The fearless and the immortals did not stop his heartbeat.

From the beginning, the order they accepted was nothing more than assistance. If even the assistants themselves had to make a final decision, there was no need for them to continue to intervene.

Immediately afterwards, these purifiers formed a siege net, and the Skrulls disguised as Tony and Tony himself started an ancient beast-style duel for the two in the center.

The counterfeit took the lead, and the light shot onto Tony's dilapidated breastplate, and a big hole was instantly melted into the breastplate.

Tony didn't show any weakness either, two missiles flew out from his wrists, and the miniature missiles were directly nailed to the opponent's thrusters, completely scrapping the opponent's leg thrusters.

Tony has poured his heart and soul into each set of armor. He knows exactly where the weaknesses and disadvantages of each armor set are.
Through the understanding of his armor, he constantly expanded the advantages he gained.

There is no way for the counterfeit to perfectly maximize the combat effectiveness of the armor.

The time for counterfeiters to take over Tony's armor is still too short.If it had been a little longer, Tony's fight this time would not have been so easy.

The counterfeit knows very well that if he continues like this, he will only fail in the end.Even if there is only a slight possibility, he still has to seize the opportunity to turn defeat into victory.

The counterfeit provocatively said: "You are nothing but these armors!"

What Tony can't bear the most is when others say that he is nothing without his armor.This disgusted him very much. He created all these Iron Warriors. How can he say that he is nothing?

In addition, he was attacked at home before, and even Jarvis, the artificial intelligence he trusted, became an accomplice of the enemy, which made him very angry.

For a moment, Tony couldn't contain the anger in his heart.

Seeing his own provocation, the counterfeit obviously had an effect, and continued to say: "Take off the armor if you have the ability."

There is definitely no way for the counterfeit to gain an advantage by continuing to wear the armor. The opponent's armor is obviously more advanced than his own, and there are so many strange alien robots around him for protection.

It is estimated that it will be difficult to retreat safely from here. Tony must be held hostage, and then there is hope of retreating.

It's a pity that he doesn't seem to know how cruel Tony has strengthened himself over the years.

The counterfeit was the first to remove his own armor protection, and the Immortal who was on the side directly fired a fragmentation cannon to smash the armor into pieces.

It's all about making sure this guy isn't up to some tricks.

Tony also walked out of his battle armor, looked at the impostor in front of him, gritted his teeth and said, "Are you ready to die now?"

"The damned person is you!" Although he was taken aback by the attack of the Immortal just now, he found that these four-legged war weapons did not mean to intervene in their duel, so he was relieved.

But looking at the other party's posture, it seems that he cares about the person in front of him very much, otherwise he would not choose to destroy the suit of armor he took off.

Tony Stark, who has undergone strict professional training.

Soldiers trained by the cosmic empire Skrull.

The fight between the two was not as brilliant as imagined. You come and I are full of killer moves, there are not so many bells and whistles, and every move wants to put the other party to death.

In fact, Tony has been worried about his physical fitness for a long time.

The main reason is that after losing the battle armor, there is still a little bit of combat power left.And in the face of the sudden beheading tactics of the sneak attackers, whether he can cope with it or not.

Mark was naturally moved by Tony's hardworking spirit, and Mark sent a ghost to fight against him at the beginning of the training.

The ghosts don't care about Tony's status as a billionaire, and they are not ambiguous at all.

During that time, although Tony didn't have any injuries on his face, his body was covered with bruises.From the beginning, Tony was simply hit to the back, and Tony was able to defend against the opponent's moves. In the end, Tony was even able to counterattack.

Through his personal talent and strong perseverance, Tony's own combat effectiveness is also improving very quickly.

As the No. 1 Ghost got excited by Tony, Mark got more Ghosts into the fray.

At the beginning of the crowd tactics, Tony was a little hard to defend and parry, but as he was beaten more times, he began to be able to fight back gradually.

It can be said that Tony is completely beaten in terms of personal strength improvement.

Mark was also quite surprised when he was able to calmly deal with nearly half of the team of ghost agents.

Even if it was trained by Mark himself, all the ghost agents are half-baked, and the use of psychic power is quite elementary.But this ghost agent is an excellent top fighter in any country and any force.

Hearing a plop, the counterfeit was knocked down to the ground. No matter what, the counterfeit couldn't believe that he would be defeated by the human in front of him. He had done so many investigations before.

This guy is just a playboy, why is his fighting power so powerful?

Looking at the counterfeit on the ground, Tony didn't hesitate, he clenched his fist and punched the counterfeit in the head.

Following the punch, the counterfeit also fainted.

The little spider hurried to the scene at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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