Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 38 Imprisonment Seal

Chapter 38 Imprisonment Seal
Chapter 39 The Imprisonment Seal

Many people, when faced with desperation, have thought about bowing their heads and taking a step back, and it would be good to survive.

I never want to do dangerous things, because there are higher and capable people to do them.

When the danger really came to him, he found that he was powerless.This feeling is the most painful.The crime of being weak.

Mark is dismissive of those who think that the strong can override the weak.Mark knew that before he became the strongest person, he would always be in the weak position.

It's ridiculous to take a little bit of self-confidence from those underdogs.

Just like those ghost agents, the vast majority of ghost agents will be bullied by old agents when they enter and leave the academy, but some of these old agents have not even graduated from school, at best they can be regarded as getting started for a while.

Some of them didn't even have the qualifications to graduate, but they stayed on with shamelessness, and became the training partner of other students who could graduate and train.

They kept repeating the transformation of the identity of the perpetrator and the victim.

In the beginning, those new recruits who don't know how to use their own power may become the target of being blasted by them, but when some people master the power, they will become the target of being beaten.

Even with their extraordinary experience, they can gain a little advantage and not lose too badly, but the losers are still them.

But even so, these guys are still repeating this process happily.

The answer is self-evident.


There is energy accumulated in Mark's body.

As long as Mark wants to use it, he can explode at any time.

Odin and the ancient mage standing in front of Mark can also see that Mark is like a cat with fried fur.Fangs and claws may be exposed to them at any time.

The two of them had never seen anything before, so they could probably guess with Mark's attitude.

Odin didn't speak, just snorted coldly, and stuck the spear in his hand on the ground, while Gu Yi stood up to ease the embarrassing situation.

"If we really wanted to target you, we would have done it long ago. You simply can't hold on until now, just like just now, you can't even predict that I will send you here. With this alone Ability, you have no way to solve it at all, can you?" The Ancient One Mage did not use the kind of spells that were used against Strange and Hulk.

Although that kind of spell can directly strip the target's soul and body.

But Ancient One can tell that Mark's soul is the stronger side.

Protoss has actually given up the physical body in many cases, and simply retained it in the form of "soul"!
For example, the templar gave up his life, and the fused archon is a similar shape.

When Mark heard what Master Gu Yi said, he didn't let go of his guard.

"Human existence does cause some unnecessary troubles, especially in the Nine Realms. I don't know what's in your parallel universe, but there are many things in this world that you don't understand. The arrival of the two of us today is also I give you a warning, and I advise you not to abuse your power." Odin released his power as the strongest of the heavenly father.

Although it is late, Odin is still able to fight now.

Even if Thanos came, there was still no way to get any advantage from the old king of gods?
"It's my own power, how to use it is my own will, you have no right to restrict me!" Mark himself knew how much he had paid for this power.

This feeling is as if I have worked so hard, and when I have moved an entire version and finally become a godly costume, someone suddenly tells you that your powers are too dangerous and you cannot use them.

This feeling is naturally quite bad, and no one is willing to accept such an order or threat.

The next sentence of Master Gu Yi made Mark lose a lot of confidence.

"Can you really control the energy that comes from your body?" The ancient master's eyes, which seemed to be able to see through people's hearts, made Mark feel that he had nothing to hide.

This is not a physical shame, but simply a disgusting feeling from the soul.

It seems to be able to see everything through you.

"I can!" Mark hesitated briefly.

"No, your answer is not firm. I can see from your eyes that you know that you can't control this power. You haven't even fully mastered this power. You are simply suppressing it. When suppressing the way, you are suppressing the influence of this force on you. Or in other words, this disadvantage should not belong to you, but was forcibly handed over to you by a certain existence." Odin almost hit the nail on the head, a series of The words destroyed Mark, which was originally a solid psychological defense.

Facing two mature guys, even if Mark had three lifetimes of memory, he still couldn't compete with them.

Some people may say that the memories of Mark's three lives have lived on the dog, but in fact, if careful calculation is made, the total age of Mark's three lives now is five or sixty years old.

There are many people who live on dogs at the age of 60 or [-], not to mention Mark's second memory, most of them are performing secret missions.

The goal is nothing more than death or arrest, and there is no communication at all.

And this life is even more ordinary, ordinary people who can no longer be ordinary, and it is because they saved Tony Stark that they reached the sky in one step.

"If you can make good use of this power and fully grasp this power. Then we will not interfere with your affairs, but if you abuse this power to destroy the earth, then we can't just sit idly by. Not long ago What happened, let us see the unstable factors in you, but what you have done does not violate the morality and laws in human society." Gu Yi is not the kind of person who is not reasonable at all, he still gives A more fair assessment was made.

"So!" Gu Yi and Odin said at the same time: "Master this power, and use it later!"

The two energies suddenly restricted Mark. Mark could still sense the psychic energy flowing in his body, but after this energy entered his body, he lost contact with the psychic energy that seemed to be integrated.

(End of this chapter)

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