Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 373 The Skrulls

Chapter 373 The Skrulls
Chapter 372 The Skrulls

Peter returned home and put all the parts on his workbench.

Although his room is not very big, there is still a workbench dedicated to him.He opened the door and placed the desk lamp on his workbench, so that it could not only illuminate his workbench, but also illuminate the living room.

Although there are only him and Aunt Mei in this family, both of them try their best to be frugal and not extravagant, hoping to save every money and spend it where it should be spent.

The light projected from Peter's room reminded Tony of something.

The eyes were absent-minded, and with just a flash of inspiration, the eyes returned to the absent-minded state.

Peter gave all the parts that were full in his backpack, and he carried all the large items in his hands. This was not a big deal at all for Peter, who had an amazing physique.

With the sound of metal colliding, the supermarket pulled back again, and Tony lost his soul.

Tony raised his head abruptly, looking at Peter on the workbench.

Peter didn't even realize how much like Tony he was at this time.This meticulous preparation for research is really carved out of a Mozi.

It was precisely because he saw his own shadow in Peter that Tony's spirit began to gradually improve.

Tony said to Peter with a dry voice: "Water!"

Suddenly heard a dry sound coming from the living room, which made people feel a little shuddering. Those who didn't know it thought it was a zombie crawling out of the grave, ready to kill someone.

It only took a few seconds for Peter to go from being startled to calm down. He walked into the living room, picked up the water that had been poured on the table, and slowly handed it to Tony.

Peter is not sure about your mental state right now.

Tony snatched the water glass and started to drink it.There was even a lot of water spilled in the cup.

After gurgling a glass of water, Tony felt that his throat was a little better.

"Mr. Stark, have you regained consciousness?" Peter asked tentatively.

Although Tony is very weak now, his consciousness has almost recovered.

Tony was remembering why he was the way he was.


half a day ago.

Tony continues to work on his gear at home as usual

Research and development of new equipment has become Tony's daily work.The main reason is that more and more super power incidents are really difficult to deal with.

If he continues to be decadent like this, he may not be able to play a role in the chaotic battlefield in the future.

He once announced to the citizens of this city that he would protect the city and become the patron saint of the city, but now more and more problems appeared, which gradually made him feel powerless.

Becoming the patron saint of this city has also begun to become a joke.

Even that hippie style, that out of nowhere, so-called Thor is starting to outshine him.

Obviously it was me first!Whether it's clothing taste or handsome appearance, it's me who is better!Why?Why?

In fact, Tony still mainly didn't know.

Mainly because of the aura of God on Thor.This layer of halo is not something they were born with, but human beings imposed on it.

Think carefully about the gods from Norse mythology!

At first, I thought it was the kind of barbaric and unkempt guy.But when I really saw it, I realized that wow, this god is so handsome, he is simply the Prince Charming in my mind.

Although a bit wild, there are not a few girls in the carnivorous department.

To put it simply, it has an inexplicable affinity for powerful creatures with a common appearance.

If it is said that an alien appears on the earth with his original appearance, it is difficult to integrate into the earth, but if he uses the appearance of a human being, it is estimated that the integration speed is very fast.

So this world is going to risk the world of the association, and being ugly is the original sin.

Tony looked at the scattered parts on his workbench, new ideas that could not be expanded, and made every step of their experiment quite difficult.

He once tried to integrate the scientific and technological innovation ideas of the protoss into his own technological tree, but as he integrated, he found that more and more difficulties appeared before his eyes.

How can a huge amount of energy be stored in one place?
How do you make that lightweight yet strong material?

These questions are hard to dissipate in Tony's mind.

In the final analysis, it is the basic technology of the earth that limits Tony.

There is no way around this. After all, Tony is an Earthling. He was born on Earth and grew up on Earth. If he was born on an alien planet and lived in a civilization with higher technology, there would be no such restrictions.

Like the Kree Empire.

Seeing that his research was stagnant, he picked up the vegetable juice on the table to relieve the toxins in his body.Although the threat has been lifted and the toxin in his body has been reduced to a safe level, the toxin still remains, so he is still using this vegetable juice now.

In fact, it is estimated that if this situation continues, Tony will not be able to get rid of this vegetable juice even if he recovers.

After all, there has been a kind of dependence in the mind, otherwise, I would not choose to pick up vegetable juice at the first moment of anxiety to relieve the anxiety in my heart.

This can be regarded as a kind of dependence on items, but it is also the best method at present. There are other more complicated methods, but they are not suitable for the current situation.

But at this moment, the basement of Tony's house was broken open, and a large amount of gravel splashed near the experimental bench.

Tony almost didn't think about it, and quickly put on his armor.In particular, the arms have been improved with energy cannons, small missiles and armor-piercing projectiles, and they are quickly opened, aiming at the broken hole.

A guy who looked very similar to the people on Earth, but had yellow skin, walked into Tony's house.

Their eyes were focused on Tony, and one of the men directly changed into Tony's appearance.

Tony just watched the other party change into his own appearance like this. He had already realized that something was wrong, and immediately fired a missile at the changed guy.

When the missile was about to touch the opponent, it was stopped by an invisible barrier.

The guy who had turned into Tony said, "Jarvis, these are my guests."

"Your husband has been detected, and these guests have been marked as security targets." Artificial intelligence Jarvis is not as good at recognition as expected, and there is no way to tell who is the real Tony.

The camouflage of the Scruis is so good that unless the target is really dead, the camouflage cannot be removed.

Even some skrulls won't lose their disguise even if they die, and can cause more trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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