Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 366 Three people fighting

Chapter 366

Chapter 365

As soon as Mark stepped into the basement, he knew the show was about to begin.

Although Tony is not a good actor, this guy does have a lot of resentment towards Mark, and now he can finally vent it legitimately.

Tony, who was wearing a battle armor, knocked the unsuspecting Mark into the air with a punch.

Mark hit the wall and left a pit, and the spider pattern covered the entire wall, which is enough to prove that Tony really did it.

"What are you doing!" Mark naturally wanted to cooperate with the audience to complete this performance, otherwise it would be too wasteful.

"I'm sorry, Mark. This is all for Pepper. So please die now, so that Pepper can live." Tony raised his hand without any hesitation, and the palm cannon in his hand began to accumulate energy.

Tony turned on the camera all the way according to Killian's request, and Killian was able to hear and see the scene through Tony's system at this time.

How could Killian just miss this unparalleled drama.

You must know that the culprit who caused your failure was the bastard Mark.If it wasn't for this guy making trouble, that guy Tony and those high-ranking big shots should have died long ago.

It's impossible to let yourself down to this level.

I am obviously a genius, why do I want to run around like a mouse in the gutter now.

It's all Mark's fault.

Killian not only wants Mark to die, but Killian will also kill Tony Stark after Mark and Tony have lost both.

He spent all his last savings in order to attack Tony.

Five gunships carrying deadly missiles were on their way, and Tony Stark wouldn't even be able to protect his woman with eight arms.

At that time, watching Tony Stark tearing his heart and lungs will be the best reward for Killian.

The current Killian can be said to have gone crazy, and he is completely unable to understand this guy in a normal way.

It has a monster's appearance and a monster's heart, but it also has a human cunning, which is still rooted in his heart.

At the beginning of skipping class, he acted as if he was forced to fight and did not let go of his power, but as Tony gradually threatened Mark's life time and time again, Mark could only be forced to fight back.

It's just that Mark's counterattacks are enough. Every time it is dangerous, Mark stops attacking.

It gives the feeling that Mark cares about the friendship between the two people and doesn't want to hurt Tony.

Seeing this situation, Killian was completely relieved. This was the result he really wanted to see. If the two of them had no scruples in fighting each other, and they had to fight to the death, this would make him wonder if it was true. Two people play on the spot.

The two miniature missiles were almost close to Mark, and flew past his cheeks.Suo Mark has a thicker skin, or he would have almost been disfigured because of it.

Facing Tony's pressing step by step, Mark hit Tony's chest with an energy beam, and Tony flew upside down. He quickly challenged his figure in the air, trying to regain his balance Come.

In the end, he still couldn't regain his balance, and hit the wall with a bang.The wall was torn apart, Tony fell off the wall, slowly supported his body with his hands, and began to check the damage to the reactor in his chest.

Mark didn't use his rights just now, so he didn't completely destroy the reactor.If the power had been used just now, Tony's reactor would have been scrapped long ago.

It's just that Tony didn't expect that Mark's attack would be so ruthless. He only fired two miniature missiles, which did not pose any threat to Mark, so he just backhanded himself so ruthlessly.

The relationship between two people is indeed very good, but it is the relationship between two bad friends.

If one side suffers a loss, the other side will retaliate.

The cutting light equipped on both sides of Tony's arm, after his careful improvement, is no longer a one-time consumable like before.

The red cutting light swept through the entire basement, and several luxury cars were directly cut in half by the full red light.

Those who love cars will definitely feel distressed when they see it.

The two came from the bottom. Pepper, who got the turkey from above, took the medicine hidden inside, and the Extremis virus in his body began to be transformed.

Although the process was a little uncomfortable, it passed after a while. This feeling is probably like a cold and fever.Most people also feel that there is a slight difference in the body, and they don't take it too seriously.

After this period passed, Pepper felt that his body was much better.

A few nautical miles away from Tony's villa, armed helicopters that have been on standby for a long time are constantly circling here, waiting for the final news.

This is the last trump card waiting to reap the benefits of the fisherman, and these helicopters are also the last weapons he can use.

It's just something that I didn't expect. As a hunter, I didn't expect that I would become the prey.

After Yelena lost the news, the Ten Rings believed that his operation had failed, and sent others to hunt down Killian.

Living in this world, this kind of waste that does not accomplish enough and fails more than it does is simply wasting air.

When more than a dozen people wearing specially-made battle uniforms appeared beside him, Killian did not panic in the sky. Instead, he showed the monitor behind him to these strong men. He believed that the boss behind these strong men was manipulating To be able to see it all.

"Boss, please believe me, I will definitely complete the task you entrusted to me, and soon both of them will die. This is just part of my plan." Killian tried his best to explain.

Of course, he didn't believe that the boss in front of him was working hard for him, that was impossible.After this matter is over, he will fly away, go to a place where no one knows him, or find someone stronger than him to rely on.

Hydra had already offered him an olive branch, and he could think about it now.

Zhang Tong's deep voice came from the communicator carried by a strong man: "This is completely different from the plan you told me at the beginning. I advise you not to lie to me, otherwise you will pay for it." cost!"

"How could I lie to you! I am your most loyal subordinate. I spent all my own savings for this, and even deceived Mark and blew up a laboratory. All this is just a cover-up .”

(End of this chapter)

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