Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 362 Yelena Was Captured

Chapter 362 Yelena Was Captured

Chapter 361 Yelena Was Captured
Yelena took advantage of this opportunity to shoot out two explosive bombs.

The sonic boom effect emitted by the sonic bomb is unbearable for ordinary people.

Even after rigorous professional training, the body has been greatly strengthened, but the fragile eardrum will not be strengthened by these.

The two fell to their knees, covering their ears in pain, blood gushed out of their ears and dripped down their cheeks to the ground.

Yelena walked towards the two of them slowly.For Yelena, these two guys are already her own food, there is no need to waste bullets on these two guys.

But what Yelena didn't expect was that the two of them had prepared a backhand.

As one of Mark's most trusted subordinates.If it's just this kind of strength, it's really hard to pick a leader.

Lightning suddenly appeared on the cold man's body, and some surrounding metals also began to float with this energy.

Yelena backed away quickly, but it was too late.

The driveway guardrail and shattered metal fragments from the car blocked Yelena's escape route, making escape impossible.

Yelena felt the black shadow covering her, and immediately raised her head to look up.

The man in the windbreaker jumped up, and the giant scythe in his hand tried to cut Yelena's body completely.

Yelena raised her arms, and the shields of her arms were her last resort.

It all happened so fast.It was almost too late for her to react.

A lot of equipment on Yelena's body is electronic equipment.But when the lightning appeared just now, most of Yelena's equipment had been paralyzed.

Among them is the personal shield, this kind of equipment that spans the ages.

Without the protection of the shield, he could only choose to take the damage this time.

Yelena raised the shields of her arms to block the fatal blow, but the bones of her arms couldn't withstand the devastation of this strange force.

The giant scythe strengthened by Thunder Beast is not an attack that ordinary people can easily withstand.

The sound of bones shattering sounded, and Yelena knew that her arms were useless.I wanted to raise my arms, but found that there was no way at all.

Yelena also began to feel regretful for her overthrow. She knew earlier that she would end these two guys with armor-piercing bullets.Otherwise, there would be no such thing as now.

Although it will be wasted, it is definitely not the desperate situation in front of you.

It's a pity that there is no medicine for regret in this world, and you have to be responsible for what you do.

Yelena paid the price for what she did.

Yelena's arms were hanging by her sides, and now there was no possibility of escape.

But the situation of the two people over there is not very good.

One had lost consciousness, rolled his eyes and drooled, lying unconscious on the ground.

The other one is also weak now, and the attack just now should be his last eruption.

All Yelena had to worry about now was the guy whose hands had turned into scythes.

"Your companion is in danger now, are you sure you don't take your companion away?" Yelena tried to threaten her through words.

But the man in the windbreaker was completely unmoved, looked at Yelena and said, "Our support will be back soon, you don't want to escape now. I know that both of your arms are broken, and you don't have any chance now." .”

"Are you so confident? I don't think so. How do you know I don't have any support?" Yelena was just bluffing.

All the equipment on my body has been paralyzed, and I can't move my arms now.The so-called support is nonsense.

"That's good! Let's see which of our support arrives first? If our support arrives first, you will die, and if your support arrives first, then we will die." The man in the windbreaker is also a ruthless person, and he doesn't care about Yelena's threat at all.

In fact, if Yelena really had support, she wouldn't be able to run far with a comatose person.Being caught up by then is not a problem at all.

The man in the windbreaker is betting that the other party has no support or that his support is faster than the other party's.

Yelena's side is actually the same, but she doesn't have any support.

At that time, the roar of the helicopter sounded, and the familiar logo of the company appeared in front of the man in the windbreaker. The man in the windbreaker knew that they had won the gamble this time.

Yelena had already given up struggling, she never thought that she would capsize in the gutter
Now I can only exchange for a glimmer of life through what I know.


In the company's basement, Yelena was imprisoned here.

This is a gray area, basically no one cares about it.

Mark really wanted to see what kind of a woman it was that made his two capable subordinates so miserable.

Mark walked into the confinement room, saw this familiar face, and greeted him with a smile: "Hi, I didn't expect to meet you in this kind of place and in this kind of situation."

"I always feel like you're thinking something very disrespectful in your head." Yelena's arms had already been put in plaster.

The other party is planning to keep him now, and he doesn't know why, but he won't kill him in the short term.

"Well, what you said is not rude, but I want to ask you now, what relationship do you have with Killian or Zhang Tong? Don't tell me that you have no relationship. You know that you are able to survive now because of me. You It’s best to think it through before you talk.” Mark pulled out his chair and sat down.

Although Mark was smiling and narrowed his eyes, there was actually a killing intent flowing from the slits in his eyes.

"I said I am worthless?" Yelena wanted to negotiate terms, at least to give herself a freedom.

"How come? You are so beautiful, how can you be worthless? I think many bars over Hell's Kitchen lack a decent bar girl." Mark's meaning was already obvious.

A place like Hell's Kitchen is simply not a place for normal people.Queens is heaven by comparison.

The cops in Hell's Kitchen are known as the unluckiest cops.

No one wants to work in Hell's Kitchen.

The work of the bar girls there is basically inseparable from the flesh and blood.

There are not a few guys who go there to have fun. What Mark said is the same as those traffickers in the past when they said that women were sent to the Spring Tower.

Yelena finally made a compromise. Compared with living as a doll controlled by others, death may be the best result.

But Yelena doesn't want to die now.

"Now, is our lady willing to tell your secrets?" Mark asked Yelena, who looked uncertain.

Take advantage of the fire, now is the best time.

(End of this chapter)

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