Chapter 359
Chapter 358 The Status Quo of New York

Washington and New York City, two important cities in the United States.

On the surface it was calm, but secretly, both the police and the National Guard responsible for security began to tense their nerves.

There is only one thing for it, and that is an explosion that may appear at any time.

It is different from the bombings that may have occurred in the past.

There are traces of past bombings.Some clues can still be found through police dogs that specialize in searching for explosives.

But this time, everyone may have explosive blood in their bodies.

No one could believe it when they heard this.

But the first incident came too soon.

In Times Square, New York, a middle-aged man fell to his knees and coughed violently.

Several well-meaning young people around came forward, ready to care for this middle-aged man in need.

The middle-aged man raised his head with a strange light on his face, and his body was also exuding high temperature.Several young people around, seeing the bad situation, immediately started to stay away.

However, some guys who are not afraid of death and like to join in the fun approached the middle-aged man.

After all, no one would think that a person would suddenly explode, after all, this is really unreasonable.

But in fact, this was the case. There were more and more onlookers joining in the fun, surrounding the middle-aged man who kept crying in pain. No one offered a helping hand. Instead, they took out their mobile phones to take pictures.

They tried to take a picture of this wonderful future, and then uploaded it to their personal online accounts as a bragging rights.

It's a pity that their shameful behavior can only end here. The middle-aged man couldn't bear the surge of energy in his body, and finally exploded with a bang.

The whole person completely disappeared into the world, and as the onlookers who took pictures, there were also a large number of casualties due to the explosion.

They ended up paying for what they did.

When the incident happened, the New York City Police Department immediately rushed to the scene for rescue.

But there are only a few people who can be rescued in the end.

The death toll was the highest since the last battle of New York.

The official explanation is that a group of terrorists launched a human bomb.

After all, most of the people involved have already died, and those who can be rescued are still in a coma in the hospital. No one can tell the truth about this matter.

Officials have said so, and the public is willing to believe this possibility.

The truth of the opposite is not so easy to believe.

After all, if you tell them that all this is due to the casualties caused by a self-explosion, no one will believe it.

However, this matter quickly subsided, and the busy city life made most people forget about this "little matter".

Residents of New York City have experienced all kinds of problems, and this one is nothing compared to the alien invasion.

They have experienced too many storms and waves, and they have gradually begun to adapt to this abnormal social environment.

Queens has had an extra superhero lately.

He calls himself Spider-Man, and no one knows whether he is an ordinary civilian hero or a student from the Superhero Academy.

All in all, this is a good thing for an unstable roommate.

The little boy is very enthusiastic, and he often helps the neighbors to do some simple things within his capacity. He feels like a versatile and caring little helper, but not like a superhero.

Peter Parker hid in the alley, put on his uniform as always, and prepared to start today's act of righteousness.

But as soon as he walked out of the alley, he heard a group of punks whispering about some recent events.

Queens has suddenly heard explosions in the past few nights. Little Peter is also worried about whether there is something terrible. Super villains have entered Queens to do evil, but after he carefully investigated and arrived at the scene.

Except for the discovery of a large crater left by the explosion, no useful clues could be found at the scene.

After all, he is not a professional detective, and little Peter is just a student.Although it is said to have superpowers, there is actually not much difference between normal people and normal people in terms of knowledge reserves.

"Damn it, I watched Char explode and die with my own eyes last night!" A little gangster said excitedly, holding his head.

"It was Char who died yesterday? I thought it was Merk. I haven't seen that guy for several days. Don't you know where that guy went?"

"Damn it, why are you still in the mood to think about that bastard?"

"Can you say something else besides hell?"

"Okay, from now on, each of you will stay at home obediently, and the recent event has been cancelled." The strong gangster finally spoke.

It looks like that guy is the boss of these punks.

Peter swung his spider's thread and fell into these gangsters, which was different from the stunned young man who didn't know how to fight at all.

Now Peter is good at using various fighting techniques.Especially in the face of such a dangerous environment, he can also calmly deal with it.

Relying on his powerful strength and extraordinary reflexes, he also has a special ability called spider sensing.

He can always find that the only one is quite relaxed even when facing his wealthy enemy.

Peter now just wants to know what happened to the explosions they were talking about. It seems that they know something, but they don't want to say it.

"Guys, can you explain to me what the explosion you're talking about is?" Peter who suddenly appeared made the gangsters take a few steps back in shock.

The recent natural changes in Queens have a lot to do with Spider-Man.

Maybe those ordinary people still have a good impression of this so-called little hero, but these gangsters hate this guy to death.

At least several guys have fallen directly into this guy's hands, and were caught by those cops.

One of the gangsters didn't say anything, and punched Peter directly.

Through his spider sense, Peter easily dodged the gangster's attack. With his backhand, he disrupted the gangster's hand and pressed it to the ground.

The gangsters around looked at Peter's fierce look, and they didn't dare to go forward and wait for their boss to speak.

The strong gangster came out slowly, and said to Peter: "Spiderman, right? I have no conflict with you. Let him go, and I will tell you what I know."

Peter was really young, so he didn't think much about it, he let go of the gangster, and waited for the boss of the gangster to tell him the truth.

(End of this chapter)

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