Chapter 333
Chapter 332

S.H.I.E.L.D. UK branch.

After Mark left, Nick parachuted two new members into the British branch of S.H.I.E.L.D.After the two new members came to the UK branch, the first thing they did was not to enter the top management of the entire UK branch, but to start investigating the transactions between Mark and the UK.

These high-level members of the British branch of S.H.I.E.L.D. also tried to stop the two airborne headquarters personnel.But in the end it all came back to nothing.

These two guys are completely Nick Fury's own soldiers.The orders of others are not obeyed at all.Even through pressure from the position, it didn't play any role.

After all, people can use Nick as their own shield.

And it makes sense that the S.H.I.E.L.D. investigation related to Britain's acquisition of a brand-new intelligent robot.

For so many years, the British branch of S.H.I.E.L.D. has been investigating European countries for this reason.

"Is it too risky to do that, Mike."

At this time, the two were staying in a coffee shop and observing the road, otherwise the patrolling robot.

"We have not chosen Hans now. The director has agreed to our action just now." Mike said, taking a sip of coffee.

He was ready, ready for the fact that this was the last drink of his life.

And Mike was obviously not ready for this, and looked at the police robot outside with a sad face.

Officially, at least, they were police robots, but the two of them knew better than anyone how scary these robots were.

The two of them didn't think that their mortal bodies could fight against a robot that could overturn an entire Challenger main battle tank.

"Didn't the director prepare any equipment for us? He was going to let the two of us go up with bare hands." Hans still did not give up.

Mike patted the box at his feet and said, "This is what the director prepared for us."

Hans could swear that the two of them didn't bring anything when they came here just now, so this coffee shop is very likely to be a secret stronghold of S.H.I.E.L.D.


"It's not something the two of us should know about, and I didn't notice when it appeared at my feet, but this is the equipment given to us by the director. Let's go!" Mike couldn't care so much anymore, and put the cup into He drank the coffee in one gulp, picked up the suitcase and walked upstairs.

Hans glanced at the coffee he hadn't finished yet, and looked at the coffee in the cup as if he drank it in one gulp.Before he went upstairs, he turned around and took a look at the beautiful world outside. It might be a good result to die here!

When they came upstairs, the two slowly opened the box, and inside were two extremely thin combat uniforms.

The two of them had also seen these combat uniforms in S.H.I.E.L.D., and these combat uniforms were not available to them at all.

Looking at this exquisite combat uniform, both of them swallowed, looked at each other, and immediately spread the word.

When the mask was attached to their faces, they felt that the world in front of them had changed drastically.

The information projected from the mask let them know how terrifying this combat uniform is.

Even without handy weapons, they felt they could complete the operation alive.

Looking out of the window at the legionnaires who had just patrolled past, the two broke through the window without any hesitation and landed directly beside the legionnaires.

The two London policemen who accompanied them had no time to take precautions, and were directly knocked out by Hans.

The legionnaires also detected the hostility in front of them.But at the first moment, he didn't deploy the light blade quickly, but planned to catch the two people in front of him alive.

With the help of some combat services, the two easily escaped the attack of the legionnaires.

The combat uniform itself can greatly enhance the user's ability, not to mention that the two of them injected themselves with stimulants the moment they rushed out of the room.

This kind of stimulant is not the kind of super stimulant that can cure, but a mutilated version that can damage various internal organs of one's body.

Nick didn't expect these two people to come back alive, so they were equipped with this stimulant.As for the set of ghost combat uniforms they were wearing, it was just an old version that was eliminated from the previous ghost combat uniforms.

Even if it was destroyed, Nick wouldn't feel bad about it.

It is indeed a bit tricky for the legionnaires to face the two extremely fast S.H.I.E.L.D. agents without releasing the restrictions of the "police armor".

However, the news that this patrol unit was attacked was quickly passed on.The other blocks were responsible for patrolling, and the safety-guaranteed detachment quickly assembled towards this side.

Hans jumped back to avoid a punch from the Legionnaire, and he took out a small chip from his pocket.As long as this small intruder is pasted on the body of a legionnaire, it can invade the opponent's system.

Mike saw that his own Hans had already taken out the intruder, and he couldn't control that much anymore.The sound of sirens sounded in the distance, making them clearly aware of the seriousness of the problem.

There is not much time left for them.

Mike punched the legionnaire, without any dodge, his arms crossed stiffly, blocking the heavy punch.

Legionnaires grabbed Mike by the throat in an attempt to suffocate him in this way, rendering him incapable of resistance.

Seeing the opportunity his teammates had won for him, Hans rushed forward and stuck the invader on the back of the legionnaire.

Hard and thin alloy needles shot out from the intruder, and when the red light on the intruder turned on, Hans thought the plan was about to succeed.

But the next actions of the legionnaire made him completely desperate.Mike, who had fainted, was thrown to the ground by him, and the legionnaire walked towards Hans step by step.

Hans took a few steps back, but he still didn't escape. He was waiting for the intruder to play its due role.

But even if the sound was heard, even if the red light was flashing, there was still no result.

That's all there is to it.

The legionnaire stretched out his hand and grabbed Hans' neck, and Hans passed out after a burst of suffocation.


When the two woke up again, they were already in the prison at SHIELD headquarters.

Nick still stood in front of the two wearing a black windbreaker as always.

Both of them bowed their heads in shame. They knew that when they appeared here, they had already explained that the director had kidnapped them.

"Okay, tell me the process of the battle carefully." Nick said.

(End of this chapter)

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