Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 329 The deal is reached

Chapter 329 The deal is reached
Chapter 328

Even these noble lords have worn down their strength over the years.Even though their arrogance has long been worthless, the breath in their hearts has never disappeared.

If they really rely on the S.H.I.E.L.D. controlled by the United States, they can no longer bear it.

If it hadn't been for this unexpected situation, all the important things would not have been handed over to S.H.I.E.L.D. After all, it was Britain's own local superpowers, which were too weak.

Even if a brand new superpower academy is established throughout Europe, it will take time to cultivate those talents.

Time is the most precious thing in Europe now, but what to use to make up for it during this time is also the biggest problem in Europe now.

The United Kingdom has always occupied the British Isles, retaining its strength in various wars in an isolated way.

The reason why they develop the navy so fanatically is to ensure that their own will not be threatened at all. As long as the sea is strong, no one can threaten the mainland.

I have to say that their policy is correct, and it has indeed made Britain brilliant for such a period of time.

"How can we believe that what you have provided is that we can deal with alien invaders. And how do you know that alien invaders will definitely invade London?"

These aristocratic lords are still looking forward to it, it may be a faint little hope.

"You believe it or not. The choice is in your hands. I am only responsible for handing over the things to you. As for whether you can make them or use them, that is your own business. I can only ask You guarantee that this is absolutely this era." Mark's indifferent look is the most disgusting.

This disgusting look made these noble gentlemen too angry to speak out.Not everyone can be like Mark, only guys with capital can do it.

Obviously Mark is the kind of person with capital.

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot. I think you should know about the Hydra spies in S.H.I.E.L.D. After all, it was a big event like the Battle of New York. I think your intelligence network You should be able to receive some news. I’m here to be a good person and tell you some secrets. In your British House of Lords, there are Hydra people. I won’t say who they are. After all, it has nothing to do with me Specific conflicts, but if you are counting on Hydra or S.H.I.E.L.D. to give you technological help, forget it as soon as possible! They are hard to protect themselves now, and have no time to take care of you. Of course, I will say here by the way, you are Life and death on Earth has nothing to do with me, anyway, as long as it doesn’t threaten me, then it’s OK, of course, if you one day collude with alien invaders to invade Earth, then don’t blame me for turning your back on anyone.” Mark I don't worry at all that someone will use this matter as a handle.

Because if there is such a fool, the people of Hydra will take the initiative to kill it. Hydra has tried to kill Mark many times.

What happened in the United States made them clearly realize that it is really too difficult to kill Mark, at least it is too difficult now.

From the public level, there is still some hope for defeating Mark with his upright talent.

Therefore, the Hydra in the UK has no plans, and Mark has not touched the root of their interests, and even brought some technologies beyond the current ones, and they are very happy.

"Okay sir, now you can talk about your terms, we agree to your deal."

"Wouldn't it be over if you were so straightforward earlier? Wasting such a long time, pretending to be a chaste and strong woman, and setting up a memorial archway. Everyone understands, alas, it really is!" Mark looked at these livid-faced people The aristocrat still did not forget to sneer.

"I will provide you with these new technologies, and you will fully open up your support for our company and our superheroes. The specific and detailed content will be submitted to you in a later report. Now that you have agreed, there All the things proposed are not physical and mental. Of course, the content has already been seen by your Majesty the Queen, and there is no problem at all. At the same time, the Superhero Management Act is opposed in the World Security Council." Mark said his purpose.

The members of the House of Lords present were also a little overwhelmed. They spent a long time just thinking about this. The previous condition was not considered a condition at all, because they were almost open at the request of Her Majesty the Queen.

The latter condition is not a condition at all for the United Kingdom.

The number of superheroes in the UK is not that many, and each of the few are regarded as national treasures. What kind of superhero management bill is going to be introduced now? Why?Drive these superheroes away to other European countries?
We must know that the competitiveness of superheroes in this land of Europe is quite high.

The main reason is that there are too few people with superpowers. It's not like there are seventeen or eighteen such superheroes popping up in one city in the United States.

In Europe, there are often only one or two superheroes in a country or even a region.

Therefore, the so-called superhero management bill is completely nonsense. Even if Europe agrees, it is only a check and balance on the American side.

"Since you have got what you should get, should we now see what we should get?" The nobles are not idiots, they also want to see what they can get now.

"I like to talk to smart people when I'm smart. The things I prepared for you are right outside the door." Mark clapped his hands and said with a smile.

Following Mark's applause, several golden warriors walked in from the door.

"Let me introduce. This is a mechanical warrior we developed based on the protoss fighters in New York. The combat quality is comparable to that of the protoss for the time being. It has a new high-intelligence control system. It can independently fight and identify the enemy. They It can complete all kinds of arduous tasks, even rushing directly to the enemy camp with nuclear bombs. The high-energy shield equipped cannot easily resist the main battle tank-level main gun attack. According to the test, unless it is The main guns of ten main battle tanks hit the target at the same time, otherwise they would not be able to break the shield." Mark said with his right hand pointing at the incoming legionnaire.

Mark has not been so kind to hand over the vigilantes who can now be resurrected and the fearless if they are specially strengthened to these noble lords.

So you can only choose relatively low-level legionnaires.

(End of this chapter)

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