Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 325 The Fear of Being Dominated by a Beautiful Mom

Chapter 325 The Fear of Being Dominated by a Beautiful Mom
Chapter 324 The Fear of Being Dominated by a Beautiful Mom

"Now we only need to deal with two giants!" Captain Britain said optimistically to the crowd.

The death of his friend made Lightning even more angry, as soon as the lightning ray shot towards the excited Leonard.

Of course, all of this is under Mark's signal. This lightning bolt will not kill Leonard, but will paralyze him, making him unable to fight for the time being. In this way, he can be sent to the rear to ensure his safety.

Mark is now eyeing this genius, and he is going to absorb it into his organization and become a fighting force in his hands!
However, lightning did not paralyze Leonard, Leonard's own awakening ability protected him.A solid ice wall quickly appeared, and Mark clearly saw the process of all this being born.

The cold air released from both hands formed an ice wall in an instant.All of this was accomplished in a short moment, but it could be seen from his expression that this was a trick that could only be used at critical moments.

The lightning shattered the ice wall, but did not hurt Leonard behind the ice wall.

The British captain rushed out like a meteor, and slammed into the lightning giant. Because of his mistake, his comrades almost died in front of his own eyes. Now he will never allow such a thing to happen again.

Captain Britain, who had an energy shield on his body, slammed into the body of the lightning giant, splitting the entire lightning giant.

Do these guys with superpowers and shields like to face each other head-on like this?

Mark couldn't understand what happened to these guys' brain circuits?Wouldn't it be nice to shape this energy into a weapon?
Shouldn't it be because of a cheap parallel identity in this world (who has acted in DC and Marvel, and understands everything) that he really doesn't use energy shaping!
Victory seems to be beckoning to everyone, and everyone is looking forward to victory.

After all, with the first successful case, as long as you find the opponent's weakness, you can reproduce it for the second time.

Even if the damage caused by freezing is not as obvious as imagined, at least it still has an effect, doesn't it?
Just when everyone was looking forward to the second launch of the freezing ray, the severely overloaded freezing ray gun was finally scrapped.

The freezing ray gun that has been used just now has no way to continue to use it.If you continue to use it, the user will be hurt the first time, and it is very likely to cause a small-scale glacier explosion.

The so-called glacier explosion is a small-scale freezing caused by the failure of its core energy.

Mark actually doesn't like the name Ice Explosion very much and prefers to call it Frost Nova!
This is definitely not the gradual Blizzardization of Mark's aesthetics!It's just that Mark really doesn't like this name, it's too low, and the explosion of glaciers always reminds him of some not so good things.

Such as Galaxy Explosion!

After all, before he died, he detonated an entire planet rich in terrazine.These meanings seem to have seen the ripples produced by the Milky Way in that explosion, or the second explosion.

"By the way, let me try again, I have the ability to protect myself, I am extremely resistant to freezing, I can survive!" Leonard volunteered, hoping to use the freezing ray gun again.

But both Mark and Captain Britain directly rejected his request.

"Are you kidding? Victory is not a joke about other people's lives, let alone the lives of heroes. I will let all of you go back alive today. This is my promise to you." Captain Britain said slowly He landed and said righteously.

"Captain!" Leonard couldn't help feeling a little excited when he heard Captain Britain's impassioned speech.

After careful calculation, I am just an [-]-line little hero who doesn't know where he came from, and this is the British captain who has guarded Britain for many years, with super powers!Strong body!Almost uncapturable speed!Various abilities emerge in endlessly!

"Captain Britain is right. Victory is not bought at the price of a hero's life. Although I know it's not appropriate for me to say this, everyone of me will go back alive today." Mark walked to Leonard's In front of him, he patted his shoulder with his hand to give him affirmation.

Tears actually flowed from Leonard's eyes, excited and pleased, I don't know what emotions gathered into tears!
But what is certain is that he is a little too emotional now. Wiping the tears from his eyes, he nodded and looked at the freezing ray gun in his hand.

A crazy idea was born in his mind.

"If I mean if, I can completely transform it into an explosive weapon. Although it is only a one-off! But at least it can trap a giant. From the battle just now, it can be seen that these giants are still affected by the rays ! I think this can be tried.” Leonard said as he took out the tools just now, preparing to transform the freezing ray gun.

But right now it should be called a frozen bomb.

Mark was dumbfounded and stayed where he was, but he was complaining crazily in his heart: "You guy is not Captain Cold at all! Are you sure you are not a climatologist born in Xi'an, Shaanxi for nine and a half years? "

Mark now really feels that he is about to have no way to complain.

Freezing rays, ice walls, and a blizzard right now, have you forgotten that there is such a thing as a refrigerator?Is it possible to recover blood by staying in the refrigerator?

Mark really didn't think about this world, and he also remembered the fear of being dominated by a beautiful mother.

The simple transformation was completed quickly, and the transformation process was not as difficult as imagined. Disarming all the safety inhibitors was the final product.

Just press the remote control to explode directly, and then completely freeze the entire giant.

Captain Britain almost didn't even think about it, and snatched the frozen bomb from Leonard's hand. Apart from him, no one on the scene was more suitable to carry out this plan.

If it were someone else, they would definitely be risking their lives.

And there is magic protection on his body, so he will definitely not die by then.At most, it was frozen and waited to slowly melt over there.

Leonard wanted to say something more, but seeing the direction in which Captain Britain was heading away, he finally kept his mouth shut.

Mark was not idle either, and rushed out with Captain Britain to prevent any accidents from happening.

"Both of you, please come back safely!" The frail Leonard sat on the ground slumped and created an ice wall in an instant, completely draining all the energy in his body.

(End of this chapter)

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