Chapter 305
Chapter 304 Cat Playing Mouse
"Captain, since everything is gone, let's get out of here!" Looking at the empty surroundings, the mice who were used to staying in the dark naturally didn't like this kind of place.

"Stop talking nonsense, and quickly collect the samples here. If you don't want to die, hurry up and don't waste time here!"

As the saying goes, a senior official crushes people to death, let alone his own captain.It is outside, and an accident will be reported directly at that time, and death is not impossible, so even if he is unwilling, he slides down the glass pit obediently, trying to collect a piece of debris in the glass pit as a sample.

But he didn't know that there was a sniper rifle aimed at his head from the beginning to the end.

The moment he slid down, the bullet from the sniper rifle penetrated his brain.The corpse fell to the very center of the pit in a strange form, and blood flowed slowly on the transparent glass.

The rest of the Rising Tide organization, seeing the death of their companion, immediately looked for a bunker.Through the wounds on the corpse, I can still roughly judge where it is.

But looking around, he couldn't find the target.This made their hearts less tense.

What I am most afraid of is not being able to find the existence of the other party in this environment, and the surroundings are open and want to escape, that is almost impossible.

The guy known as the captain was biting his fingernails tightly, and his brain was working crazily.He is also very nervous now, death is too close to him.

His teammates died like this in front of his eyes, but he couldn't even find the target, and his life was threatened at any time.

The most important thing is that they don't know whether it is a person or a group of people who attacked them, if they...

Just thinking of this, a bullet hit the stone where he was hiding.The debris from the bullet explosion and the signs of the impact on the stone were all stimulating his fragile nerves.

His current nerves are like a tight string, which may suddenly break at any time.

Ward pulled the trigger again with great amusement, and the bullet hit the stone, leaving a new crater.

Ward could clearly see the exposed corner jumping.

The other party's heart is disturbed!Maybe as long as he shoots one more shot, the other party may be completely driven crazy.

"Captain, what should we do?" A team member next to him shouted in a crying voice.

It was the first time he came out to do a mission, and it was also the first time he encountered such a situation, and now he was almost scared out of his wits.

"How the hell do I know what to do? If there is no way, there must be a way, and you must have a way!" He kept fumbling in his pockets, trying to find something that could help him.

When he saw the smoke bomb equipped on his waist, he kissed the smoke bomb happily.

"Thank God, he didn't abandon me, hahaha!" He quickly unplugged the smoke bomb and put it directly beside him, waiting for the smoke bomb to spread.

Now he just needs to wait for the smoke bomb to spread completely, and then he can escape from here smoothly.

Although the wishful thinking was good, he did not expect that the technology of the weapons prepared by the SHIELD agents far exceeded his imagination.Although these guys have the ability to invade the computer database of SHIELD, it does not mean that they have the technological strength beyond SHIELD.

In the final analysis, they are just a group of wild people who have become monks half way. They are not counted in the periphery, and the field personnel are like consumables.

"Okay, Ward, stop playing." Mark warned in the communication channel.

Although he was unwilling, but facing Mark's warning, Ward had to stop this kind of behavior of playing cat and mouse.

As he pulled the trigger, the shot precisely hit the captain who had just stood up and was about to flee.

The bullet went right through his heart, without giving him any chance of surviving.

Mark's communicator was suddenly hacked, and he lost contact with other team members.

Not long after, a piercing voice entered Mark's ears: "Mark Komneno, I know where you are now? I also know what you are doing? Stop, or I will make you regret it."

"The last one said that I regret it. I don't know where it is now. Why do you want to threaten me. If you have the ability, stand up and stop me."

The person opposite seemed not to want to talk nonsense with Mark, so he directly cut off the communication, and Mark was able to contact the other team members again.

"You keep an eye on those guys first, I have something to deal with, temporarily cut off the communication." After Mark finished speaking, he directly canceled the communication.

A group of guys in battle armor surrounded Mark. The opponent never regarded the newcomers as a threat from the beginning to the end, but regarded Mark, the leader of the team, as the most deadly number one problem.

Mark was not surprised that the opponent was wearing armor, and even took it for granted.It is not impossible for the other party to intrude into the intelligence network of S.H.I.E.L.D. to find the information left by Hydra, and to create one or two armors.

No matter in terms of performance or the consumption of funds, Mark can't see these garbage products that are not anti-dogs at all.

If there is a real need, Mark can contact Tony and ask him to help produce a batch of armor for himself.

Although the models of those armors are definitely not the latest models, they will definitely kill these garbage in seconds.

"How do you think you can defeat me with these garbage?" Mark seemed unarmed, but he was actually ready to fight.

After the light beam entered Mark's body, Mark had an urge to release it, which is why Mark cut off the communication.

Mark is afraid that the screams here will arouse the suspicion of the newcomers. When he comes to investigate later, he will find these corpses and the injuries they have suffered, which will be a bit troublesome.

The guy in the armor didn't speak, but rushed towards Mark.

They were not equipped with any powerful weapons at all, and they used an alloy sword in close combat.

It doesn't look threatening on the surface, but it's actually quite sharp.After avoiding a guy's sneak attack, Mark clearly saw that the stone on the ground was easily cut.

A powerful wave of spiritual energy erupted from Mark's body, controlling all the guys rushing around him, and lifting them into the air.

The psionic energy strangled their throats and limbs like chains, bending in the opposite direction.

The first thing that appeared was the sound of steel bending and breaking, followed by a shrill scream, and finally the sound of bone cracking.

(End of this chapter)

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