Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 301 Global Fluctuations

Chapter 301 Global Fluctuations
Chapter 300 Global Fluctuations

In a backward area, without any armor, the final result of facing the C-10's shotgun is to be hit into a sieve.

The bullets didn't stop because of their bodies.After penetrating several people, it stopped on a tree.

In the sky, several armed helicopters are approaching here.

The protective clothing on the ghost can indeed protect against the attack of small bullets, but it is useless when facing the machine gun on the armed helicopter.

Mark and his party chose to avoid the edge temporarily, but a series of shooting completely blocked their escape route.

The bullets gradually approached the people hidden in the rainforest, and the ghosts tried to probe the pilots of these armed helicopters and kill them.

Bullets are constantly falling around you, and few people can calm down and aim at a fast-moving target.

The one thing that is on your mind all the time is whether the next bullet will hit you.

The closer the bullet was, the faster the heart beat.

Several shots all ended in failure, and even exposed their positions, and the indirect result was intensive strafing.

Mark was considering whether to take action himself, but at this moment, several missiles suddenly appeared and hit the armed helicopters flying in the sky.

The armed helicopter was emitting black smoke and plummeting towards the distance at an extremely fast speed.

There was a bang, and the explosion sounded in the distance, and everyone just let go of their hanging hearts.

"It seems that our support has arrived." The ghosts looked in the direction of the missiles.

Sure enough, a jet fighter roared through the sky.

"Everyone, please go to the designated area. The transport plane has been waiting there for a long time." A familiar voice appeared on the public channel.

There were unconcealable smiles on everyone's faces.


On the space carrier, the new members of S.H.I.E.L.D. were reporting what happened at that time, while Mark, Natasha, and Patton were facing Nick Fury.

"Explain, who are these guys? How did the local armed forces know where we are, and who are the guys who stole our plane?" Mark had too many questions to ask, and he didn't know Where did the question come from? Simply throw out all the questions in one brain.

"A group of high-end hackers invaded the intelligence network of the SHIELD. They got your news from the intelligence network of the SHIELD, and then disclosed the news to the local armed forces. But they claim that you are adventurous with a lot of wealth Bourgeoisie. That's why the local armed guys want to catch you and extort a large amount of ransom.

These guys were the ones who took your airliner before. They seem to have had some conflicts with the local armed forces, so they plan to take your plane away when you land, and then leave.It's a pity that they were attacked by unknown forces and were shot down as soon as they took off.You all know these things, and they are all recorded in the black box. "Nick briefly described the matter.

"Since when is SHIELD's network so easily invaded?" Barton has always believed in SHIELD.

But now even the network of S.H.I.E.L.D. can be hacked, so my family is safe...

"Don't worry, Barton's family is not recorded in the S.H.I.E.L.D. network, and only a very small number of people know of their existence, so you don't have to worry." Nick naturally understood what Barton meant, and immediately said comfortingly.

"It's not about entanglement with this issue now. We can discuss things like hacking the system later. The key is what are these guys trying to do here?" Mark is more concerned about what they are planning.

After Mark knew the secrets hidden in this forest, he became more and more worried about where did these guys get the news from?What did they take away from here?
These things are unknown, did they already have other artifacts in their hands?Could it be that they still have living samples of the original swarm?
Nick didn't know what to say, so he called up a picture from the database and projected it on the glass window behind him.

"This is the abnormal energy fluctuation we detected through the satellite some time ago. We detected a large amount of energy index here, so we sent Natasha and the others over. It is estimated that they came here with the same mentality to find something. "

"Do they know what these things are?"

"It seems to know, otherwise there would be no conflicts with the locals." Nick added.

"Do we still need to go back and investigate?"

"The recovery team has already gone down to investigate, and they should be able to find some useful things. But here is a more difficult task for you." Nick said, took out a few documents, and handed them to everyone.

Without even thinking about it, Mark threw the document back and said, "I declare again, I'm not in the mood to take care of those newcomers. It's more tiring than being a babysitter for Tony and the others."

"Let's talk after reading it!" Nick was not angry because of this, but pushed the file back to Mark.

Mark reluctantly opened the file, and the first one he saw was a world map with more than a dozen points clearly marked on it.

These dozen or so points are all inaccessible places.

One of these points is the rainforest where they are now.

"What do you mean?"

"Although we may not be able to find the thing this time, the target is not just this one. We have found more than a dozen such energy points around the world. Including the Mariana Trench, it also has such energy. The task is to let You go to these inaccessible places to investigate the source of these energies," Nick explained.

Mark closed the file and didn't speak for a long time.

If these energy fluctuations are all the same, it means that there are more than a dozen similar Xel'Naga artifacts on this planet.

It is also possible that those things are not artifacts, but something else, but in any case, the degree of danger of these things is no worse than the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.If these things are really obtained by someone with a heart, the world is likely to cause a disaster because of this.

Regardless of the impact of these things or the value of these things, Mark will not allow these things to fall into the hands of others.

"I agree! I also really want to know what is it that made us so embarrassed this time? What are those people who are planning to find?" Mark said.

Nick kept his eyes on Mark and never left.He wanted to see something on Mark's face, but unfortunately he couldn't see anything in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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