Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 30 Young People

Chapter 30 Young People

Chapter 31 Young people
"Unstoppable!" Accompanied by the shout of the consul of light.A powerful plasma lightning shock wave rushed out of the house.Ordinary vehicles and walls have no way to resist this powerful energy impact.

This is not an ordinary attack, this is the power obtained by sacrificing two light templar warriors.

Every protoss warrior is the most precious resource of the protoss, they are more important than anything else.Even those fanatics who rush to the forefront of the battlefield have teleportation devices.

Because of racial fertility, coupled with other reasons, the population of the protoss has not been as large as imagined.

Protoss still relies on drones and other high-tech equipment to fight in more cases.For example, the sentinel robot or the drone group of the aircraft carrier.

It's just that the light emitted by the bright consul in front of him is not that kind of blue and white light.It's bloody red.

Like a bright consul walking out of a sea of ​​corpses and blood.

It was not the first time Mark had seen the Consul of Light. He had encountered these powerful fighters when he was fighting Amon before.But the consul in front of him gave Mark a really weird feeling.

"This is the fusion of two of my most loyal subordinates. Now he has a brand new name. Nadu." Amon's voice sounded again.

Mark didn't respond to Emon's words, but followed Nadu and rushed outside.

Mark wants to escape from here as soon as possible. As for the Consul of Light... this world may be suppressed if those two guys take action. Even if other people can be hurt, it is definitely not fatal.

Just like those springtails before, Mark could obviously clean them all up, but Mark didn't have that skill, and he wasn't his subordinate.

"Bishop Mark, we are about to teleport, please stay by my side, I will protect you."

"What?" Mark's face was full of black question marks, what the hell is the archbishop?Mark can accept other titles, but only this title can't be accepted by Mark!
But now is not the time to talk about these things. With a flash of white light, Mark and Nadu were teleported tens of kilometers away.

Nadu, who was still shining brightly, became sluggish, as if he was short of electricity.

"Archbishop, I need to go back to rest, please pay attention to your safety. En taro Amon."

Another teleportation, Nadu disappeared.

If it wasn't for the last sentence, Mark would have thought that what he saw were the fighters he once knew!

such a pity……

In the Mark Villa in New York.

Mark was away during this time, and Mark's phone was also turned off.The little reporter is quite worried about Mark.What happened before has been hyped to the extreme.

After all, paper cannot contain fire, and there are too many witnesses, even if Hydra wants to suppress it, it is impossible.

So at this time, Hydra began to guide the direction of public opinion.Push everything to those two police officers and the New York General Administration.

The situation of the New York Police Department, which had an average reputation, is even worse now.

Mark couldn't get through the phone all the time, and the New York Police Department was going crazy, and all kinds of conspiracy theories came out when the party was away.

It is more practical to expect rumors to stop at wise men, or to hope that money will come from the sky.In this world of entertainment to death and the Internet, everyone hides behind the keyboard and is what they think is a superhero.

Especially in this world, the superheroes in this world are constantly demanding.Completely forgetting who risked their lives to protect the city.

Promote mien, fight michou.This sentence is probably the best interpretation!
"The sky that looks up is the sky of Tyron..." This famous satellite lighting in the interstellar world was also sung by Mark himself and brought to the world of Marvel, and now it has become Mark's cell phone ringtone.

"Which one?"

"Where did you go, Mark? Why can't you get through the phone during this time! Are you imprisoned?"

Several questions in a row made Mark feel a little overwhelmed.What is this all about!But Mark recognized that the caller was the young reporter Yrel.

"I said my big reporter, I'm fine, don't be so anxious, okay? How about finding a place to have a meal, and talk slowly." Mark said while touching his hungry stomach.

"Chinatown, Cousin Tangerine Cat Hot Pot Restaurant." The little reporter gave an address and hung up.

Mark smiled, and took the little reporter there once, and the little reporter remembered the name of the hot pot restaurant, it was really...

Sure enough, no one can deny the power of hot pot.

Tangerine Cat Cousin Hot Pot Restaurant.

The boss who becomes a little cousin is a fat man like an orange cat.When I was a teenager, I opened this hot pot restaurant with my parents in this Chinatown.

Because the taste has always been great, it has been taken care of by many regular customers.

Customers lead customers, like a snowball.The business has grown, but the boss still runs errands himself.

Have a drink with familiar old customers from time to time.

It can be said that he is a very friendly boss.

"Cousin, Malaguo, don't mess with people. I want Sichuan! I want Bashi." Mark, who was sitting on the table, shouted at the boss.

The boss also smiled when he heard the dialect of his hometown.Although I have lived in the United States since I was a teenager, my parents still like to speak in tongues.Nothing has changed to make you feel at ease.

In a foreign country, a word from my hometown is probably the best comfort!

Waiting for the pot, Mark looked at the little reporter who looked like a monster in front of him and said, "What's the matter? Don't you like to make sauces? And don't you go buy some milk tea or something? Don't blame me if you get too spicy !Hahaha."

Remembering how the little reporter got hot last time, Mark just wanted to laugh.

"Tch! I'm not the same person I used to be! I went to a Sichuan restaurant before and ate the authentic General Tso's chicken there. I will never be the same as last time!" Yrel said confidently.

Mark didn't hit her, something like General Tso's chicken... Chinese food?Do not make jokes.

"Come on! Eat well." The boss came to the two of them with a hot pot.


"Water! Give me water! No... I want milk... Haha!" said the little reporter, looking at Mark with red eyes, sticking out his little tongue.

Mark didn't move and smiled at the side, looking at her embarrassing appearance.

"Young man, you are still too young." Mark said as he picked out a piece of hairy belly from the pot.

But just put it in my mouth...

So the two foreigners drank milk with red eyes.

The boss who settled the accounts at the counter looked at the situation over there and said with a smile, "Young man."

Two more last week and one this week...

(End of this chapter)

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