Chapter 294
Chapter 293 Take Back the Supplies

As the night passed, one by one came out with dark circles under their eyes.

Even if someone is watching the night, they dare not fall asleep boldly.

God knows what kind of monsters will emerge in this dangerous rainforest after they fall asleep to threaten their lives.

Some people just change the place and the bed is different, but they can't sleep in a safe environment, let alone in such an unstable environment.

So insomnia is justified.

Seeing their sluggish looks, Mark had nothing to say.This is not from inner distrust, but from a biological sense of crisis.

This sense of crisis that comes from instinct cannot be suppressed, just like people will feel fear when facing death.Death whizzed past him countless times, but he still couldn't completely restrain his fear from facing him.

"In your current state, I guess you will have to get down after walking for a few miles. You should rest here for a while!" Mark said while sitting by the extinguished fire.

"Doesn't Mr. Comnenos need to rest?" Ward, the Hydra spy, asked concerned.

This guy can also be regarded as one of the few guys who Mark remembers his true identity.

This guy is a well-known twenty-five boy. It would be a bit too much for Mark if he didn't remember it. After all, this guy has done too many things. The snake is reborn.

So this guy has changed a lot by himself, even if he doesn't want to pay attention, he has to pay attention.

"When you reach my strength, you don't need to sleep, and a short rest is enough to replenish your energy." Mark glanced at this guy, and he didn't look as reliable as he thought.

It's really hard to imagine how such a fool can re-organize Hydra?

Mark is even considering whether to make an accident during this operation and let this guy die directly, so that he can save a lot of things by then.

But after thinking for three years, Mark suppressed this thought.

This guy's death can certainly solve the problem, but it is very likely that other guys will appear after this guy dies to re-form Hydra.

To a certain extent, this hydra is really like what they shouted in their slogans, cutting off one head and growing two heads.

Mark still has to admire this point.

The breakfast was not as rich as expected.But at least I caught two fish from the river for breakfast soup.

Catching two fish in the wilderness is already pretty good.

Skye slowly stirred the bread in his bowl. These easy-to-carry dry food breads were the dry goods for their breakfast.

If you don't eat, you'll be hungry all morning.

After all, Americans don't have the habit of eating too much Chinese food. They prefer hearty breakfast and dinner.

"Skye, you should eat more. If this continues, your body will not be able to hold on." Ward came over and said with concern.

As he spoke, he took two bites of the few bread in his bowl,
Sometimes people are a kind of strange animals, and eating by themselves is not very interesting, but if someone comforts them, it will be much better.

With the food that the first person took the lead, the others also gobbled it up. It didn't take long for them to finish all the food, not even the soup left.

Mark, Natasha, and Barton were studying the compass and map.

Although they lost their tools, they still have the map and compass and the 11 bus.

As long as they persist, they can still get out of this rainforest.

It's just that the nearest villages are all a hundred kilometers away.

"Our current approximate location is here. Someone snatched our airliner yesterday, and this is probably where it fell." Mark drew a circle on the map to draw the approximate area.

"If, as you said, there are enough supplies on the plane for us to live on, we can go here first to get enough supplies. Whether we can get them or not depends on God's blessing. I hope that the fire did not destroy all the supplies. Burn them all," Mark said, pointing to the red circle he drew on the map.

"I agree, and it's not too far to go around. If we go from here, we can walk about 20 kilometers at most. If we have these supplies, we can live better. If not, we can also find them from inside. Some things that can be used, as well as weapons. By the way, my bow and arrows are almost used up." Barton pointed to himself, and said that he still had an empty quiver.

"Well now, we have one more problem." Mark said with a wry smile.

In fact, Natasha also has her own bad news, that is, the weapon she carries is almost out of bullets.

"By the way, how is the repair of the locators of those newcomers?" Mark asked another key question.

If the locator is not damaged, they can quickly get the support of S.H.I.E.L.D.Logically speaking, if there is no report for one night, there is already a special problem, and S.H.I.E.L.D. should also take action.

I just hope that they won't suffer too much loss when facing those infected black panthers.

"It still doesn't work. There are not enough materials. They said that there is no way to repair this thing without those materials."

"This means that you have to make a trip no matter what, okay! For the food and materials tonight, let's work hard! Try to reach the crash site before tonight."


Several hours passed, and finally I saw the place where the plane crashed. It was scorched black, the aviation fuel had not been completely burned, and there were still many flames burning slowly.

But it seems that God made a joke with them, and the place is now surrounded by infected panthers.The black panthers consciously dragged the corpses out of the plane and ate them on the spot.

It's hard to imagine why they would go to such lengths, since they could have eaten up those corpses directly in the plane, why did they choose to drag them out of the plane?
But soon Mark and the others knew the answer.

A huge wriggling infected bug directly swallowed a just-fed black panther from the tentacles deep inside the plane.

Obviously, the eating efficiency of this method is much higher than that of the panthers.

Seeing the scene in front of them, the new members of S.H.I.E.L.D. could not help but gasp.

(End of this chapter)

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