Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 28: A Sudden Killing Heart

Chapter 28
Chapter 29

"Goodbye!" Mark said lightly when there was only a bang, and the sound of the explosion covered up most of the noise.

Tiny bombs!

In order to ensure a perfect fit, only the dead will not reveal the secret.The current public opinion is almost one-sided in favor of Mark, and Mark must not let the two Hydra agents survive.

So the miniature bombs placed on them in advance also played an effect.This kind of miniature bomb may not pose much threat to the vehicle.

But for the two Hydra agents who have no defense, just wearing ordinary uniforms, it is completely fatal.

Especially where Mark placed the two miniature bombs at the back of the two Hydra agents.

The shock wave and fragments of the explosion will directly penetrate the hearts of the two Hydras.

They didn't even have time to shout out the classic "chop one head and grow two" last words.I have bid farewell to this world for the last time.

Someone nearby made an emergency call.

After all, it fell from the fifth floor, and the other party seemed to have been shot.Regardless of whether the other party is a suspect or a criminal, they should live and accept the trial of the law. This is what most people think, not to mention that the other party is a hero who just saved the Bank of New York.

Of course, ambulances in the United States are not free, and each dispatch costs about 1000 US dollars.

That's right, in such a free country.

So in most cases, try not to call an ambulance.

After all, the fee is too expensive.

With the arrival of the ambulance, Mark was also sent to the ambulance.Then came the police car, and the police who hurried over from the New York City Headquarters saw only the two colleagues who had fallen to the ground.

However, things are far from over.


Although Mark had already boarded the ambulance, the Hydra people had also successfully boarded the car.

The two Hydra agents quickly ran to the elevator after firing the clips.At the same time, they also began to contact their headquarters to report what happened at that time.

When someone called an ambulance for rescue and determined to go to the scene of the crime.

Hydra's agents immediately changed their costumes, boarded the ambulance, and prepared to kill Mark directly in the ambulance.

As soon as Mark was sent to the ambulance, Mark felt that something was wrong.Logically speaking, when the first shot was fired, more people would not choose to call the ambulance, but call the police station.

I have already received the news, why didn't the New York Police Department send a police car to the scene, and the first one to arrive at the scene was an ambulance? Is there a problem?You must know that there is at least five or six minutes of time difference.

Mark looked warily at the surrounding medical staff in white coats and masks.A medical staff next to him took out a syringe that was already full of liquid.

Mark looked at the medical worker warily and asked, "What is this?"

"Don't worry, it's just a little analgesic." The medical staff said to Mark as calmly as possible.

"I don't think I really need this thing." As soon as Mark finished speaking, two medical staff next to him reached out and held Mark down. That medical staff was holding a syringe, ready to give Mark an injection.

But at this moment, three gunshots shot through the heads of the three medical staff.

There was a series of intensive gunshots outside. Mark didn't know what happened, but the three medical staff who were holding him down here were dead.

As the car door was opened, several agents with S.H.I.E.L.D. logos appeared in front of Mark.

Immediately afterwards, Nick Fury, a black brine egg with an expressionless face, appeared in a black trench coat.

"Maybe we should talk," Nick said.


In a secret stronghold of Nick, Mark looked at the guns full of secrets hanging on the surrounding walls, without falling a little dust.

Although it is said to be a secret stronghold, judging from the surrounding environment, there are definitely people living here.

"Can you explain to me what all this means?" There was a hint of anger in Mark's voice.Whoever put these things on, no one's mood will be any better.

Mark tried his best to suppress his anger, which was already the limit.In the past, Mark had already used his C-10 to send all the parties and the behind-the-scenes planners to see Sarnaga.

Letting them live for one more second in this world is Mark's forgiveness to them.

"I'm sorry, I don't know about these things, but the only thing I can give you is that someone here is secretly planning something, and the other party's power is quite large, and I don't even know about it."

"Then you mean, you can't find these guys, right? Well, then I will use my method to solve the problem." Mark was also a little annoyed.

Originally, I thought that the other party could give me a reasonable explanation or solution, but I didn't expect to push myself away completely, and pretended to be worthless.

If Nick really didn't know anything, how could he suddenly appear in that parking lot?
"In fact, I only know that they are Hydra hidden inside S.H.I.E.L.D., but I don't know who they belong to, and who planned this attack." Nick explained.

Maria Hill, who was standing on the side, stepped forward and said, "Then we have a clue, but the evidence is not yet clear."

Nick glared at him, but Hill pretended he didn't see it.

Mark has no interest in the two of them, one singing a red face and the other singing a bad face.

Although the other party's acting skills are really good, Mark doesn't believe that two people who are in this position and also serve as the chief agent at the same time.Just a little emotional intelligence.

"Since you can't give me the answer I want, then I will find the answer myself. I don't think there is any conflict with us at all. I am very grateful for your help today, but it does not pose any threat to me." As he said that, Mark couldn't take out the bullet on his shoulder.

The medical staff who rushed over were a little at a loss with the medicine kit, and watched the wound on Ma He's shoulder heal quickly.

This extraordinary healing ability is simply outrageous, like a monster.Even if it is a monster, it does not have such a strong healing ability.

Nick felt more and more mysterious about the person in front of him, and it became more and more difficult to guess his identity.It is impossible to imagine what kind of person he is, and even the records are flawless.

PS: I am a husband like my elder brother, so don't worry about typos.Anyway, I wouldn't do it (dog's head saves my life)
(End of this chapter)

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