Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 22 Explosion Case (Recommend 2 Combos)

Chapter 22 The Explosion Case (Recommended Two Combos)
Chapter 22 The Bombing Case
Since the last exclusive interview, Mark and the little reporter have also become friends.

The little reporter was also very willing to interview a young and promising talent like Mark.After all, not everyone can enter Stark Industries. There are countless people who want to enter Stark Industries, but only a few can enter in the end.

Even in the hostile environment of Stark's overseas branch to the Afghan branch, the talents that can enter there are quite top talents who are placed in other companies, and they can definitely be called executives.

But even so, they are willing to work hard in that harsh environment, because they have Stark on top of their heads.

This is a typical patriotic enterprise. Stark's father, Howard Stark, was once one of the participants in the Manhattan Project in the United States.So the background of Stark Industries itself is quite deep.

Just a little reporter now.Although he didn't come to Mark's villa as cautiously as before, as if he came to his own home, Mark didn't feel too disgusted with this familiar little reporter.

The little reporter also intentionally or unintentionally suggested that Mark could come to a scientific super electromagnetic gun.

If Mark didn't accept this kind of thing, it doesn't mean that Mark is a gentleman or that Mark doesn't have such needs. Mark doesn't want it yet.

It's just that Mark feels that the relationship between the two hasn't reached that point yet. If he really did that, what's the difference between him and that playboy Tony?Mark had always resented being that kind of playboy because it repelled him, even disgusted him.

Playing with feelings, even if the other party has a special purpose of the skeptic, is wrong in itself, and one cannot play with a relationship just because the other party has a special purpose.

Those who play with their feelings will eventually be played by their feelings.

God is fair, just like the later relationship between Tony and Pepper, once fell into extreme embarrassment, and even almost broke up.

"Don't you have to go to work every day? Squat me here every day." Mark picked up a piece of fat house happy water and said.

"My current task is to take a good look at a certain hero now. See if I can get some exclusive information about Stark Industries from a certain hero, or record the daily life of this hero. Not quite It makes me very sad that you want me to stay here." The little reporter said to Mark with a heartbroken look.

"My God, if I were your boss, I would definitely fire you. A reporter like you is definitely a cancer in the company." Mark half-jokingly said to the little reporter.

"But my boss just didn't fire me, so why not be angry?" The little reporter proudly raised his neck at Mark and said.

"Why should I be so angry that I need to pay wages? It's not that I'm your boss." Mark laughed angrily at the young reporter's appearance.

For the first time in this world Mark really smiled.from the heart.Mark realized that he really lived in this world, as if he were a person.

Instead of that fingerprint, identity... ghost agent who has nothing!
It's a pity that the happy time is always short-lived.

A sudden call made the little reporter stand up immediately.

"What's wrong?" Mark asked.

"There was an explosion in the urban area." The little reporter said after hanging up the phone.

"I'll take you there!" Mark said.

The two drove to the vicinity of the explosion in the urban area. The raging fire was constantly burning. It has only been less than 10 minutes since the explosion began.The main reason is that the traffic around here is already blocked, otherwise Mark would be able to reach the scene faster.

The area where the explosion occurred was not too prosperous, but the explosion affected more than a dozen shops around.All the glass on the facade was shattered, and many people fell to the ground, apparently seriously injured.

The store where the explosion occurred was a cake shop. Firefighters rushed to the scene and quickly extinguished the fire. After some investigation, it was confirmed that the cause of the explosion was improper use of the microwave oven.

It is absolutely impossible to cause such an explosion effect just by using the microwave oven improperly, and this is just an interaction with the outside world.

No matter Mark, the little reporter, or other onlookers would believe such nonsense, but they couldn't go in for confirmation, so no one dared to speculate.

But before the crowd dispersed, the fire truck left the scene, and everyone's phones rang suddenly, and everyone took out their phones to answer.

"Good afternoon everyone, I am the instigator of the bombing in front of you. I don't know what the big shots above are hiding from you, saying what the explosion originated from, but what I want to tell you is, The next bombing is about to begin.

You still have half an hour. Of course, the guarantee this time will not just cause some injuries.Now I will give you a clue, the road of thousands of decaying steels, the endless stream of breath, the miracle of human power, the East River is really gorgeous. "The phone has been hung up here, and there is no more sound.

Everyone chattered and tried to solve the riddle.

In fact, the riddle is not as difficult as imagined. Only people who have lived in New York all year round can basically think of it.Especially when the last line comes out, over the East River that means the Brooklyn Bridge.

The Brooklyn Bridge, which is nearly 2000 meters long, is really not an easy task to investigate, and if there is a bomb on the Brooklyn Bridge, once it is passed on, it is easy to cause riots.

It is not an easy thing to block.

And the other party is very likely to detonate the bomb directly before the police blockade.Although the other party did not say so, the intention was quite clear.

It can be said that this is a contest between gangsters and the police.

"Interesting!" Mark looked at the closed mobile phone and smiled, "Are you interested in coming with me to solve this riddle?"

"of course."

The two quickly drove away from the scene and headed for the Brooklyn Bridge, which connects Brooklyn and the island of Manhattan. It can be said to be a historic building in the United States.And it was the longest suspension bridge in the world when it was built.It is also the first bridge in the world to be constructed of steel.

When it was completed, it was considered to be the eighth wonder after the seventh wonder of the world, and it was known as one of the seven epoch-making architectural miracles in the world during the era of the industrial revolution.

And now the guy who didn't know his life on the phone actually tried to use this bridge as his stage, he was really a crazy guy.

(End of this chapter)

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