Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 211 The world is not short of lunatics

Chapter 211 The world is not short of lunatics

Chapter 210 The world is not short of lunatics
"Young man, I don't want to kill you, but if you want to hurt Tony, I have to do it. Although this guy is a playboy and a shameless tsundere, he can be regarded as someone who helped me. "Mark didn't want to kill a teenager who was blinded by revenge, but now there is really no way out of this dead end.

Because Mark has no evidence in his hand to prove that Tony is innocent, it is useless to say more for a teenager who has already determined that Tony is the murderer.

"Really? Are you going to kill me too? Sure enough, you pious guys, you sure enough, you so-called heroes, are all damned!!!" The boy stabbed towards Mark with a dagger in both hands.

The boy's running is not fast, it can even be said to be very slow, very slow.From Mark's point of view, it can be said to be full of flaws, as long as Mark wants to kill the boy before he gets close to him.

"Mark, let me do it!" Tony stretched out his hand to stop Mark who was about to act. He watched the young man's charge as if he had made a decision.

"whispering sound!"

After all, Tony didn't want Mark's hands to get blood that didn't belong to him.

Naturally, it was impossible for the dagger to pierce Tony's battle armor, but the boy still knocked Tony into the air firmly.

Tony didn't make any adjustments and was just pushed to the ground just like that.The dagger drew traces on the battle armor.

"Sorry, kid, let's sleep for a while!"

Tony pierced the young man's body with an anesthesia needle, and the young man couldn't stand the anesthesia at all, and fell into a coma.

Zhang Tong over there, or the Mandarin, is also in a state of desperation at this time.

Facing the siege of the protoss warriors, most of the rings have fallen into the cooling time.

The power of the ring is indeed very powerful, but if the power of the ring is overdrawn, the final result is to make the ring fall asleep.If it is more serious, it will also break because of it.

A ring at that time will be completely scrapped.

"Mark, I remember you. I will leave this boy with you for the time being, and I will come back soon to take it away. Everything about him!" Zhang Tong said and disappeared under the watchful eyes of the protoss warriors not see.

Mark also let out a long sigh of relief, the death of seven protoss warriors, including four dark templars.

This kind of loss is really not small.

Mark did not send the Dauntless to appear for his own reasons. God knows whether Zhang Tong, who has mastered alien technology, can invade the Dreadnought in a short time.

It is within the acceptable range for Mark to expose or sacrifice these fighters now, but once more and more in-depth information is leaked, Mark cannot afford it at this stage.


Stark Building.

Mark sat on the sofa and asked Tony beside him, "How much do you remember about that day's actions?"

"I almost don't remember it. You know I have a lot of things to deal with every day. How can I have so much time to remember those insignificant things." Tony said to Mark very freely.

Doesn't matter?Mark couldn't help but smile.

It's fine if it's really irrelevant, and now New York is panicked by the things derived from this incident.

"Do you remember who took the lead in that incident?"

"The city government of New York City."

"Now let's go find them!"

"I recommend you not to do this."


"Because I suspect that those high-level officials played this show to appease the hearts of the people."

Mark was so angry that he didn't know what to say.In order to appease, even sacrifice innocent people?In the past, it was because I didn't have the ability to take care of those things, but now that I have the ability, if I don't take care of it, what am I?
"If you don't go, then I have my own way."

Mark has his own plans and methods.

The first step, of course, is to bring the truth of the bombing to the fore.

As soon as the inside story of the bombing appeared, many people did not believe such a thing at all.There are too many people and things involved, and even in this country that can be called free speech, there have been bans.

In a certain restaurant, Mark and Rocky are sitting at a table.

"You haven't come to me for such a long time, and you just ask me to help you?" Loki said, looking at Mark with an angry smile.

Mark admitted that he had too many things during this time, so he ignored Rocky.

"Okay! I'm sorry, but this time it's up to you." Mark apologized to Rocky.

"I don't need an apology. If you are sincere, come here to find me." Loki left a piece of paper and got up to leave.

Mark looked at the little note left by Loki, and was stunned for an instant.

This is really simple and rude!It's really sleepwear!

In fact, Mark himself has the means to control people's minds, but that means is too crude.At that time, the controlled guy will look like a robot, which is completely different from Mark's desired result.

So want the help of Loki and the scepter in her hand now.

At the press conference of the New York City government, a group of figures in New York City finished their speeches.

The last big head is about to enter the stage. The moment he came on stage, the lights were full. At this moment, he is the brightest star here.

It is a pity that this will become the darkest moment of his life.

The press conference, which was broadcast live without delay, conveyed the most explosive news.

"I don't know how many thugs are hiding in this city, but as long as I am the mayor of this city for a day, I will not let those guys do evil. For the safety of this city, even if a small number of people are sacrificed I don't hesitate for the interests of the people. And just to kill some insignificant guys, I let the city continue to be stable and prosperous. I don't care if those guys are infected or not, as long as I disturb the city, I will destroy it. I am Heroes of the city, protectors of the city. Clearance will not stop!"

This is already the biggest hint, and this is likely to make many people wonder if someone has done something to the mayor.

However, as one of the powerful original forces in this world, it is estimated that few people can see it.


"Mark, did you do that?" Tony, the only one who knew the inside story, called Mark.

It is naturally impossible for Mark to admit: "Of course not, how could I do such a thing, that old guy is completely out of his mind."

"You are such a lunatic! Last time it was the military, now it is the city government!"

"I said, if you don't go, someone will go. There is no shortage of such people in this world." After Mark finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Tony already knew it was him.Tony also knew very well in his heart that making this call was just a comfort to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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