Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 207 Coincidence

Chapter 207 Coincidence
Chapter 206 Coincidence

Mark's collection and storage plan can be said to be quite smooth, but this does not mean that Peter is about to say goodbye to his current life.It's just that in the future life, Peter's Saturdays and Sundays will no longer be leisure days, but need to go to Mark for training and learning.

Of course, this is completely voluntary. If one day he doesn't want to go again, then he doesn't need to go again in the future.

Opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared and willing to work hard for them.As for those guys who want to get something for nothing, let them wait to die!
Mark just settled Peter's matter here, but when he returned to the office, he found that there were new things waiting for him.

The time Mark stayed at Peter's house was not very long, that is, a few hours, but in these few hours, another terrorist incident occurred in New York City.

The Daily Bugle, one of the most famous media in New York City.

Bitter jokes and acrimonious moderators are the hallmarks of this daily.Dare to say has become a feature of his family, which is why so many people are willing to support this daily.

But not long ago, the newspaper office was attacked. Many members of the newspaper office were seriously injured, and two members of the newspaper office who happened to be at the explosion point died.

The attackers are similar to the guys from the previous NYPD, thugs who have awakened to their abilities.

It's just that these guys didn't choose to escape, but ended everything with death.

This is the scene of the Daily Bugle, which has been cordoned off by the police.

The police officers with live ammunition stood at the outermost edge, guarding against any approach by anyone with malicious intentions.The public is also quite restrained, because they know that this is a special period, and the police never give you a reason for shooting.

After all, if there is any intention to attack, the police have the right to shoot and kill.Moreover, if a lawsuit is filed at that time, the probability of failure is also very high.

No one wants to make fun of their own lives, so there is no such thing as people attacking the police.

That is to say, some police officers are kind-hearted.Even in the face of the mob's attack, it is nothing more than firing a warning shot at the sky.

"Firm!" Mark came to the scene with several members of the firm. After showing his ID to the police officers, he entered the explosion site for inspection.

At this time, the headquarters of the Bugle Daily can be said to be a mess, with scorched marks everywhere.The explosion point was located at the entrance of the Daily Horn, where there were originally several pieces of glass, but the glass has long since disappeared.

The area outlined in white on the ground is where the victim fell.

The method of explosion can be said to be quite rough, but what makes Mark puzzled is why there is not even a wreckage left after the explosion.

Logically speaking, an explosion of this scale would at best explode into fragments, and it was impossible that there would be no wreckage left.

This is so abnormal that Mark is a little unbelievable.

The incident is usually very demonic, so Mark followed this clue to investigate, but before Mark could find out the clue, new news came.

The Bugle Daily is not considered to be from Taiyuan, and the New York City government has just been attacked.Mobs with awakened abilities stormed the lobby of the New York City Government, and under the monitoring of everyone and surveillance cameras, an explosion occurred.

Their bodies swelled violently, cracks appeared, and red rays of light radiated from the cracks.Immediately afterwards, there was a burst of dazzling white light, the entire hall was destroyed, and the picture captured by the camera turned into a snowflake.

NYPD, Daily Bugle, NYC!

There were three attacks in just a few days, two of which were on the same day.Mark doesn't believe that these three places are not related in any way. If this happens in such a short period of time, there must be an inevitable connection.

But what Mark is more worried about is what the other party's purpose is. The other party's purpose is just to cause panic and then attack the government's prestige.

But why attack the Daily Bugle?After all, the Daily Bugle is not an attack by a government agency, and he does not have any benefits.

Could it be that the daily is expected to provide popularity, and that shouldn't be the case.

If you really want to raise awareness, you can attack Times Square.

All kinds of problems make people feel overwhelmed.


Mark returned home and decided to rest for a night to relax, and he couldn't let his nerves continue to be so tense.

But when Mark returned home and sat on the sofa, he saw an outdated newspaper on the table. During this time, no one at home was holding it, and it was already a while ago.

Maybe this is a coincidence. The moment Mark glanced at the newspaper, Mark saw the big headline in the newspaper.

[Stark Industries removes the infected]

This kind of news is not surprising, but the key point is that this newspaper is the Daily Bugle.

Mark just held the mentality of treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor, picked up the newspaper and read it carefully.

[Not long ago, at the request of the New York City government, Stark Industries, together with outstanding police officers from the New York City Police Department, jointly consulted a hidden lair of infected people in the New York City area.A total of 32 infected people were killed...]

One side of the report was accompanied by a few black-and-white photos that were not clear.

Mark couldn't help frowning looking at those photos. He always felt that these terrorist incidents had a great relationship with the so-called eradication of infected people.If Mark's guess is correct, it is estimated that the facilities under Stark Industries will be attacked next.

Mark had no evidence, but his intuition told him.

Sure enough, things happened much faster than expected, and it just exploded a little on the second day.

In case there is a complete security system inside the Stark Tower, but the security system of the thugs who rushed directly towards the Stark Tower did not play a big role.

When they rushed into the building, they immediately blew themselves up.

No chance for the Stark Tower security system to react at all.

Mark clenched the newspaper in his hand tightly, and he could be sure that all of this was the cause of the world, but it was unknown who was manipulating all of this behind the scenes.

The information provided in the newspaper was only a few words, but Mark knew that someone would know more detailed information.

Mark didn't intend to tell Tony about this matter, if he knew, he would definitely assemble his steel team immediately.

Things are likely to get worse by then.

Mark is going to investigate the ins and outs of this incident by himself. The first step is to find the person involved in this incident and the editor who wrote this report.

(End of this chapter)

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