Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 185 People Are Not Tools

Chapter 185 People Are Not Tools
Chapter 184 People Are Not Tools

Suppose Mark travels through the interstellar universe as A.

The universe in which Emon possessed Mark was Universe B.

Kerrigan, who is standing beside Mark now, exists in universe C.

The Queen of Blades that Narud is talking about now is the Queen of Blades from Universe B.It has nothing to do with the universe that Mark exists in and Kerrigan, that universe that exists.

But even so, Kerrigan, who had just walked in, was quite curious about what they were talking about.Why did she get involved with the Queen of Blades, that is, herself.

"What are you talking about?" Kerrigan asked curiously.

"Just now, dozens of comrades who fought side by side died." Mark put Narud down, sat on the chair next to him, closed his eyes, and said slowly.

Mark tried his best to calm his emotions to ensure that his anger would not cause the energy in his body to run wild.Like Mark and Kerrigan, a lot of power gained through transformation itself does not originate from itself.

Even after a long period of time, integrating this power into one's own body does not completely belong to oneself.

In the case of large emotional fluctuations, it is likely to lead to a runaway energy. Although it will not harm the self, it will pose a fatal threat to the surrounding environment.

Mark used the word comrades to describe those templars, and Kerrigan had already known the seriousness of the problem.

"What's going on?" Kerrigan, who was completely unaware of the plan, looked at Narud.

In fact, Narud has already identified with Kerrigan.If she wasn't on her enemy's side, Narud would have liked Kerrigan to be his master.

In the human period, she had a very high spiritual ability, which was pure spirit. After being carefully transformed by the master, she transformed into the Queen of Blades and gained a pure body.

It is only necessary to instill in Kerrigan all the power left by his master.A brand new Xel'Naga can be born!
However, with the change of the master, the plan has also changed, and now there is no turning back.After all, no one thought that there was such an existence as the Queen of Blades in this world at the time.

Mark's transformation is completely dependent on Narud of Universe A.In some places, Narud, who is Universe B, feels a little tired.

After all, it was too shoddy, and from the beginning it was only intended to be a cannon fodder-type mixture.

Mark has also been resisting related transformations during this period of time, otherwise he would definitely surpass the level of the Queen of Blades.

Of course, it is not a pure body. If you want to strengthen the pure body, Mark's current human appearance will basically not be preserved.

Narud even began to look forward to the offspring born after Kerrigan and Mark mated.

But that is for later.

Narud still focused on the present. Facing Kerrigan's question, Narud organized his language and said: "We have detected another swarm force on the current earth. Those infected Humans are derived from this swarm of insects. The master has been looking for their specific location before, and finally found their specific location during this commotion. The master led the soldiers to encircle and suppress them. But we all What I didn't expect was that the worm mother this time was a big worm mother with the strengthening of the entire group. The toxin that spread out before she died killed nearly half of the soldiers, so the master lost his composure."

Kerrigan looked at Mark, who was still in annoyance, and walked over slowly.Just about to reach out to comfort Mark, but those hands couldn't touch Mark.It was as if there was an invisible resistance blocking her.

"Sarah, can I call you that?" Mark said with his throat moving.


"I used to be a ghost agent like you. I am not like you. You are forced to be a ghost agent, but I want to live. I have no money or influence. Even three meals a day are very expensive. If it wasn't for my money, I would probably have died in an alley on some planet. The kind of life I fear. Even in the ghost military academy, I kept working hard like a dog .Because I'm afraid of death, really scared.

Because of this, I also left my comrades-in-arms and trusted my comrades-in-arms.I have seen them swallowed by swarms, swallowed by fire, shot by the enemy, but there is nothing I can do!Because I'm too weak, I can't save them at all.In the end, because of my weakness, I was also sent to the experimental platform.

When I watched the fresh lives disappear before my eyes, I could still comfort myself and say that it was because of my weakness that I couldn't do anything.It is because of my weakness that I cannot save them.I tried hypnotizing myself this way and it worked.

But after I have been transformed and I have power, this kind of hypnosis has no effect.Maybe I'm a person who can't deceive himself.If I had made up my mind to end her at that time, instead of pursuing the so-called truth!They may not sacrifice. "When Mark said, his voice began to choke.

Although he didn't stay, it can be seen that Mark's mood is really very unstable.

Kerrigan looked at the pain in Mark's face, how she wished that Mark could cry or cry now.On the contrary, everything will be much better. It is a kind of release. I am afraid that everything is stuck there and there is no way to release it.

She used to have this feeling too, but she still has someone who can understand.People who love themselves can accompany themselves.

It's hard to imagine how Mark got here by himself.

Pretend to be yourself, pretend to be strong, and block that fragile heart with ice, but the moment the ice melts is also the moment when you are hurt the most.

Mark is Ghost, but Mark is also a human being.Even though they may not be strictly human beings now, the human soul is still there.

"It's not your fault, you don't need to blame yourself for it!" Kerrigan said distressedly.

Mark rubbed his sore nose and said, "If they died for their own beliefs, for their own beliefs, I would only be proud of them. But their sacrifices, such sacrifices..."

"Then you should admit that their sacrifices are meaningful!" Narud said at this time: "As a subordinate, I didn't pay attention to the psychological state of the master. It was my dereliction of duty. But I hope you understand, master. We are all striving and working hard for a great goal, even if we die in the middle of this, it is a worthy death."

(End of this chapter)

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