Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 179 Mimic Hatchlings

Chapter 179 Mimic Hatchlings

Chapter 178 Mimic Hatchlings

Looking at all the cameras, the long guns and short cannons turned towards him.

The generals of the military are not disappointed at all. There were people who stopped him before, but now it is obviously useless to stop him in this situation.

Nick and the two of them let go of the general and let him walk onto the podium.

"It's simply nonsense! We have a complete and sophisticated plan, taking into account various factors, and equipped with the most sophisticated equipment. Although I don't know how you sneaked into the underground wormhole, our military has absolutely no problems. "

Mark is like a tough Tie Hanhan, who doesn't care about continuing to ask: "You don't have any problems, and where do you get the qualifications? Do you think so, or everyone thinks so. Then I want to ask everyone Who is it again? The super soldiers of your military have rebelled on the battlefield, and even indirectly caused those monsters to kidnap more ordinary citizens. Is this true? Is it your responsibility? Even It is suspected that within your military, there are spies and ghosts planted by those monsters, and it is very likely that they have controlled some high-level figures in the military! In order to achieve their ulterior and evil purposes."

The military representative obviously did not expect that Mark would directly pour dirty water at this time, and said angrily: "FXCK! You are slandering, do you know that you are slandering! It is impossible for us to have what you said of that situation."

"Then what guarantee do you have? This time it was your super soldiers who rebelled. Who can guarantee that the next rebellion will not be the high-level executives of your military. You first have to explain to us why those super soldiers rebelled? Where did they come from?" Where did you come from, do you dare to explain clearly?" Mark's words were like hitting a snake with a stick, and every blow was fatal.

"What the World Security Council said is no longer a problem of one country, but a crisis of many countries, the whole world, and the whole planet. Now, your US military has an unclear relationship with those monsters. How do we believe it? Are you able to fight for this world? Now all over the world have provided a large amount of supplies to support New York at the same time, for what? Don’t you have any idea?” Facing Mark’s continuous questioning, the military general also asked It seemed a little powerless.

The things the U.S. military is researching in secret bases are fundamentally shady, and involve many taboos.Especially things like body modification, whether voluntary or not.

In fact, everyone has always kept this kind of thing in their hearts, and everyone is doing it in private.It's just that this kind of thing is never said on the surface, it's like everyone's default unspoken rule.

Once any country directly exposes this kind of thing, it will basically detonate the rhythm of war.

On the bright side, these rules are not very applicable. In the spirit of humanitarianism and the people have always been very resistant to such things as body modification, it is easy to cause major changes.

The military does not dare to bear this kind of pressure. This is a huge shit pot, and it is impossible to follow it so easily.This is rather to break the skin with Mark, or even perform an assassination, and it is absolutely impossible to admit such a thing.

It's a pity that Mark didn't intend to give the military any chance to explain from the beginning.

After all, even today's press conference is under Mark's control. The general who was supposed to be here has already been reassigned.

That's right, it's not the original military general who is confronting Mark now, but the mimic chick who has been transferred by Mark!
Mimic chicks!The most terrifying spies of their kind, they can shapeshift into creatures of all races, and are seldom recognizable by normal means.

Under normal circumstances, their task is to detect the enemy's troop deployment.Of course, they also went deep into the opponent's command system to find the opponent's strategic loopholes.

Although it is not possible to be an undercover agent for a long time, it is still possible to deal with it in a short period of time.As for the original Mark, it is naturally impossible to leave obvious traces, and he has already evaporated from the world.

After all, what he did was already enough to sentence him to death!
Who knows why he can live so long!
At this critical moment, the deformed claws stabbed directly at Mark.

The assassination under the watchful eyes of everyone, made no one think of it.

What Mark wants is the scene in front of him, so that everyone can take pictures of the scene in front of him

Sharp claws slid past Mark's eyes, and then the transformed Red Hulk grabbed the mimic chick.

Although the relationship between the two military generals is not good, they still have some understanding.After all, he is one of the people in charge of the same plan.

But it never occurred to him that the other party was actually one of the monsters. Perhaps the rebellion of those super soldiers had a great relationship with these people who had infiltrated the military.

Conspiracy theories gradually surfaced, and even the military's own people began to doubt the people around them, whether those monsters were disguised as traitors.

There is no way, after all, the mysterious and unpredictable abilities of these monsters are really hard for people to guard against.

The mimic larva was already known by the Red Hulk's grip, without going any further, and then shouted the last sentence: "This planet is doomed to be destroyed under the army of the swarm, you have no hope, no hope. !"

As soon as the words fell, the body of the mimic larva continued to swell, and when it swelled to the extreme, the body could no longer maintain it.Pieces of shattered green meat and blood polluted the entire room, and even quite a few reporters were contaminated.

Mark escaped this contamination by hiding under the lecture table.Standing up slowly, he said to the people who were still in shock: "These monsters have already infiltrated the high-level military. Can you still say that there is no problem with this operation? Although I don't know that you will write a post after you go back." What kind of reports, but I hope that you still have conscience as human beings. Now it is not a problem of a country or a race, but a problem of a whole planet. All creatures on this planet have fallen into an unprecedented huge in crisis.

If you still have conscience as human beings, you should tell the public what happened today.Instead of hiding it, if you hide it, you will be their accomplices when the earth is destroyed! "

Mark is obviously using moral kidnapping, but no one can reprimand Mark now.Because what Mark said was right, and the naked reality has been unfolded before their eyes!

(End of this chapter)

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