Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 176 Escape from birth

Chapter 176 Escape from birth

Chapter 175 Escape from birth

Although I really don't want to admit it, what Mark said is indeed very reasonable.When all the chips are put aside, the final result is that the whole game is lost.

If placed on both sides, they still have hope of winning.

Arnold walked up to Mark, handed his daughter to Mark and said, "I know how much I am. If you can go out, you have a better chance!"

A Nuo didn't hide anything, and said it directly in front of everyone.Mark smiled wryly. This was obviously adding a burden to himself, but no one would suspect that a father, who took such a big risk to save his daughter, would make fun of his daughter now.

Unless this father is really worse than a beast!
Mark hugged the weak girl at this time, and a tube of super stimulant directly hit the girl's body.

Seeing Mark's action, Arnold didn't have any worries. He believed that Mark would not harm his daughter, and his daughter was just a commoner.

"I temporarily relieved his injury through the healing potion on my body, and there will be no life problems in a short time. But I can't promise you, I will take everyone out alive." Mark is the last reminder up.

"I remember a saying in a distant oriental country, life and death depend on fate, wealth and honor depend on heaven. They believe in the illusory fate, and think that everything is fate guiding them. I believe that our fate should not be in the It ends here!" Arnold said as a burst of red steam emanated from his body, turning into a strong Red Hulk.

Mark pouted, but did not explain to him the meaning of the sentence from "The Analects of Confucius·Yan Yuan".This sentence in the old days refers to the fate of life and death.

But in fact, what people often say is that it is caused by the situation and is an irreversible result of manpower.

Mark and Arnold!
Two choices, one goal.

Many people recognized the red giant in front of them as a member of the military. They were more willing to believe in the military, so they left with Arnold, and more people were willing to believe that Mark, the captain of the United States who appeared on the screen, played By.

At least mentally give them a sense of peace of mind.

Of course, there are still some people who are ready to wait here to die. They think that it is impossible to rush out with only these two people. Rather than die so quickly, it is better to wait here to die. If you can live for a minute, you will live 1 minute.

Marx did not have any force on them.It's just that they were all knocked out and given the answer to others, that is, some extreme people would let everyone be buried together, and Mark didn't want to see this kind of result.

At the same time, Mark also warned everyone that if someone wanted to take everyone to be buried with him, he would kill him without hesitation at a critical moment.

This is no longer a warning, this is a blatant threat.Others also saw Mark's decisive killing and were willing to let some people prepare to choose to leave with Arnold.

However, Arnold also gave almost the same answer.After all, this is not a matter of life and death for one or two people, it is a matter of everyone's safety!
In the situation on Arnold's side, Mark directly sent some springtails and hydralisks to intercept and harass him. Anyway, at least he had to behave decently.

Still the same sentence, if this time the heartbeat is too smooth and too suspicious, it will definitely not be able to hide it from the bastards above.

Treat others as mentally retarded, and you are the real mentally retarded.Mark's understanding of this sentence is relatively deep, so sometimes some things he does are not in line with common sense, and he is also a little neurotic, or even a little too much.

And Mark doesn't plan to take everyone out!

Mark is not a hard-hearted man, nor is he a demon king who has degenerated to destroy the world.It's just that Mark really needs to clean up the scum in his escape team.

For example, some of them are even ready to cheat Mark at the critical moment.

They thought that Mark would not know what they were thinking at all, but in fact it was as if they had shown it in front of Mark without reservation.

The springtail that came out of the ground suddenly rushed towards the man in the suit without hesitation.The sharp claws directly tore the man's chest, and a beating heart was displayed in front of everyone.

The man could have screamed, but was suppressed by Mark.No matter how vibrated the vocal cords could not make any sound, more and more bugs slowly drilled out from the ground.

Everyone is aware of the imminent catastrophe.

Mark's voice appeared in their brains, and there was only one word: "Run!"

A few grenades were thrown directly at those springtails. Before they could roar and run, the ferocious springtails had been torn to pieces by the grenades.

Hydralisk's so accurately hit a few guys with ulterior motives.When these guys were escaping, they even pushed down their companions and used them as bait to block the bugs trying to catch up.

The people who had been pushed to the ground looked desperate as they watched those guys run by, but the bugs seemed to have not seen them, and passed them directly, heading towards their original goal.

Gaining hope in the middle, the light of hopelessness was unusually dazzling, they stood up again, and ran towards the distance.

After a few minutes, they finally saw the exit.

When everyone rushed out of this gloomy cave happily, what they saw was the infected humans who had been waiting here for a long time.

Looking around, they were surrounded by deformed infected humans. They didn't know how many people were in this area, but they knew that no matter how difficult they were, they could escape.

At this time, the C-20 in Mark's hand made a mechanical change sound, and the C-20 is always a shotgun!

With a bang, a large number of bullets flew out, directly crushing these fragile infected humans.

"What are you still doing here in a daze? Are you going to die here?" Mark used his weapon to forcibly open a path, turned and said to the bewildered citizens behind him.

After all, there were one or two brave ones in the team. Under Mark's protection, they managed to escape from the encirclement of infected humans.

The first person to eat crabs will catch up. The infected humans move very slowly, and they are not infected marines, so there are almost no long-range attacks.

So under Mark's force to clear the way, they all escaped smoothly.Looking at A Nuo's daughter who fell to the ground and no one cared about her.

Mark felt an inexplicable headache!

PS: Let me talk about why I wrote it here first, because some pirated readers may not be able to see the following words, so I will write it here.The book has over 30 words, if you are still reading pirated copies, come and leave a comment!I don't expect you to subscribe, but let me see that someone is watching it!Finally, I would like to thank the uncomfortable Xiangbei for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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