Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 174 A Father's Request

Chapter 174 A Father's Request
Chapter 173 A Father's Request
obey orders!

Soldiers are obedient.This is true no matter which country or world you are in.

This seems to be a topic that cannot be avoided at all, but soldiers are still human after all.People will have their own thoughts, unless one day the composition of the army becomes formed by mechanical soldiers.

Arnold has a crazy idea now, but there is no way to solve this idea by himself alone.

Tony Stark is now seriously injured, at least that's how it was advertised.

All Arnold can count on now is Mark, who has been by Stark's side before.

This guy may be his only helper now.

It's a pity that Arnold didn't know about this matter at all, and it was Mark who planned it from the beginning to the end.

Asking Mark to help is almost as good as not helping.

Mark sat in the corner of the command room, carefully wiping his weapons.Arnold walked over slowly and said, "Mr. Komnenos, I have something I want to talk to you about."

Mark raised his head slowly, looked at A Nuo who was humiliated in front of him, and asked in surprise: "Is there anything that can't be said here?"

Mark didn't make everyone aware of it. The other party had already done so, so they must have their own concerns.

"Sorry, there are so many people here. I really can't guarantee that there will be no problems when we talk here." Arnold said after looking around.

Mark smiled and put his C-20 behind his back, got up and followed Arnold out of the command room.

In the ruined coffee shop on the corner of the street, Mark sat on a chair that was still intact and looked at Arnold and asked, "Is there anything that can't be discussed in it?"

"I want to ask you to go down with me to save those citizens who have not been killed." Arnold said solemnly.

"You should be very clear that the people who went down before were stronger than the two of us combined. But even so, they still couldn't be rescued. Do you think that only the two of us can rescue those people?" Mark asked back , and casually opened the canned coffee that fell on the ground.

A Nuo looked at Mark's frivolous behavior and felt angry in his heart, but he suppressed it and said: "I know, but we can't give up on them. When I entered the army on the first day, I swore that I would use my protect every citizen with their lives. This is my mission and my oath. But now I know that there are innocent citizens among them, but I can’t do anything about it. I’m not reconciled!"

Arnold clenched his fists at the end, but Mark thought that things were not as simple as he thought.

Because A Nuo's eyes are very erratic, he is not willing to look at him.

"Are you really for those citizens?" Mark said, throwing back the empty jar.

Arnold replied, "That's right."

Mark turned on his telepathy and heard Arnold's inner voice.

"As long as Mark agrees, my daughter will be saved!" Arnold was screaming inwardly.


On the battlefield of Char, Mark sat in front of the ruins, holding the imperial dry food in his hand.

I have to say that the food in the empire is really bad enough.Even what Ghost eats isn't much different from pig food.

Mark looked at the few surviving marines around him, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect it! It's really a miracle that we survived from the Queen of Blades!"

The marine with the photo of the child said with a wry smile: "Yeah! None of us thought we could come back alive."

When Mark was about to say something, a not-dead Hydralisk fired its last bone spur.

Mark watched helplessly as the bone spur pierced his chest, and the power armor of ordinary soldiers could not completely resist this kind of attack.

Mark raised his hand and shot through the head of the Hydralisk, and the other comrades rushed to his side, trying to wrestle him from death.It's a pity that these are just in vain.

Mark came to check the injury, trying to suppress the injury with his spiritual power, but Mark found that the toxin had begun to invade his body.

"Agent, I know you will be able to return to Korha when the time comes. I have a small wish, this is my son. Help me tell him that his father is a hero. He participated in the battle against the Queen of Blades, He lived up to his expectations."

Mark took the box with the photos, and when he wanted to say something, the marine had already left the world.

Mark looked at the box in his hand and felt extremely heavy.

Everyone didn't say anything. In this battle, there are too many such unsung heroes.They died on this battlefield, for the peace of the universe.

Nor was Mark able to return to Korhal after the campaign at Char was over.At that time, Mark was already a member of the Renault Rangers.

When it came time to return to Korhal, Kerrigan was still attacking Korhal's capital, Augustgrad.

But later, when Mark was looking for the boy, he only found a dog tag.

It turns out that the boy also joined the Imperial Army and died under the impact of the swarm.

Mark finally put the dog tag and the box together and sent them to the martyrs' cemetery.

The father died of the swarm, and the son died of the swarm.Mark had never been so disgusted with the culprit behind this.If Mark didn't know the cause and effect of this, Mark would really become an extreme person who wanted to kill the Queen of Blades.


A father's prayer, so similar.

Mark feels that he is no different from the Queen of Blades now, and he will do whatever it takes to achieve his goal.

Sure enough, people end up becoming what they least want to be.

Mark is not a hypocrite, and he has indeed done whatever he can to achieve his goals. This is an indisputable fact.But now that his goals have been achieved, these trapped citizens are now worthless, and staying underground is just low-level nourishment.

Mark doesn't mind being a favor and getting a favor from the Red Hulk.This is a deal that is not a loss in any calculation.

"Arnold, I can call you like that!"

"Yes, Mr. Mark." Arnold waited for Mark's reply.

"I can help you rescue those innocent citizens, but I can't guarantee that those citizens are still alive or have not been infected. If they have turned into monsters or are dead, then I hope to retreat immediately!" Mark also There is no guarantee that her daughter is still alive, so let's put the ugly words first.

(End of this chapter)

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