Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 170 Debut Plan

Chapter 170 Debut Plan
Chapter 169 Debut Plan

The Dreadnought entered the underground space first, and the shield of the Dreadnought was analyzed by Tony, so the Dreadnought's shield, which should have stopped working, was restarted.

The light blade of the fearless man is far more practical than those searchlights, and as a robot with the control of Jarvis, the fearless man will basically not lose control.

After Tony and others entered, a dozen small robots were shot into the surrounding walls. The only function of these small robots was lighting.

As the saying goes, if you have money, you can do whatever you want. Tony can be said to have brought this to the extreme, and the only one who can be compared with it is probably the master who faces fear in the DC family next door.

In the originally dark underground passage, with these lights, there is no need to be careful every step of the way.

The ghosts entered the stealth state first. Even after entering the stealth state, they would still leave ripples after walking through these puddles. This is something that cannot be solved.

So compared to this bright environment, the dim environment is their best battlefield.

A few springtails were in the dark tunnel, watching the intruders, and did not attack immediately.Instead, it kept roaring, reminding the swarm of bugs in the deepest part of the tunnel.

Kale, who was still eating, heard the roar and reacted immediately.

The springtails and hydralisks that were resting quietly underground came out one by one.

"Go! Little guys, tear those guys into pieces and let their blood stain this space red." Carle ordered, looking at the lights in the distance.

The springtails ran according to the order, while the Hydralisk twisted its body, moving slowly at the end.

The sound of trampling puddles pierced the ears of all those who entered the ground.

After the ghosts noticed the commotion, they immediately responded.

The psionic grenade was thrown towards the tunnel. These psionic grenades are specially targeted at creatures, so the ghosts dare to use them in this situation.

The impact of psychic energy split the unsuspecting Zergling directly.

Zerglings themselves have good physical defenses, but their fragile biological shells are useless against this kind of energy attack.

In less than a while, the screams of the Zergling's death spread throughout the tunnel.

Tony and the others at the back couldn't help becoming vigilant after hearing the voice.

How long has it been since they have already encountered an attack, and these rescue operations are much more dangerous than originally planned!
Originally, Tony and the others thought that after entering the underground space, within half an hour, they should not be attacked.

Tony's mask continuously scanned the tunnel in front of him, and quickly detected several targets through echolocation.

However, these targets are all human targets.

Tony didn't think much of it as ghosts who had gone one step ahead, but in fact these targets were actually Mark and his dark templar.

In fact, this detection method is very old, but very useful.Even in the late interstellar era, there are some backward planets without radar scanning that still use this technology.

Although it is said that the power is a little higher, there will be various problems, but this still does not affect it.

Under Tony's command, the Dauntless moved towards the depths at the fastest speed, ready to support the ghosts who had already entered the battle.

It's a pity that this is doomed to be impossible. The bone blade pierced through the solid rock wall, and the double blade stuck the body of a fearless man to death.

The two Thunder Beasts that had been waiting here for a long time broke out of the wall, and the Iron Man team looked at the Thunder Beasts in front of them, and their hearts tightened.

These monsters have learned about it before, but they are not sure that they can defeat such an opponent.The thick shell is not so easy to break through.

But the fearless man didn't attack because he was stuck.The advantage of being completely handed over to AI control is revealed at this time.

The light blade in the fearless man's hand kept cutting the Thunder Beast's bone blade, but the result was still very little effect.How could this level of attack deal a fatal blow to the Thunder Beast eating guy!

But even so, this Ironman team found a little turning point.The monster in front of him is not invincible, as long as he can fight, he can kill it!
Several drivers directly used the cluster cannons on their chests to attack the Ultralisk.

Several beams hit the Ultralisk's head at the same time.

They arrogantly thought that such an attack would end the ultralisk's life.After all, the head of all creatures is a fatal part.Once the brain has been fatally injured, it will still die.

It's a pity that they don't understand the swarm at all, and they don't understand how the Ultralisk's body is explained.How could the Ultralisk, which was able to withstand the transformation of the siege tank and attack it, be defeated by just one or two energy shocks?

The damage that piercing artillery can cause is far beyond what the MARK2 armor can match.

Unless in the future Tony puts all his plus points on the attack of the armor, completely turning it into a heavy weapon arsenal.

Seeing that the Thunder Beast didn't suffer much damage at all, the driver couldn't believe it.

And even Tony, who created these armors, couldn't believe it.

In any case, the second-generation battle armor was also made by himself, and it was very clear how much it was.

"These monsters!" Tony cursed, and he didn't stop. Two specially-made armor-piercing bullets flew towards the Thunder Beast.

However, the armor-piercing projectiles were only destructive to the shell of the Thunder Beast, and did not affect the root of the Thunder Beast at all.

A deep sense of powerlessness made everyone present feel that hope disappeared in front of them.

The Dreadnought mecha was never in Mark's hands, and it was scrapped after fighting for a while.Mark received the news from a long way away, thinking that he could finally get his things back.

"Narud prepare plan B!" Mark said to his communicator.

"Yes, master, I will immediately contact the United Nations on Earth." Narud transformed into a high-ranking templar and walked to the bridge's communicator.


Ten seconds later, almost all electronic defense networks on Earth were defeated.

The few who were not defeated were all because they pulled out the network cable at the last moment!
Unplug the network cable, can't afford it!
Don't give people on the earth any chance to fight back, and completely destroy them.The UN Security Council, which was still in session, was taken aback by Narud's sudden invasion.

"Hello! Earthlings. I am Armada Commander, Narud. Your planet has been invaded by evil creatures called zerg! These evil creatures are destructive to a planet, so next We will prepare for the cleansing operation." Narud transmitted his voice with psionic energy.

(End of this chapter)

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