Chapter 17 Hero?no

Chapter 17 Hero?no
On the street shrouded in dusk, countless pedestrians are walking hurriedly. They have broken hearts and want to go home to have a good rest. A batch of discounted items.

The toil of life is the theme that can never be changed.Even if you are unwilling, you have to drag your tired body and work hard.In addition, they all know that if they stop, their lives will be bleak.

Although Mark has received a new job, Mark is still the same as before, following those American aunts to the supermarket every day to look for those specials.

Although he lived in the interstellar world for a long time, Mark didn't have a day in the interstellar world, and felt that he was living like a human being.

The danger is around. Zergs, protoss, human rebels... etc., etc., and some things that popped out of nowhere, are threatening Mark's life.

Mark almost died a few times, as if in a laboratory, relying on his super will to barely survive.

Mark looked at the sunset covered by the building, and subconsciously put his hand on his throat.In the laboratory, through the glass window, he saw countless sunsets in the universe outside, and it was hard for him to forget that time.

Looking at the noisy streets around him, Mark, who remembered what happened in the past, couldn't help shrugging his shoulders, all that has passed.

Just as Mark was walking through a bank, there was a bang of a gunshot.The originally noisy street fell into a strange silence, but this strange silence did not last for too long, followed by screams and calls for help.

Mal stopped at the door of the bank and looked at the situation inside. Several arrogant gangsters in the bank were aiming at the glass counter with shotguns.

He said to the staff at the bank counter in a fierce tone: "Now fill this money bag for me immediately, otherwise I will kill one of these guys every five minutes."

A few courageous young people looked at the vicious gangsters, ready to look for a suitable time to launch a sudden attack on them, but based on Mark's observation alone, it can be seen that the position between the two is really The difference is too large.

Unless these young people have a physique that surpasses ordinary people, as long as there is no major problem with the gangster's marksmanship, they are basically given away.

Of course, Mark was just observing from a distance, and he had no intention of interfering in this matter at all.After all, there are people who should do these things.

The police officers of the New York Police Department don't eat for nothing. Even if there are superheroes in this world, Mark is not.He, Mark, is just a homeless poor man who crossed two worlds.

Just when Mark was about to walk away, the crying of the child made the two robbers start to feel a little restless. Obviously, the two robbers were not veterans. It was their first time committing a crime, especially when they heard the child The noise made them feel more and more nervous.

Mark watched the two assailants point their guns at the child's head, and threatened the child: "Shut up, brat, if you don't shut up, I'll kill you!"

Mark believes that these vicious gangsters can definitely do this kind of thing.

Mark, who didn't want to intervene at first, walked into the bank with a shopping bag in his hand.

Maybe Mark can watch those adults die in front of his eyes, but Mark really has no way to watch these young lives disappear before his eyes.

It is precisely because of the cruelty of the interstellar world that Mark understands the preciousness of life.

In the interstellar world, all kinds of harsh environments may make life impossible.Newborn babies face countless difficulties and dangers than those on earth.

Viruses, organisms, the climate environment and even aliens must be careful, otherwise they will not be able to survive.

"I said, is it necessary for you two adults to vent your anger on the child?" Although Mark's voice was not loud, it was very clear.

The two robbers immediately turned their attention from the child to Mark who walked in suddenly.

"Shit, now put your head in your hands and kneel down for me. Otherwise, I'm going to shoot." The robber with the gun said arrogantly to Mark.

Another robber with a pistol continued to watch the people at the counter loading money.

"Kneel down? I don't seem to hear clearly, can you say it again?" Mark asked with a cold face.

"I said, you dog..." When the robber with the shotgun wanted to repeat it again, he found that Mark had already disappeared in place.

When it reappeared, Mark had already appeared behind the gangster. The short-distance flash was not a problem at all, and the gangster was directly knocked out with a hand knife.

Seeing that his companion was suddenly knocked down by the guy who appeared in front of him, another gangster pulled the trigger immediately, completely disregarding his companion's safety.

Bang bang bang, several consecutive gunshots, all of which were blocked by Mark with the body of the gangster holding a shotgun.

After all, it was the gangster with the pistol who killed his companion, not Mark.

Mark used the gangster's corpse as a meat shield to move forward quickly.

The gangster holding the pistol didn't have the slightest sense of consciousness at all, and shot all the bullets in his magazine without hesitation. When he was about to change the bullet, but because of the panic, the action of changing the bullet was delayed.

Mark also took advantage of this opportunity, rushed up with a quick step, and punched him on the chin.

It took less than 3 minutes from Mark's appearance to the battle. The two gangsters were killed and the other injured, and now they are lying on the ground.

The bank staff hiding inside the bank counter did not open the door, but looked at what was happening outside through the bulletproof glass.

Mark didn't care about the eyes of these people at all, walked slowly to his shopping bag, picked up his shopping bag and walked out of the bank.

But the moment Mark walked out of the bank, a group of police cars surrounded Mark, a dozen Glock 19 pistols were aimed at Mark, and Mark even saw a police officer holding a sniper rifle on a building in the distance.

"Hold your head in your hands! Squat down." A police officer shouted loudly at Mark.

Mark followed the police officer's order, slowly put the bag in his hand on the ground, and then squatted on the ground with his head in his hands.

Seeing Mark squatting on the ground with his head in his hands, more than a dozen police officers rushed up, trying to restrain Mark.

(End of this chapter)

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