Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 167 Suspicion Raised

Chapter 167 Suspicion Raised
Chapter 166

Regarding Mark's explanation, Nick temporarily let Mark go.

Nick brought Mark to the conference room, where Natasha Barton and Alexander Pierce had been waiting for a long time.

Everyone gathered here just to discuss one thing, even if you know that Alexander is Hydra, you can pull him over.

"The monsters that appeared on the streets of New York this time are of the same type as the monsters that appeared in the secret military base last time. Mark, you should be very clear about this!" The whole room dimmed instantly, and Nick sat down. , a light curtain is projected on the deep wall.

Mark looked at the light curtain projected on the wall and said: "It is true from the outside, but there are some things that have never been seen before. You can find out about this in the report submitted by Tony and me at the time. But shouldn’t you be paying attention to the super soldiers created by the military? During this operation, these super soldiers fell into a state of loss of control. As far as I know, the enhancement of these super soldiers is completely using the genes of these creatures. It is very likely that the loss of control this time is due to the influence of these biological genes."

Mark knew some of the cause and effect relationships, but he didn't say it explicitly, and could only guide everyone around it.

"Mark is right!" Natasha agreed: "According to these pictures, we can know that the state of these videos was still in a normal state at the beginning, but as the light in their eyes appeared, they entered a state of out of control , it is very likely that someone controlled them through these genes. Mark, do you mean that?"

"I'm not sure, but I think there is a lot of connection in it." Mark didn't finish his words, and simply dealt with it.

Everyone here is a genius, and the more they talk, the more mistakes they make. Mark is not stupid enough to spread everything out.

Ake even planned to be a bystander in the next stage, saying nothing.

But it was also because of Mark who started this project.The following discussions basically revolved around the military's transformation plan.

As a senior officer of Hydra, Alexander Pierce is naturally familiar with this military plan, and he cannot be more familiar with it.

It's just that Hydra didn't take a fancy to such a shoddy enhancement plan.Among Hydra, he doesn't have a better strengthening plan, but the success rate of this strengthening plan is lower.

At the beginning, there were still some people inside who wanted to create a large number of enhanced soldiers through this method.

However, after the appearance of this time, the similar sound inside Hydra disappeared.From beginning to end, Hydra wanted obedient soldiers.

Even if their quality is poor, there must be no problem of loyalty, and this time there is a big problem with the loyalty of these super soldiers.

If this problem cannot be solved, no matter how strong these soldiers are, it will be useless. God knows, they will defect to the opposite side one day?

"I will consult the government on this matter. After all, the matter this time is not as simple as we imagined, and it may even be an alien invasion! Only relying on the power of S.H.I.E.L.D. or the military. There is no way to solve this time. We must work together to deal with this crisis. I think the White House will understand our actions and difficulties. Well, this is the end of today's meeting." Nick said simply After the technical summary and the plan to be prepared are made, the meeting is declared over.

Mark didn't say a word during the subsequent discussion, and Mark, who had already been unable to stay any longer, got up and was about to leave.

When Mark left, everyone's eyes were on Mark's back.


The third day of the attack.

Although three days have passed, the investigation has not stopped for a moment during these three days.The military has successfully explored the entire underground cavern through drones and found the trapped citizens.

However, there are heavily guarded there, and there are a large number of monsters guarding there. There is no way to easily pass through the drone. When the drone is about to pass there, it is quickly torn to pieces by those monsters.

The way to save these citizens through drones can be said to have been extinguished from the very beginning.

The military also sent several teams underground in an attempt to carry out a quick rescue, but in the end it ended with the entire army being wiped out.

Several failures are not without any gains. These failure cases have also become the experience and preliminary preparations for subsequent rescues.

In the upcoming rescue operation, Nick's original plan was to involve Mark.

Mark still retains the role of instructor in S.H.I.E.L.D. According to reason, he should obey Nick's command, but Mark still resolutely rejected Nick's request.

He had already lost one job, and Mark didn't care about losing his second job.

No one can force me to do things I don't want to do, and Dak is still very firm on this point.

Mark has been waiting, waiting for things to be cleaned up before preparing to go out.

What Mark has to do is to let these guys know the world. Without these superheroes, there is no way to maintain those fragile peaces with only the power of mortals.

A poop is also very clear about the pros and cons, and Mark is still quite useful now.

Mark has now cultivated a group of ghost agents, and it is only a matter of time before the second batch of ghost agents is trained.

Expelling Mark was his biggest loss. From a long-term perspective, such a choice was correct.

However, the Ghost Squad will officially participate in the operation in a few days to save those innocent citizens.Ake also didn't interfere with the ghosts he trained himself.

But counting on ghosts with a population of more than a dozen to face a swarm of insects with a population of about a hundred... Are you a ghost agent infected with insects?And the eggs of these 200 people?

Not only the ghost team and military soldiers participated in this rescue operation, but also Arnold who turned into Red Hulk, and our playboy Tony Stark.

But there is also a Mark, a guy who never thought of joining in. This person is none other than Moonlight Knight.

Mark even thought that Steve would participate in this operation, but he never expected that Moonlight Knight would join this operation.

(End of this chapter)

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