Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 145 Selfish Ghost

Chapter 145 Selfish Ghost

Chapter 144 The Selfish Ghost
Tony knew the moment the military fighter plane fell.

It's not that Tony intends to monitor the military's situation, it's just that Tony is worried that he will be attacked by the military one day.

The heart of harming others must not exist, and the heart of guarding against others must not be without.

If it wasn't for the fact that the military was ready to attack his steel armor, Tony would never have done so.

"Mark! Where are you now?" The only superhero Tony can contact is Mark.

Mark looked at the message sent from his mobile phone in the Spear of Adun, and replied with a puzzled look: "Is there anything wrong?"

"A secret military facility has been attacked by unknown creatures."

"Attacked? What are you going to do?" Mark guessed that it was probably his team, but now Tony was about to intervene, so he still had to ask a few more questions.

In order to avoid accidental injury, Mark estimated that Tony's armor would not be able to withstand the attack of the phase fragmentation cannon.That thing is way too over the top.

"Of course it's impossible to sit idly by! The military is still my client. If the key clients die, won't I have no business?" Tony said standing on his armed platform.

"Can you guys stop being so stubborn! Is there any shame in wanting to be a hero?" Mark knew that after posting this paragraph, there would be a series of rebuttals, so he directly blocked Tony.


"Hey! I'm also doing it for my own work!" Mark said as he walked towards the leap door.

Kerrigan stood watching Mark leave, and Narud walked in after Mark left.

"Has he always been like this?" Kerrigan asked.

Narud tilted his head and said, "How is that possible! Master, you are a very, very selfish person!"

"A selfish person? But why don't I feel like it at all."

"The word selfish means purely self-centered! Master, he is a very, very self-centered person!" Narud took away the small part that Mark left on the star map after finishing speaking.

On the surface, Mark has already completed the leap.

Seeing Tony flying over his head, Mark smiled slightly: "What a vanguard!"

"Then, I can't go on like this anymore." Mark turned on the communication system in the mask: "All the fighters except the fearless teleported onto the ship, and the rest will be handed over to me."

The looming figure is the afterimage left by Mark's quick action.

In the human state, Mark can only use props to improve himself. I have to say that Narud is still very helpful when he is a teammate.

Those black technologies of the Mobius Foundation are all in his mind, and now they are also equipped on Mark.This set is completely prepared for Mark's ghost combat uniform, but Narud has put all his efforts into it.

Tony, who arrived at the base first, glanced at the situation below and said, "Have you arrived yet? I saw you on the road before."

"Hey! I said Tony, what are you doing." Mark stood on a sentry tower and lifted his stealth.

Tony looked at Mark who suddenly appeared, and checked his observation system.But obviously there is no problem!

"How the hell did you get here, Mark?" Tony yelled at Mark.

Mark pointed to the new equipment on his body and said, "You don't think I won't upgrade for the rest of my life, do you?"

"Tch! Don't think that you can defeat me after updating your equipment! You must know that I am..."


Mark disappeared on the sentry tower while speaking, and when he reappeared, he had already aimed at a fearless man.

Ordinary soldiers couldn't participate in this kind of battle at all, and participating would only add to the chaos, so they chose to retreat directly.

Tony opened his hands, palms aimed at the Dreadnought's head.Attacked the fearless at close range.

"This kind of shock! I'm really not afraid of death! Tony, are you ready to die?" After Mark repelled the fearless with one shot, he looked in the direction of Tony and thought.

The impact at close range still poses a fatal threat to the fearless.Even though the shield has been opened, this kind of piercing damage has exceeded the standard!

Mark could clearly see that there were cracks on the Dauntless' breastplate!

"It's so cruel!" Mark is now completely acting with the fearless man, and his attention is not even on the fearless man.

But the fearless man does not feel pain after all. As a mechanical warrior, he lost the thing called the body.

The light blade almost brushed past, and if Tony hadn't opened the position in time, the arm would have been cut off directly.

"It's dangerous!" Tony also exclaimed in his heart.

"Tony, don't fight in close quarters. Those guys don't have any means of long-range attack, and the shield will be exhausted sooner or later. Now is the time to consume, don't kill yourself by then!"

"Hey! Who will kill yourself! Don't underestimate people." After pulling away from the distance, Tony started to fire with full force.The rocket missiles equipped inside and the armor-piercing projectiles equipped on the wrist were launched simultaneously, and the storm-like attacks hit the shield of the fearless man.

An explosive shooter like Tony is fully qualified for this kind of long-range attack.

It's a pity that this guy always has a heart for close combat.

"Of course I'm only talking about you bastard. If you're preparing for a close combat, you won't know how to die even once! If you want to fight in close quarters, quickly increase the strength of your armor!" Mark pointed at the position. There was a shot in the chest, which directly hit the core control system of the fearless.

The body of the fearless man fell directly to the ground and stopped moving.

"One point for the ghost! Zero point for the iron man!" Mark gave a thumbs down, turned his head and looked at Tony and said
"Don't underestimate the genius of the Stark family!" Tony's chest, which has been transformed, has become his most powerful main cannon.

The super energy blast crushed the Dreadnought.Even the shield of the Fearless still couldn't withstand the energy impact.The huge penetrating wound on the chest is the best proof.

The battle between Mark and Tony can be said to be quite fast, and the Dreadnought is not a powerful unit. Suffering damage beyond its own strength limit will also cause the processor to be unable to bear it, and thus be destroyed.

The remaining Dreadnoughts were quickly cleared away.However, these destroyed fearless people stopped the activation of the recovery system!

After all, Mark is still planning to recycle these fearless ones!If the recovery system is activated now, then these fearless people can completely say goodbye to themselves!

 so!People are fickle, but I never said that what I said at the beginning was the future.One day I want to end it unfinished, maybe the protagonist will die or something (the dog's head saves his life)
(End of this chapter)

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