Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 129 Shooting

Chapter 129 Shooting
Chapter 128 Shooting

Clay figurines have tempers too, not to mention that Mark is a living person.

Mark is not the kind of person who enjoys it. At least after experiencing so many things, he even hates certain things, wishing that he would stay as far away as possible, but some things will come to him. He is destined to be not an ordinary person. life.

This is actually how people are. Sometimes they are completely involuntary, and it is not as simple as you think.

Different locations, different environments, different factors, all superimposed together, the final result is completely unexpected.Some things happen that I dare not even write a novel about.

That's what he's going through now.


shooting scene.

Mark has put on the Captain America costume, holding the shield in his hand.Although it is a counterfeit, it is also made of metal.It is almost a 1:1 reduction. Tianmark's figure is not as strong as Steve's, but he is not the thin type.

After putting on the tights, it also feels quite good.

The picture taken today is the first meeting between Captain America and Soviet agents.The first meeting was naturally tense, full of gunpowder, and Natasha even shot directly.

The director is talking to Natasha about the scene that will be shown at that time.And Mark only needs to stand still and hold the shield, and raise the shield immediately after the gunshot.

With the slap of the track board, it officially started.

Natasha was full of momentum. After turning over a few sandbags with ease, she saw Mark who also turned over the sandbags.

Natasha shot immediately subconsciously, as if she was a newbie.Zhang Qingchun remembered that Mark was just about to raise his shield, but found blood splashing in front of his eyes.

I was hit by myself!

A sharp pain followed.

Natasha also had a look of surprise on her face.In order to get closer to the original situation, Natasha was indeed equipped with a real gun, but there was absolutely no bullet in the gun.

Air-firing had already been done before that, and it was even more unlikely that there was a bullet left in the pistol.

So when is this?
As Mark collapsed to the ground, the entire venue erupted in commotion.

The director didn't expect this kind of thing to happen at all, so he stopped shooting immediately and called an emergency number.

At this moment, a disgusting sound came from the loudspeaker at the shooting location.

"Mark, how about my gift for you? Hahaha, you should have aimed at my head instead of my heart. If that was the case, I might have died more completely. But now, the undead came to revenge Just wait, this is just the beginning! Wait for me to teach you to pull down the altar."

The familiar voice sounded again, and Mark knew exactly who it was?

Mark's face was also constantly changing, from surprise at the beginning to gnashing of teeth later.

Mark really regrets now why he didn't shoot the opponent's head, but chose to attack his heart.

On the edge of the shooting scene, a staff member walked into the changing room.The first love untied his work clothes and took off the work cap on his head.

A grinning face was on the vanity mirror, he rubbed his face, and soon the grim smile disappeared.


S.H.I.E.L.D. naturally knew what Mark did in a previous operation, and what happened this time is likely to be directly related to that operation.

The other party blatantly chose to use force to retaliate, SHIELD cannot just sit idly by.In any case, Mark is now also an instructor of S.H.I.E.L.D., an employee employed by S.H.I.E.L.D.

Mark was lying on the hospital bed, watching the news on the TV. It was the news about his being shot, and now it was spreading.

The first person to visit him in the hospital was Yrel. Tony was developing a new armor, so he couldn't come in person, but he asked Happy and Pepper to come.

But when the two of them came, it was equivalent to Tony coming in person.

Mark is really regretful now, regretting his carelessness.He never thought that after leaving that world, he would be so careless or even make such a major mistake.

This is the price you need to pay for laxity!
Mark likes the role of the clown quite a lot, but he only likes the angle of being a bystander.

If he becomes his opponent, Mark is definitely the kind of person who can get rid of him quickly.

Mark did exactly that, but Mark failed.

Ghost agents are not gods, what they have learned is the skills of killing people, how to kill people.

The Ghost Academy didn't even teach Mark them, anything other than killing people and how to carry out missions.

In the final analysis, it is a tool, but Mark is different from those tools. Mark has his own thoughts like Tosh.

What's the use if the level of psionic power exceeds the upper limit of human detection?Wasn't the Queen of Blades severely injured by the hybrid in the temple?

It can be said that it is quite difficult for Mark to meet such a guy who commits crimes with a high IQ.

Mark is not the dark knight who can release fear in the dark.He doesn't have the kind of abnormal detective ability, let alone the kind of IQ that can think everything through.

Mark can only choose a relatively simple and rude way, which is all Mark can do.

The wound has healed, but the disease in my heart cannot be eradicated.

After only one day in the hospital, Mark left the hospital directly.Even though the doctor tried to persuade him again and again, Mark finally insisted on going his own way.

After signing the waiver, Mark left the hospital quite smoothly.This may be the last concern of those doctors or hospitals!

After Mark was discharged from the hospital, he immediately set about preparing to fight back.

More than a dozen of them carried small invisible position detectors, flying 24 hours over New York City.

They have only one goal and one purpose, and that is to find Ace!Find this guy hiding behind the scenes.

But I still haven't found any clues about Ace, not at all.

But it's not without any gains. Mark put these detectors on standby at key positions. The next time Ace reappears, he will be unable to escape.

No matter what means he has, he can never escape Mark's pursuit.

However, the turmoil caused by the shooting did not end just because Mark was seriously injured and hospitalized.Things are far from as simple and easy to solve as imagined.

Especially after the audio played during the shooting was quickly spread, things got out of hand.

(End of this chapter)

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