Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 1221 It's time to end

Chapter 1221 It's time to end

Chapter 1240 It's All Over
The appearance of death at this moment seems to confirm all the fables, the inevitable death is like this.

And this day will not be recorded in history, it will only remain in the memory of some people.

When the body gradually dissipated and the gemstones were gradually revealed, the gods all showed joyful smiles. They thought that the gemstones would drift aimlessly to all parts of the universe, repelling each other just like at the beginning, and finally entered a new reincarnation , but gem doesn't seem to do it.

The gems are tightly condensed into one body, constantly creating a new body, which makes the gods fear. The gods watched the changes of the gems with horrified eyes, and they even planned to stop the gems and further shape this perfect body. body.

Perfect, perhaps this is a word that should not exist in this real world.

Because everything has flaws.

Even the gods are the same, they are not perfect or omniscient.

But when the gems condense, they can only feel the flawlessness of this body.

The unstoppable and irreversible momentum made them stop outside the energy field that kept them cohesive.

The consciousness of Nemesis emerged from the gem, gradually converging into a real entity.

Although she has never left this universe, it has brought her a different experience.

And now a new successor is about to be born.

The moment the body was completed, even the gods lowered their noble heads.

All the people knelt down on their own initiative, and in front of him, everyone was in awe from the deepest part of their hearts, and the light full of divinity enveloped everyone.

No matter what it is, there is no match for it.

Mark slowly opened his eyes, looking at the surrounding environment, he could still feel the fragility and helplessness of this space.

One's own power rolled unscrupulously in the space, but those gods could only use their own power to maintain the stability of the space as much as possible, but did not dare to make any thoughts of resistance.

Because they know that once this space is shattered, it will affect the outside world and cause terrible disasters. At that time, none of them will be able to survive in front of this newly born god.

Maybe when they realize that the Infinity Stones are going to create new gods, they should just let it go.

Unfortunately, it was all too late.

Wrong choice led to the present result.

It is impossible for Mark, who was forced to death, to let go of these lives that forced him to death. With just a thought, these gods were wiped out, and the space was more stable under the maintenance of its power.

He did not kill people who did not belong to this world, but sent them back to where they should be, without breaking the balance of parallel universes and multiverses.

He has now felt the power and perception that he couldn't feel at the beginning, and he has to think about the whole world more often.

After becoming omniscient and omnipotent, with absolute rationality, it will lose all the flashes of humanity.

This is the biggest difference between God and man.

Divinity must abandon humanity, and humanity cannot coexist with divinity.

Is that really the case?

If human nature is really abandoned, why is there any understanding of human nature?

The so-called divinity is nothing but human nature, or the definition of the weird character of God by creatures with human nature.

When the space disperses, when the war disappears.

Everything returned to the original point.

The land poisoned by war will also destroy that lush paradise.

Everyone is lamenting this powerful force, lamenting this great power.

"I am both a god and a man!"


The war or this battle ended in such a dramatic way that everyone was unexpected.

The only thing that is not surprising may be Gu Yi who already knew the result, which is why she came here with the power of darkness. She wants to resolve this battle as soon as possible to avoid a bigger conflict.

At the same time, she also obtained what she wanted most, and got rid of the shackles of darkness.

Everything seemed to come to a full stop.

In a distant farm, the farmer Mark walked to the dining table with a baking tray. The family members had been waiting for a long time at the big round table. The children clamored to watch cartoons, while the adults were talking to each other about recent events. .

Mark looked at the sweat on his head, smiled and said to the children in the distance: "Little guys, you can't watch TV, it's meal time, come over to eat obediently, or I will spank your ass .”

It would be too naive to expect children to be obedient immediately.

Only with a little threat of force, maybe the children will act faster.

But Mark hasn't touched any of their fingers since they were young, because their mother will teach them.

The children came to the dining table obediently, and they all hid in their grandpa's arms obediently.

Because they know that only grandpa can protect them from being beaten.

Mark shook his head helplessly, tore off the tin foil on the roast chicken and said, "This is the latest roast chicken I have learned, hurry up and try it."

Everyone picked up their own tableware and enjoyed a sumptuous dinner.

Cheers and laughter came from the farm, and everyone was immersed in joy.

Mark has followed an ordinary life that he has only barely earned until now.

Ordinary does not necessarily mean mediocrity, it can be wonderful and gorgeous.

Everyone's definition of ordinary people is different, and it is a wrong choice to use your own definition to measure others.

Recalling that many years ago, Mark was still a black account without even an identity, and now he has his own family.

I have a lover, a child, relatives, and a bunch of buddies who are far away, so what is there to be dissatisfied with?
Fate can no longer affect him, but his fate was indeed good.

After dinner, by the fire, Mark took out the fairy tales he had prepared a long time ago.

Sit on the sofa in advance and slowly open it, ready to tell the children this beautiful fairy tale.

But at this moment, a phone call came suddenly, and the name displayed on it looked at it.

Mark knew that his leisure time was over, so he put the story on the coffee table in front of the sofa, got up and shouted to his wife who was still busy in the kitchen: "I have to go out beforehand to read the children's bedtime stories, please. "

There was a murmur from the kitchen, but it was also fleeting.

The portal opens in front of you.

Mark walked into the portal and saw the busy Guardian Alliance.

In just a few years, many heroes and people have been absorbed here, and it is unbelievably busy.

All kinds of equipment have been filled in every corner, and the base is constantly expanding. From the beginning, it was just to deal with the crisis of the earth, and now the earth, the moon, the new earth and the new colony Mars that humans are about to open up are all on the ground. take care of.

However, the Guardian Alliance did not come from behind the scenes to the stage, and it was still the coalition government standing in front of the stage.

This seems to be a tacit understanding, a tacit understanding between the coalition government and the Guardian Alliance.No one breaks, and no one tries to break.

God has left.

God no longer cares about worldly affairs!
But this beautiful planet is still coveted by many things.

Until human beings are not strong enough, the disputes will not stop.

It is not a good thing to overthrow the seedlings, humans have their own evolutionary choices, which is why someone who is a god does not intend to intervene.

It's just that you think that not everything is as simple as you think.

"Tony, what's the matter?" Mark walked into the meeting room, and the meeting room was filled with familiar people.

Among them, the little spider is also married and has found the other half he likes.

It's just that the child is nowhere in sight, and Mark feels that he should urge him again.

Tony also has a second child, Steve's child has also been born, Mark has become his godfather,
Thor also has a child, but it has not yet been born, and the future will be the crown prince of Asgard.Thor is also actively trying to find a new place to live for the people, and even intends to directly create a new world.

Stephen Strange drastically reformed the mage system, making everything less rigid and difficult than before.

Let more people learn spells, and there are even professional spell schools.But definitely not the western type, boarding school, no talking owls, no old gentlemen with white beards, and no cool students with lightning scars on their heads.

The Hulk also has a family of his own, and Natasha has found a home.

Everything is going in a good direction, and everyone's faces are full of joy.

Tony looked at Mark who walked in and said, "These things are related to you. After all, if it wasn't related to you, I wouldn't call you. Our respected god."

Tony's character who would die if he didn't joke around, probably won't change in a few decades.

Mark took what Tony handed over, looked at the record on it, and said with a smile, "Dimension expansion? You really have it."

"The point is not us, but those people. Those guys in the dark dimension have no intention of letting us go. You can't say that this matter has nothing to do with you, can you? No matter what you say, your wife is the lord of the light dimension."

"Okay! Then think about marching into the dark dimension!" Mark was forced to go to Liangshan.

Everyone also laughed.


Heroes also have ordinary lives that belong to heroes, just like Mark has found the meaning and true meaning of his life.

When you are named a hero, your life is already what you are.

And Protoss has also become the real eldest son of God in this universe, ready to follow mankind to the dark dimension.

They will create new legends in this universe, and they will also fully integrate into this universe and become a part of this universe.


(End of this chapter)

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