Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 1219 is here

Chapter 1219 is here

Chapter 1238
As the saying goes, working with men and women is not tiring, especially the pillow people who are too familiar with each other.

The combination of the two is flawless.

As soon as Thor hit a beautiful home run on one side, the other side followed up and chased it.

Rhodes and the little raccoon, who were recuperating in the field hospital at this time, also opened their mouths wide when they saw this scene.

"It's so beautiful!" said the little raccoon excitedly.

Rhodes didn't expect this little raccoon to be an LSP, and asked in surprise, "Do you still like humans?"

"What are you talking about? I mean their cooperation is so beautiful, don't you humans have anything else in your brain besides that kind of thing?" Rhodes was a little embarrassed when he was said that.

In fact, Rhodes can't be blamed for this matter. Rhodes was also an honest person before, but he has been with Stark all the time, so there will be more or less.

The little raccoon won't admit that he doesn't have that thing at all, so he can't do anything even if he thinks about it.

The nurse who was in charge of taking care of the two of them injected the liquid from the last needle into their bodies, and then said to them: "Your bodies only need to rest for a while to recover. But you must not On to the battlefield."

The little raccoon and Rhodes looked at each other, you look at me, I see that neither of you is idle, Rhodes asked: "Miss, what will happen if we go to the battlefield?"

"Vigorous exercise will cause the toxin to spread throughout your body, and the medicine will not be able to eradicate it in a short period of time. The final result is that you will be poisoned to death." The nurse gave them a white look, and then said something happened.

The Rockets and Rhodes finally gave up their decision to go to the battlefield again.

In comparison, life is still very important.
If they had to go to the battlefield at the last critical moment, the two of them would fight with their lives to go.

Two thunder gods in the sky are fighting each other, the king of the dark elves.

Alarak, who was holding a light blade on the ground, looked at Thanos standing in front of him with high fighting spirit.

He had also heard before that there was such a terrifying strong man, and now he finally had the opportunity to challenge such a strong man.

But Ta'darin never fought alone.

The death fleet appeared in the air, and countless dead apostles appeared beside him. The bright red lines connected him, not only from the death fleet but also from the dead apostles on the ground, and some connections even spread to the side army of the dead.

The more connected units, the stronger Alarak's fighting power will be.

This is why Tadalin's leapfrog challenge is so difficult, and the power in each person's hands is fixed.

After all, the entire Tadarin cake is so big, if you want to win more power, you have to instigate other people.

Sometimes, however, there may be betrayal.

Thanos looked at Alarak who had extremely high energy in front of him, and he also thought that this opponent was worth fighting with all his strength.

As for Mark, if he is smart in a short time, he will not intervene in the battlefield.

Thanos knew that Mark used the Infinity Stone just now.Although he didn't suffer any fatal injuries on the surface, he should be very weak now.

Alarak and Thanos fought together, the red light, the purple light, and the successive shock waves caused all objects in a radius of ten meters to be blown away.

A radius of ten meters is the restricted area created by the two of them!

A figure suddenly appeared behind Mark, and Mark could feel that this was not an enemy.A spike pierces Mark's back, it's Kerrigan.

The feeding fluid kept pouring into Mark's body, Kerrigan gave himself a gift.

"Thank you!" Mark said, turning to Kerrigan.

"I have to tell you good news, I'm not the only one here." Kerrigan pointed to the sky.

The transport plane of the Devil of Heaven flashed across the sky and an airdrop pod descended from the sky, and it was the Devil of Heaven squad that walked out of the airdrop pod.

"Who called the emergency mercenaries!" Tychus opened his mask, and cigar smoke spewed out from the mask, it's hard to imagine how this guy endured.

"Stay away from me, the smell of cigarettes disgusts me," Nova said.

"Hahaha!" Tychus smiled while raising the heavy machine gun in his hand, and began to shoot.

Countless bullet casings were thrown out, and the bullets formed a steel storm, harvesting wave after wave of life.

Nova squatted down, and fired a single shot in a line. All the units were completely penetrated, and there was not even a scum left.

A few thick beams of light descended from the sky, Artanis is back!

The white robe on Artanis' body was stained with mud. He walked up to Mark step by step, and opened his shield and war blade.

"For Al!"

"For Al!"

The language and meaning that I didn't understand until I arrived in that world.

Sworn to defend their hometown and family.

Alarak just swung a red energy shock wave, but Thanos couldn't hit it with the weapon in his hand, and then broke through the energy shock, hitting Alarak's chest with a punch.

Part of the dark matter breastplate on Alarak's body was shattered. Seeing that the situation was not good, Artanis rushed into the battlefield with a blue hurricane on his body.

At this level of battle, only people of the same level can intervene.

Although Artanis is the youngest archbishop, he used his excellent commanding ability and strength to tell everyone that his identity is not based on relationships.

Wind of Resurgence, which heals all nearby friendly units.However, it extremely tests the user's spiritual energy reserve.

Alarak got a sip of milk from his wife, and immediately became more energetic.

Tsundere snorted coldly and rushed towards Thanos again.

The double blades slashed at Thanos' neck. Thanos raised the blade in his hand to block the attack, and slowly pushed it back with his terrifying strength.

Artanis would not let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. A charge came to Thanos' flank, and the white light blade in his hand stretched out, drawing a deep wound on Thanos' waist.

There is nothing on the battlefield that does not talk about Wude.

A force erupted from Thanos' body and bounced the two away. He stretched out his hand to touch the wound on his waist, and watched Xue Ye frowned.

Thanos' armor began to attach slowly, which showed that he was serious.


A head made of huge black matter hangs in the distance. Stephen really doesn't want to meet this guy, but these guys will have a battle sooner or later, and he knows this very well.

"Dormam, I'm here..." Before Stephen could finish speaking, a flame of anger had already attacked Stephen.

Dormammu naturally knew that this guy was here to delay time, and his body began to shrink continuously, eventually becoming about the same size as Stephen.

It's just that his body is also burning with raging flames, and his head is like a skeleton, and all the hollow places are filled with flames.

"If you can hand over that woman, maybe I can leave here now! Stephen!" Dormammu said.

Stephen naturally knew who that woman was, and he didn't want to hand it over without mentioning it first. Even Mark, the real master here, couldn't have taught her.

And it is impossible for him to betray his friend.

"I don't have the habit of betraying my friends!"

"You don't have the habit of betraying your friends, but there are people around you who are willing. Am I right? Modu colluded with the Demon Realm to kill his master, trying to grab the position of the supreme mage with his younger brother. Although your ambition is great, but You are too incompetent to allow you to support the completion of this plan. But now I give you this chance, a chance to regain your power. Now join my camp, I will use the power of darkness Lend it to you."

If it was before, Modu might really agree, but now... everything has changed.

Stephen was not shaken at all, nor did he doubt him at all, and looked at Modu with a smile.

Modu also responded with a smile.

"It doesn't matter whether it's the power of darkness or the power of light, as long as it can protect what we want to protect, it's all the same. The position of Supreme Mage is just a false name. And as long as I want, Stephen can give me this position at any time. A Why should I pay such a high price for something that is easily available?" Modu sneered.

Anger at the failure of the plan prompted Dormammu to attack Mordo first.

Modu's side immediately supported the spell shield and tried to block it. The powerful dark energy kept hitting the shield, and it seemed that Modu would not be able to support it.

Stephen floated over at this time, opened a larger shield, and blocked the attack.

The two looked at each other, and then the shield began to change in the air, turning into a huge spear and spearing towards Domamu.

Dormammu did not expect that the opponent could not only block his own attack, but even complete a counterattack.

There is also surprise under the anger.

It's just that although the spear penetrated Dormammu's body, it didn't cause any substantial damage to him.

He can only be restrained, he is temporarily unable to move.

"It's useless. Your attacks can only limit my actions at most, but they can't cause fatal damage to me. Unless that woman is here."

"Then who told you that I'm not here!" Yrel threw the sledgehammer in his hand after speaking.

Pregnancy is true, but the long reproductive cycle is there, and it is still time to move, as long as there is no serious injury, it is fine.

Mark didn't know, and if he knew, it would be absolutely impossible for her to come.

Stephen has nothing to do. If he refuses to agree, let other mages open the portal. It is not safe to let other mages open the portal. It is better to do it yourself.

Stephen thought very openly about this.

(End of this chapter)

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